Books by Erik Ondria
Príbehy zastaveného času 2, 2022
Publikáciu z verejných zdrojov podporil Fond na podporu umenia.
Župčany v premenách času, 2018
Catalogues by Erik Ondria
Manévre v roku 1911 v okolí Stropkova a Svidníka a boje o mesto Stropkov v prvej svetovej vojne, 2022
Výstava Manévre v roku 1911 v okolí Stropkova a Svidníka a boje o mesto Stropkov v prvej svetovej... more Výstava Manévre v roku 1911 v okolí Stropkova a Svidníka a boje o mesto Stropkov v prvej svetovej vojne ..
Papers by Erik Ondria
Spoločnosť a dejiny VI. (pamiatky - knižná kultúra - pramene), 2024
Múzeum, 2023
Sphragistic and heraldic objects in the collections of our museums represent a significant source... more Sphragistic and heraldic objects in the collections of our museums represent a significant source from the point of view of a wide spectrum of historical topics. By applying an interdisciplinary approach it is possible to make use of their scientific potential in several specialised scientific branches, especially in diplomatics, art history, numismatics, iconography, archontology, epigraphy and phaleristics. The range and character of knowledge, which we can obtain thanks to them, enhances the value and the significance of this kind of collection items. This contribution is devoted to the presentation of an individual specialised collection "Sphragistics" administered by the District Museum in Prešov.
Museologica literaria 2021, 2022
Múzeum, 2023
V zbierkových fondoch múzeí a iných pamäťových a fondových inštitúcií sú často zastúpené numizmat... more V zbierkových fondoch múzeí a iných pamäťových a fondových inštitúcií sú často zastúpené numizmatické zbierky. Tieto kolekcie či súbory mincí vychádzali zo zberateľskej činnosti jednotlivcov alebo inštitúcií ako celku. Príspevok je zameraný na priblíženie dejín zbierky Numizmatika v správe Krajského múzea v Prešove. Popri vzniku, vývoji a dejinách tejto zbierky sa v texte zameriame aj na základnú obsahovú analýzu najvýznamnejších evidovaných predmetov či ich múzejnej prezentácie.
Múzeum, 2022
Príspevok približuje život zberateľa Pavla Košíka, ako aj prezentačnú a výstavnú činnosť, ktorá v... more Príspevok približuje život zberateľa Pavla Košíka, ako aj prezentačnú a výstavnú činnosť, ktorá vychádzala predovšetkým z jeho iniciatívy. V texte sa budeme zaoberať aj predmetmi kultúrnej hodnoty z hasičských dejín, ktoré P. Košík získaval počas celého svojho života a ktoré sa neskôr dostali do zbierok Múzea Slovenskej republiky rád, dnešného Krajského múzea v Prešove. Keďže počet predmetov, ktoré múzeum v Prešove od Pavla Košíka nadobudlo, je veľký, dôraz pri ich analýze a popisovaní bude kladený na tie najcennejšie a najmarkantnejšie z nich.
Dejiny, 2022
Jonáš Záborský in the collections of the Regional Museum in Prešov. The personality, activities a... more Jonáš Záborský in the collections of the Regional Museum in Prešov. The personality, activities and work of Jonáš Záborský have been dealt with in the past by a number of authors from various disciplines. Some museums have also been interested in scientific research and acquisition activities related to this Slovak national leader and his life, or in objects related to him. During the second half of the 20 th century, the Regional Museum in Prešov, formerly the Museum of the Slovak Republic, also had the field of literary history as part of its scientific research and acquisition priorities. The personality of Jonáš Záborský thus fell within the sphere of interest of the Prešov museum staff. The paper focuses on the analysis and presentation of selected collection objects of the Regional Museum in Prešov with reference to the person of Jonáš Záborský and his activities in eastern Slovakia.
Non scholae, sed vitae discimus... (školstvo – knižná kultúra – osobnosti), 2022
Activities and operation of school inspectorate in the Prešov 1 district (1919-1940) The school i... more Activities and operation of school inspectorate in the Prešov 1 district (1919-1940) The school inspectorates have made influential work after birth of Czechoslovakia in 1918 in the field of education and school building in this new country. In the head of the school inspectorates were school inspectors and other subordinated officials who did wide spread of administration work in their districts. This contribution is dedicated to analyses of activities of school inspectorate in the Prešov 1 district in years 1919-1940. We focused our attention marginally at school inspectorate in the Prešov 2 district because territorial jurisdiction of school inspectorates in Šariš County was changing in observed time period. We will also take a look at personalities of school inspectors who help to increase development of education and culture in Šariš.
Múzeum, 2021
Krajské múzeum v Prešove Predmety z radov militárií, resp. predmety vojenskej povahy používané v ... more Krajské múzeum v Prešove Predmety z radov militárií, resp. predmety vojenskej povahy používané v dejinách, môžeme nájsť takmer v každom múzeu. Podľa ich konkrétnej povahy však nemusia byť v každej inštitúcii koncentrované do samostatnej zbierky. Príspevok približuje založenie, vývoj, ale aj súčasný stav zbierky militárií v Krajskom múzeu v Prešove. Zameriavam sa pritom na jej obsahové zloženie a podstatu, najvýznamnejšie predmety, ktoré sú v nej evidované, ako aj na spôsob ich prezentácie, resp. okrajovo aj na spôsob uloženia v depozitárnych priestoroch či v závere ďalšie možné smerovanie akvizičného procesu zbierky militárií.
Historický časopis, 2022
ONDRIA, Erik. Relations between Republic of Cyprus and Czechoslovak Socialist Republic in 1960 – ... more ONDRIA, Erik. Relations between Republic of Cyprus and Czechoslovak Socialist Republic in 1960 – 1964. Historický časopis, 2022, 70, 2, pp. 305-330, Bratislava.
The theme of this contribution is the beginning of Czechoslovak – Cypriot relations, which were formally established after the birth of the Republic of Cyprus in 1960. We focus on the years 1960 – 1964, which we regard as the years on the one hand of the creation and on the other hand as years of the development of relations on the highest level between the two countries (reciprocally promotion of their representations at rank of embassy). We dedicate increased attention to political relations and a short description of the primary lines or vectors of progress of other forms of Czechoslovak – Cypriot relations. Cultural relations, business relations and scientific and technical cooperation between the two countries were also objects of our attention.
Liber-Verbum-Monumentumque IV. , 2021
Dejiny, 2021
Tombstones and monuments to Jonáš Záborský in Župčany. Each cultural nation commemorates its impo... more Tombstones and monuments to Jonáš Záborský in Župčany. Each cultural nation commemorates its important historians and representatives who have been recorded in history, or rather created history of their own nation, in various ways. Celebrations, reverential acts, anniversaries and the unveiling of monuments or memorials are in this respect among the most common honors of the memory of any important person. Jonáš Záborský is undoubtedly one of the leading figures in Slovak national history. In Župčany, the village in which he worked, where he wrote the vast majority of his literary and historical work and where he is buried, several tombstones or other memorials are commemorating the work and activities of this Slovak nationalist were discovered on the anniversaries of Záborský's death or birth during the 19 th and 20 th centuries. The article focuses mainly on the presentation of individual monuments to Jonáš Záborský in the village of Župčany and the genesis of their gradual creation.
Spoločnosť a dejiny IV. Pramene - osobnosti - kultúra, 2021
Historické rozhľady, 2018
Hranice a pohraničia: ambivalentný charakter pohraničných území 2., 2019
Život na periférii Východné Slovensko v prúdení času, 2020
Zborník je výstupom z riešenia grantovej úlohy APVV-15-0036 Východné Slovensko v 19. a 20. storoč... more Zborník je výstupom z riešenia grantovej úlohy APVV-15-0036 Východné Slovensko v 19. a 20. storočí vo vzťahu centra a periférie.
Books by Erik Ondria
Catalogues by Erik Ondria
Papers by Erik Ondria
The theme of this contribution is the beginning of Czechoslovak – Cypriot relations, which were formally established after the birth of the Republic of Cyprus in 1960. We focus on the years 1960 – 1964, which we regard as the years on the one hand of the creation and on the other hand as years of the development of relations on the highest level between the two countries (reciprocally promotion of their representations at rank of embassy). We dedicate increased attention to political relations and a short description of the primary lines or vectors of progress of other forms of Czechoslovak – Cypriot relations. Cultural relations, business relations and scientific and technical cooperation between the two countries were also objects of our attention.
The theme of this contribution is the beginning of Czechoslovak – Cypriot relations, which were formally established after the birth of the Republic of Cyprus in 1960. We focus on the years 1960 – 1964, which we regard as the years on the one hand of the creation and on the other hand as years of the development of relations on the highest level between the two countries (reciprocally promotion of their representations at rank of embassy). We dedicate increased attention to political relations and a short description of the primary lines or vectors of progress of other forms of Czechoslovak – Cypriot relations. Cultural relations, business relations and scientific and technical cooperation between the two countries were also objects of our attention.