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This issue contains 28 articles in total

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  1. The Rutledge Prize 2024: For Graduate Students Giving Papers at the SCLA Conference
  2. Contemporary Literary and Cultural Theory: An Overview by Jeffrey Di Leo (review)
  3. The Cosmos in Cosmopolitanism by Nikos Papastergiadis (review)
  4. Niobes: Antiquity, Modernity, Critical Theory by Mario Telò; Andrew Benjamin (review)
  5. Cosmopolitan Love: Utopian Vision in D.H. Lawrence and Eileen Chang by Sijia Yao (review)
  6. Antisemitism and Racism: Ethical Challenges for Psychoanalysis by Stephen Frosh (review)
  7. On Extinction: Beginning Again at the End by Ben Ware (review)
  8. Free Indirect: The Novel in Postfictional Age by Timothy Bewes (review)
  9. Siting Postcoloniality: Critical Perspectives from the East Asian Sinosphere ed. by Pheng Cheah and Caroline S. Hau (review)
  10. Death and Love in 8 Femmes
  11. Difference With: Foreignness in the Margins of Girolamo Naselli's pseudo-Montaigne
  12. Prosopopoeia as a figure for (textual) survival
  13. The Chinese Proust
  14. Making A Way Out of No Way: Hurston's Indigenous Inspirations
  15. "Clothe you his body, he will help to apparel your mind": Imitation and Narcissism in Cynthia's Revels
  16. Hermeneutics of the Proud
  17. Structuring Boundaries: Inner Kingdoms and Global Empires in Early-Twentieth Century Latin American and Japanese Literatures
  18. Frantz Fanon and Hannah Arendt: Anger and Racism
  19. The Right to Anger: Higher Education in Pursuit of Justice with a Vengeance
  20. "The Sound of That Rage": Bell hooks, James Baldwin, and the Sonic Pedagogies of Black Rage
  21. Dalit Anger and the Unsurpassable Passages in the Works of Manoranjan Byapari
  22. "My Anger is Many-Layered": Affective intensities & the Assault on Narrativity in Experimental (Meta)fiction
  23. A Descent into the Gyre
  24. Black Radical Aesthetics of Violence and the Resistance of Being in Gwendolyn Brooks' Maud Martha
  25. Ennui, Sovereignty, Revolt: The Politics of Negative Affect in Pascal and Heidegger
  26. Othering Anger: Spenser's Stoic Colonialism
  27. The Critical Productivity of Anger in Christine de Pizan's Book of the City of Ladies
  28. Editor's Column: Anger's Edge
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