hello room

34,801 updates
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Secret Little Haven was so beautiful, can't believe I hadn't played it until now :'(
Thankyou so much to everyone who submitted a message to my LCD message board! The form is still open and will be for the foreseeable future so you can still submit :) I've changed it a bit so that the most recent message is displayed for 12 hours (I might change that if it's too long) and if there's nothing from the last 12 hours it shuffles randomly through previous messages
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Hey everyone! I have set up a little project that I want to try out. If you go to the google form that I'll link under this post, you can write a short message (max 16 characters) that will be displayed on an LCD screen sitting on my desk. I thought it'd be fun to see what people write :) It works by my raspberry pi checking for new responses every minute and displaying them on the LCD
hello-room 1 month ago

People have already submitted! I didn't expect it to be that fast, thankyou so much!!

wiredlotus 1 month ago

This is the coolest thing i've seen in a while

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Your site rocks
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Love this!! so nostalgic :'(

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Last updated 9 hours ago
CreatedOct 7, 2022
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