Nanyang Technological University
Division of Sociology
The College of Engineering of the University of the Philippines-Diliman Campus was founded in 1910 and currently has eight departments offering a total of twelve undergraduate courses. On the average, over three thousand students are... more
ed.) (2007) Village Mothers City Daughters: Women and Urbanization in Sarawak. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies Publishing. 150 pages. ISBN: 978-981-230-415-5.
This paper discusses how the American colonial policies in the Philippines reinforced identities that were created in the Spanish period, that is, how the concept of division into the majority ìChristian Filipinosî and the ìNon-Christian... more
The College of Engineering of the University of the Philippines-Diliman Campus was founded in 1910 and currently has eight departments offering a total of twelve undergraduate courses. On the average, over three thousand students are... more
The study of diverse and multicultural cities has gained considerable interest, reflecting a growing concern with migrant populations and the implications of ‘strangers’ in crowded urban societies. In this literature, one of the key... more
The Indian state’s relationship with its overseas residents has been extensively theorised. This literature primarily addresses the significance of remittances and knowledge, which are channelled back to the homeland through its... more
Migrant Dubai analyzes the everyday lives of labour migrants in a rapidly developing city-state. Using the emirate of Dubai as a case study, it shows that even within highly restrictive mobility regimes, marginalized migrants find ways to... more
This chapter examines everyday encounter in diverse public spaces - in particular spaces of transit, that have been largely overlooked in the literature on urban encounter.
‘Liveability’ continues to attract considerable attention internationally, in the media, among urban policy-makers, and from academics. In this paper, we extend consideration of liveability beyond the elite, professional migrants who are... more
Configuring the neoliberal self.