
Data Science, global business, management and MBA


テクノロジーを核とした企業成長が求められる中、トップマネジメントがテクノロジーを深く理解することは不可欠だと思っている。テクノロジーに精通していない場合、以下の3つの課題が生じ、企業の成長を妨げる要因となりうる。 1. 判断の誤り:似非技術情報…

Day 152 MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, AI for business 4 "Framework for AI business"

AI Framework New AI business idea with framework Presentation design is pretty personal and cultural. It depends on your preference about design, complexity of messages and organizational culture. Even with completely same message, the bes…

Day 151 in MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, Choice point 10 "A Man of All Seasons"

A Man For All Seasons (Modern Classics) (English Edition) 作者:Bolt, Robert Methuen Drama Amazon Story "A Man for All Seasons" is a play written by Robert Bolt in 1960. The play is set in the 16th century and is based on the true story of …

Day 150 in MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, Choice point 9 "Frankenstein"

Frankenstein (Penguin Classics) 作者:Shelley, Mary Penguin Classics Amazon Story Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus, is a novel written by Mary Shelley, first published in 1818. It tells the story of Victor Frankenstein, a young scient…

Day 149 in MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, M&A 13 "SPAC"

A Special Purpose Acquisition Company (SPAC) is a type of investment vehicle that allows public market investors to participate in the initial public offering (IPO) and merger and acquisition (M&A) processes. SPACs are essentially shell co…

Day 148 MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, The art of leading 5 "Collective creativity and how to communicate with people"

Improvisational Model An Improvisational Model of Change Management The challenges and misconceptions surrounding technology-based change in organizations. According to the authors, traditional models of managing technological change, whic…

Day 147 in MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, Financial Market Dynamics and Human Behavior 7 - "Impact investing"

Impact investing 101 Impact investing, particularly in the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) field, refers to the practice of investing in companies and funds with the intention to generate a measurable, beneficial social or envi…

Day 146 in MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, Choice point 8 "In a Penal Colony"

In the Penal Colony 作者:Kafka, Franz Independently published Amazon In the Penal Colony (English Edition) 作者:Kafka, Franz Amazon Story "In the Penal Colony," a short story by Franz Kafka, is set on an island where a severe penal system …

Day 145 in MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, Financial Market Dynamics and Human Behavior 6 - "Financial Crisis"

Adaptive Market Theory (AMT) provides a useful framework for understanding the impact of black swan events on financial markets. Black swan events are rare, unpredictable, and have severe consequences, which makes them difficult to anticip…

Day 144 MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, The art of leading 4 "Conversational Action Model"

David Kantor David Kantor was a renowned American family therapist, organizational consultant, and psychologist who developed the "Conversational Action Model," which is a way of analyzing and understanding human interactions in various co…

Day 143 in MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, M&A 12 "Company Selling Process"

www.hbs.edu We wrap up our journey to learn M&A process with reviewing the whole process by looking at small and middle size deals. When you sell your company to typical buyers such as strategic buyers and PE firms, you need to consider th…

Day 142 MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, ChatGPT 3 "No code advanced techniques in ChatGPT"

Interactive Improvements in CommunicationImproved interaction between ChatGPT and humans can lead to better overall outcomes. Here are some examples of how you can enhance the communication process: 1.Iterative question-answering: Refine y…

Day 141 MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, The art of leading 3 "Visual Thinking Strategies: VTS"

vtshome.org Concepts Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) is a teaching method that promotes critical thinking, communication, and visual literacy skills by encouraging students to examine and analyze visual art or other images. Developed by c…

Day 140 MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, ChatGPT 2 "Basics of Prompt Engineering"

What is "prompt engineering"? Prompt engineering is a relatively new discipline for developing and optimizing prompts to efficiently use language models (LMs) for a wide variety of applications and research topics. Prompt engineering skill…

Day 139 in MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, M&A 11 "Public to Private"

Outback LBO deal by Bain Capital In 2007, Bain Capital partnered with Catterton Partners and other investors to execute a leveraged buyout (LBO) of OSI Restaurant Partners, the parent company of Outback Steakhouse. OSI Restaurant Partners …

Day 138 in MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, Financial Market Dynamics and Human Behavior 5 - "Hedge fund"

Hedge fund Hedge fund is the unique and interesting player to help you understand the physics of Adaptive Market Theory. Hedge fund: Pools capital from investors. Uses diverse strategies for high returns. Charges performance and management…

Day 137 in MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, Choice point 7 "CASABLANCA"

カサブランカ(字幕版) ハンフリー・ボガート Amazon Story Casablanca is a 1942 American romantic drama film directed by Michael Curtiz and starring Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman, and Paul Henreid. Set during World War II, the story revolv…

Day 136 MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, M&A and PE 10 "Technical M&A by PE"

How we should evaluate technical capability in M&A from PE perspective? Is there enough room to improve? How was the price? Over-pricing or underestimated? We reviewed three acquistion targets, Seagate-Hard drive manufacturers, McAfee, and…

Day 135 MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, The art of leading 2 "Kegan: stages of development"

Constructive Developmental Theory peterpruyn.medium.com Today, we learned about how to relate with people and demonstrated some exercise to equip us with some frameworks in practice. Kegan's developmental theory is a framework that describ…

Day 134 MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, M&A and PE 9 "LBO modeling"

LBO modeling Leveraged Buyout (LBO) modeling is a key tool used by private equity (PE) firms to evaluate the potential acquisition of a company using a significant amount of debt. The goal is to achieve high returns by using leverage, impr…

Day 133 in MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, Financial Market Dynamics and Human Behavior 4 - "Evolution, the origin of behaviour"

Adaptive behaviour Modern sharks appeared 100m years ago. In all the races, the great white charks are number one. The great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) is an incredible testament to the power and adaptability of nature's apex pre…

Day 132 MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, ChatGPT 1 "The Impending Training Data Shortage in the ChatGPT Era: Challenges and Consequences""

The ChatGPT era has revolutionized artificial intelligence and language processing, but with these advancements comes a new set of challenges. One of the most pressing concerns is the future shortage of training data. In this article, we'l…

Day 131 in MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, Choice point 6 "Remains of the day"

日の名残り (ハヤカワepi文庫) 作者:カズオ・イシグロ,土屋 政雄 早川書房 Amazon The Remains of the Day (FF Classics) (English Edition) 作者:Ishiguro, Kazuo Faber & Faber Amazon Summary by Chatbot "Remains of the Day" is a novel by Kazuo Ishig…

Day 130 MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, Leadership seminar "Game changing leader"

sloanreview.mit.edu The challenges that many established and successful companies face in today's rapidly changing business environment, particularly with the increasing pace of digitalization. To succeed in leading organizational transfor…

Day 129 MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, The art of leading "Observe jazz session and mindset"

Today is the first day of the class, the Art of Leading. This class uses the MIT Leadership Capabilities model with processes from arts and design using cases, discussion, and experiential sessions that translate the capabilities into prac…

Day 128 MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, M&A and PE 8 "Private Equity"

Fund setup Private Equity is a group of investors pools their money together to purchase ownership stakes in companies that are not publicly traded (i.e., not listed on a stock exchange). The group of investors is typically organized as a …

Day 127 in MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, Choice point 5 "The secret sharer"

Main story The Secret Sharer (Illustrated) (English Edition) 作者:Conrad, Joseph Amazon Here is a summary by ChatGPT. "The Secret Sharer" is a short story written by Joseph Conrad, first published in 1910. The story is about a young sea ca…

Day 126 MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, M&A and PE 7 "Active investors and strategic discrepancy"

Valeant, Allergan and Ackman: overview from ChatGPT www.reuters.com In 2014, Valeant Pharmaceuticals International made an unsolicited bid to acquire Allergan, a company specializing in aesthetic medicine, for $47 billion. Allergan rejecte…

Day 125 MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, AI for business 3 "Formula for AI value"

www.youtube.com Formula Problem statement If from <input> we could know <output>, then <someone> could derive a benefit by Inputs(X) What are the inputs X? What does X fail to encode? What problems might this create? Outputs(Y) How is Y constructed? - Automation </someone></output>…

Day 124 MIT Sloan Fellows Class 2023, CSAIL Thesis defence2, Harni Suresh - How to prevent unintentional consequence from AI -

A framework for understanding sources of harm throughout the Machine Learning Life Cycle As I introduced several times, I am really interested in data quality and its impact on AI. www.youtube.com Academic article: A Framework for Understa…