T's tropical undergrowth leg tattoo references

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This is called the Gooty Sapphire Ornamental Tree Spider (Poecilotheria metallica) and even its name is all fancy. They're insanely rare, too, only being found in a single location which is severely fragmented. The extent of occurrence is less than 100 km2. Habitat: Southeastern India and Sri Lanka Status: Critically Endangered
De Profundis Clamavi
adorablespiders: Poecilotheria ornata, Fringed Ornamental tarantula image source
Black-and-yellow Argiope. They come in so many colors and reach impressive sizes! They create vibrate webs when they feel threatened. The ziggy zag pattern in their web is their "shady porch" in the hot summer sun.
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The back of the Australian peacock spider.
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colorful spider by vickieart | Redbubble
colorful spider by vickieart
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Cuban hummingbird