Papers by Mikihiro MORIYAMA
Tonan ajia kenkyu, 1996
Discoverin An g the `Language' and the `Literature' of West Java : KyotoUniversity Mta7J77MK 34ts... more Discoverin An g the `Language' and the `Literature' of West Java : KyotoUniversity Mta7J77MK 34ts1g language is a representation of culture and a culture defines as well as supports an ethnicity. It is an idea that goes back to Romantic notions about the predominance of language.2) An ethnic group is identified by a distinct language, and this language is the carrier of a culture. Lively and heated debates and discussions about the relationships between the three did not really take place. However, the idea of a close connection between language, culture, and ethnicity became increasingly predominant towards the end of the nineteenth century. People in what we now call Sunda-speaking areas of Java were made aware of the fact that they had a distinct Sundanese culture, a distinct identity ; this aivareness could only be strengthened by the administrative boundaries that the colonial government imposed on the island of Java. No doubt before Europeans came to their lands, the Sundanese people had already been aware that they were somehow different from the Javanese. Witness, for instance. the tale about Citrarasmi Diapitaloka, princess of Pajajaran, the glorious old Sundanese kingdorn (European sources would say that the western part of Java was more or less united under the kingdem of Pajajaran between 1333-1579). On the instigation of his prime minister Gajah Mada, the powerful ruler of Majapahit, Hayam Wuruk, asked the princess to marry him, and the court of Pajajaran accepted the invitation. When the princess arrived in Bubat in East Java, she discovered that she had not come as a future queen but as a tribute, and she chose to kill herself rather than suffer humiliation (It is thought that this took place in 1357>. Sundanese have always been familiar with this tale, and they remember the incident with anger and rage.3) They know their land had once been a great and glorious kingdom and they themselves are the descendants of the people of the kingdom of Pajajaran. The tale suggests anti-Javanese sentiment and, more importantly. an awareness of being different from the Javanese. However, this awareness of being `different', or distinct had never been strong before the Dutch came to be more directly involved with local affairs. The other peoples of Central and East Java and other regions were not foreign enough to force the Sundanese to strictly obje ¢ tivize themselves in terms of language, culture and ethnicity. The need was not strongly felt, if only because awareness of having a distinct and different language was not yet developed. They used languages depending on the situation, and in linguistic terms it could be said that they were sometimes Sundanese, sometimes Javanese, sometimes Malay. Land and place, rather than language, were the main issue, 2) The Dutch were much influenced by German thought in terms of language studies in the nineteenth century. For instance, von Humbolt and Herder had a great influence upon them. 3) Modern-day Sundanese are familiar with this tale, teo. Sundanese parents are apt te not want to marry their daughter te a Javanese man.
Dapat dikatakan bahwa Indonesia berhasil untuk mengukuhkan bahasa nasional setelah kemerdekaan de... more Dapat dikatakan bahwa Indonesia berhasil untuk mengukuhkan bahasa nasional setelah kemerdekaan dengan suatu kebijakan bahasa. Hal ini bukan hal yang mudah dan wajar tanpa usaha dan perjuangan dengan pemikiran tertentu apabila kita menimbang Indonesia pernah berada di bawah penjajahan lebih dari seratus tahun. Bahasa nasional itu dipilih dan diperjuangkan oleh bangsa baru sampai dijadikan pijakan yang kuat untuk negara merdeka. Bahasa Indonesia menjadi bahasa resmi, bahasa administrasi, dan bahasa komunikasi di masyarakat yang majemuk dengan suku bangsa dan etnis. Dapat dikatakan kebijakan bahasa di Indonesia bertujuan untuk menciptakan suatu masyarakat monoglossia. Satu bahasa yang dipilih dan dikembangkan demi keberhasilan solidaritas masyarakat dari segi politik. Dari segi ekonomi bahasa sangat efisien dan efektif apabila negara mempunyai satu bahasa nasional dan administrasi. Baik pemerintahan Orde Lama maupun Orde Baru sama-sama menerapkan kebijakan berbahasa satu tanpa ragu, ya...
Rapport and the Discursive Co-Construction of Social Relations in Fieldwork Encounters, 2019
Lembaran Sejarah, 2021
The indigenous book publishing business for Sundanese-speaking communities started in the early 2... more The indigenous book publishing business for Sundanese-speaking communities started in the early 20th century, when the nationalist movement was set in motion. The modern school system had continued to spread in colonial society from the mid–19th century. The more education spread, the more literate people there were among the indigenous population. The indigenous book publishing business responded to the demands of this newly-emerging readership. Book publishing finally turned into a business by the 1920s. It seems to have provided distinctive readings from those provided by Balai Poestaka. The indigenous publishers played a supplemental role in nurturing print culture in the colonial context. Both government and private indigenous publishers contributed to promote modern readership and a colonial print culture. The book publishing and print culture in regional languages like Sundanese were nurtured in the colonial period and grew to constitute a medium to decolonize knowledge and k...
Paradigma: Jurnal Kajian Budaya, 2019
Japan has experienced a rapid decrease in population. The main reason for this distorted demograp... more Japan has experienced a rapid decrease in population. The main reason for this distorted demography (called Shoushi Koureika in Japanese) has been caused by a reduction in the number of children. Another reason is the extension of human lifespan. This rapid demographic change has caused social issues such as lack of workforce, an increase in the social security revenue and a reduction in the number of schools. The Japanese government has tackled these social problems and its effort has had an effect to some extent, but the hard work needs to continue. In this article, I try to explore reasons for the social issues and problems by focusing not only on changes in the social conditions but also on changes in the life value of Japanese people. Some possible solutions for the social issues and problems can be suggested for the coming decades in Japan. In particular, I try to explore solutions that are compatible with Japanese society to alleviate the problems.
Socio-political changes in Indonesia since Soeharto left office in 1998 and the following period ... more Socio-political changes in Indonesia since Soeharto left office in 1998 and the following period of reformasi (reformation) seem to have caused changes in the configuration of language and literature in Indonesia. 2 The language policy of the state has become less coercive than in former times when Bahasa Indonesia became a symbol of nationalism and of uniting diverse ethnic groups. In other words, the long-held one language policy of the state has experienced change and the monolingual practice in the public space is also changing. 3 For instance, Indonesian is not the only language used for broadcasting news; regional languages such as Javanese, Sundanese and Balinese are also starting to be used more on TV. In addition, Chinese and English news programs are available. Another important change is that Indonesian society has been more directly exposed to the global flow of information. While the demise of the Soeharto regime may not be directly related to this, it was partly caused by technological development, in particular the widespread use of computers and access to the Internet. On the other hand, since the enactment of regional autonomy legislation in 1999, regional voices have been heard more loudly than before. This legislation has had impacts on various 1 I wish to express my gratitude to the Southeast Asia Centre, Faculty of Asian Studies, the Australian National University for hosting me as a visiting fellow from April 2005 to March 2006. I was provided with sufficient facilities and stimulated by academic discussions during my stay. Also I thank Mary Kilcline Cody, Edwin Jurriëns, Ian Proudfoot and Henk Maier for helpful comments and suggestions.
Studia Islamika, 2015
is article brings out the signi cance of social leader in the time of socio-political change in ... more is article brings out the signi cance of social leader in the time of socio-political change in Indonesia since Soeharto left office in 1998 by describing and analyzing the projects and writings including poems of Acep Zamzam Noor (born in 1960), an activist and poet based in the Pesantren Cipasung (Cipasung Islamic school complex) in Tasikmalaya, West Java. He is respected not by his Islamic knowledge based on learning books, rather by his faith to God and deed based on his own experience. Acep's oppositional stance in relation to political and religious authorities is manifest in various public projects including political parody and cultural activities in the local community. ese respective projects constituted bases for the respect and support from which the institution of the social leader derives its signi cance in Islamic communities in Indonesia. is article adds to the literature by describing and analyzing an important stand of religious authority.
Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 2014
Indonesia's state-owned mosques are important sites for observing changes in religious life t... more Indonesia's state-owned mosques are important sites for observing changes in religious life that have taken place since the demise of the Suharto regime. During the New Order period, ideological and political factors restricted access to mosques owned and managed by provincial and regency governments. In contemporary West Java, access to such mosques has been broadened, and they now display a diversity of religious programs and practices. Drawing on recent fieldwork, this article makes a case study of the intercession ritual known as manakiban which has recently emerged in government-owned mosques of West Java. It identifies two dominant factors behind the new inclusiveness: a desire for visibility and public legitimacy on the part of some members of the Sufi order that promotes the ritual, and secondly, a broadening of access to state-owned mosques as a result of more inclusive participation in the electoral process. The article contributes to knowledge of the politicisation of...
The proper scale decomposition in flows with significant density variations is not as straightfor... more The proper scale decomposition in flows with significant density variations is not as straightforward as in incompressible flows, with many possible ways to define a 'length-scale.' A choice can be made according to the so-called inviscid criterion [1]. It is a kinematic requirement that a scale decomposition yield negligible viscous effects at large enough 'length-scales.' It has been proved [1] recently that a Favre decomposition satisfies the inviscid criterion, which is necessary to unravel inertial-range dynamics and the cascade. Here, we present numerical demonstrations of those results. We also show that two other commonly used decompositions can violate the inviscid criterion and, therefore, are not suitable to study inertial-range dynamics in variable-density and compressible turbulence. Our results have practical modeling implication in showing that viscous terms in Large Eddy Simulations do not need to be modeled and can be neglected.
The Journal of Asian Studies, 2003
clothing, or the separation of cadres from their families. Once an acceptable confession was prod... more clothing, or the separation of cadres from their families. Once an acceptable confession was produced, the prisoner was executed. Faced with such extraordinary material, Chandler poses the question: Why did the DK keep the archive? After all, its contents were secret, many of its records were untrue, and all of the prisoners in question were killed. He weighs several possibilities. One of them, suggested by Steven Heder (in conversations with the author), is that the archives were to provide the Party Center with raw material for a massive unwritten history of the Party (p. 50). At the psychological level, Chandler muses, the confessions, execution reports, and photographs of dispatched enemies must have made the upper brothers feel temporarily secure. The interrogations were like therapy for those in the Party Center whose anxieties and resentments were embodied by the prisoners and in the crimes that they were encouraged to "remember" and confess. Chandler writes, "reading the confessions takes us inside the thought processes of a schizophrenic regime that was at once terrified and terrifying, clairvoyant and delusional, omnipotent and perpetually under threat" (p. 51). Chandler also asks: Why write about the terror of S-21 ? He answers poignantly: to bear witness to the victims, to understand how such an institution came to be, and to consider how similar institutions have originated in other times and might arise again. He suggests that we allowed S-21 to happen because of our indifference to things far away. People like to think that "evil takes place elsewhere" (p. 112). Perhaps most terrifying, Chandler reminds us, is that, in trying to understand such a phenomenon as inhumane as S-21, we discover that "evildoers are not so radically different from oneself (p. 155).
Indonesia and the Malay World, 2000
... 1013. Tungtungna manggih kamulyan, In the end he meets glory, beurat beunghar sugih mukti, an... more ... 1013. Tungtungna manggih kamulyan, In the end he meets glory, beurat beunghar sugih mukti, and prospers in wealth and happiness, putrana jumeneng raja, his child becomes a king, lain asal tina dengki, this is not based on hatred, jeung jadi conto deui, and what becomes ...
Modern textbooks are only one line towards modernisation in Sundanese writing. There were other l... more Modern textbooks are only one line towards modernisation in Sundanese writing. There were other lines, namely the Islamic institutions, the development of Malay, colonial efforts to standardise the Sundanese language, and the establishment of schools. Modern Sundanese writing was the knot that tied them together. This article tries to elaborate the impact of early modern textbooks on Sundanese writing. One of the most interesting examples of how a traditional writing changed is the "dangding", a type of poetry. A long narrative composed in "dangding" is called "wawacan", a genre loved by the people in the 19 th century. "Dangding" was admired in Sundanese aristocratic circles and pervaded the elite community. The Dutch saw "dangding" as the most original and valuable kind of Sundanese writing and thought it the best way to convey modern information and enlighten the people. Sundanese themselfves were to think that prose was more transparent and clear and even more pleasant to read than "dangding", as textbooks were made in the new form of writing.
Modern technology plays an important role in our daily lives. Many people use technology for thei... more Modern technology plays an important role in our daily lives. Many people use technology for their works, interactions, and special interests such as art. Art as a discipline, which expresses human emotion and creative side, takes a new form for its contextualization with the help of information technology. A neologism for this discipline is “digital art.” Some experts who employ a traditional value in their aesthetical perspective consider this new approach unlikely. Walter Benjamin, an eminent figure from this group, stated that art must have an aura in its production as is the case in paintings. With this aura, the work of art and not artwork has uniqueness of value. However, the problem arises when information technology becomes a predominant tool for the work of art. Digital art does not consider the aura as the core value in defining something as a work of art. Furthermore, digital artists think that art can exist within a digital object and maintain its uniqueness. Parallel w...
Papers by Mikihiro MORIYAMA