The Shoe Fitting (1918) by Franz Xaver Simm Mar 30 4 notes The Shoe Fitting19181910sFranz Xaver SimmshoefittingservantmaidMiss Cromwell
Alexei Romanov by Svetlana Tartakovska (*1979) Mar 30 7 notes Alexei RomanovSvetlana TartakovskaartpaintingRomanovcontemporaryMiss Cromwell
Point of Turning by Alexandra Tyng (*1954) Mar 29 5 notes Point of TurningAlexandra TyngartpaintingcontemporaryMiss Cromwell
Two Mothers (1905-06) by Vladimir Makovsky Mar 29 5 notes Two Mothers190519061900sVladimir MakovskyartpaintingMiss Cromwell
Princess Sofia Alexeyevna a Year after her Incarceration in the Novodevichy Convent during the Execution of the Streltsys and the Torturing of All Her Servants in 1698 (1879) by Ilya Repin Mar 28 18 notes Princess Sofia Alexeyevna18791870sIlya RepinRepinartpaintingMiss Cromwell
Princess Tarakanova (c. 1864) by Konstantin FlavitskyPrincess Tarakanova claimed to be the daughter of Empress Elizabeth and a pretender to the Russian throne. She died in prison in 1775.The painting depicts the legend that she was killed by a flood in 1777. Mar 28 6 notes Princess Tarakanova18641860sKonstantin FlavitskyartpaintingMiss Cromwell
Portrait of Vera Repina, the Artist’s Wife (1878) by Ilya Repin Mar 27 41 notes Portrait of Vera Repina The Artist's Wife18781870sIlya Repinartpaintingportraitportrait paintingMiss Cromwell
Did You Ever Kill Anybody Father? (1883) by Frank Holl Mar 27 131 notes Did You Ever Kill Anybody Father?18831880sFrank HollpaintingartMiss Cromwell
Winding The Mantle Clock (c. 1875-80) by Alfred Stevens Mar 26 6 notes Winding The Mantle Clock1870s1880sAlfred StevensartpaintingclockMiss Cromwell