In this Issue
- 2019
- Issue
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Expeditions with MCUP is an online academic journal that offers authors a forum for the debate of trending domestic and international topics. Expeditions with MCUP will have all the advantages of a scholarly journal, including peer review and expert editing, but in a shorter time frame than a traditional print journal. Our authors will discuss the full spectrum of themes within the context of national security, international relations, and geopolitics as they apply to and impact the Department of Defense, the Department of the Navy, and the U.S. Marine Corps directly and indirectly.

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Marine Corps University Pressviewing issue
2019Table of Contents
- The “Finely-Honed Blade”: Clausewitz and Boyd on Friction and Moral Factors
- Originally published: 2020
- Limited Wars in the Periphery: The Dilemma of American Military Assistance
- Originally published: 2020
- pp. 1-17
- Military Competition between the United States and China in the South China Sea: A Critical Analysis
- Originally published: 2020
- pp. 1-18
- How Can the United States Move toward Gender-Neutral Special Forces? Lessons from the Norwegian Military
- Originally published: 2020
- pp. 1-19
- Freedom’s “Flying Snake”: The AIM-9 Sidewinder in the Cold War
- Originally published: 2021
- pp. 1-27
- Lake Chad: Changing Hydrography, Violent Extremism, and Climate-Conflict Intersection
- Originally published: 2020
- pp. 1-30
- To Win without Fighting: Defining China’s Political Warfare
- Originally published: 2020
- pp. 1-34
- The Operational Warfare Revolution: How Operational Art Can Prepare the Marine Corps for an Era of Great Power Competition
- Originally published: 2020
- pp. 1-39
- The Desert War: Marine Corps Aviation in Desert Storm, January–February 1991
- Originally published: 2021
- pp. 1-49