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In this Issue

Table of Contents

  1. How Wealth Inequality Shapes Our Future
  2. Fabian T. Pfeffer, Robert F. Schoeni
  3. pp. 2-22
  1. Inequality and Mobility Using Income, Consumption, and Wealth for the Same Individuals
  2. Jonathan Fisher, David Johnson, Jonathan P. Latner, Timothy Smeeding, Jeffrey Thompson
  3. pp. 44-58
  1. Is the U.S. Retirement System Contributing to Rising Wealth Inequality?
  2. Sebastian Devlin-Foltz, Alice Henriques, John Sabelhaus
  3. pp. 59-85
  1. Does Your Home Make You Wealthy?
  2. Alexandra Killewald, Brielle Bryan
  3. pp. 110-128