Learning patterns/Three Different Models of Wikipedia Assignments
What problem does this solve?
[edit]We observed that university instructors hesitate giveing Wikipedia assignments for very different reasons. Some instructors would like to give very structured assignments to their students, whereas some others do not want to give any extra work to the students. When talking with university professors on the benefits of giving wikipedia assigments one should be aware of different attitudes.
What is the solution?
[edit]We observed that three different main ways of wikipedia assigments are given. According to the attitude of the professor one of these could be receommended.
Assignment: Find what is the best way you could contribute to wiki-projects (checking grammar, verifying sources, adding new articles, adding images to the articles….) and start contributing. Report on your experience.
Benefit: Introduces students to contributing open sources, make the students understand crowd-sourcing sources better; help them in developing digital skills
Assignment: Write/improve a wikipedia article about any topic you wish.
Benefit: Helps students in developing their writing skills, encourage them on becoming producer of knowledge
Assignment: Create/improve an article you were assigned about the subjects covered in the course.
Benefit: Students search and understand better the topic covered in the lessons, develop writing skills, learning referencing