• every other week a beautiful beloved mutual of mine pulls yet another offputting white guy outta their ass and puts him on my dash with the fervour of an ancient crackpot philosopher hammering his new doctrine onto the temple doors

  • linkedin offers are like we looove fast paced environments we love quick and dynamic and we pride ourselves in adjusting to today’s tech driven world <3. then as soon as you click on it ‘Tis I, the humble seeker of laborers. To pass through the sacred gateway of employment and set foot upon the swift-moving realm in which thou dost profess to flourish, thou must first scribe, again and yet again, the same wearisome drivel upon thy parchment, each missive alike, yet slightly askew. Aye, the ink must be drawn from the very heart of a venomous serpent. Where such a beast might be found in these lowly parts, I know not. May fortune smile upon thee, for I shall not summon thee hence.