Nico's Pool Party

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cult-master-status 3 weeks ago

I cant tell what you updated what was it?

cult-master-status 1 month ago

awesome two new members

well I got it to work putting everything into a folder helped but I couldent get them to work as a subpage in a folder it just has to be out in the open but its ok to have a little clutter lol thank you so much and now that ive been catching up on Bstars we can talk about it some ive been loveing the third season a lot you definitely gave me the confidence to watch again your the olny non-furry ive seen actually
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cult-master-status 1 month ago

front the show for a while I thought it was just furry show I tired to not watch after the first season because I figured it was olny really a furry thing lol

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cult-master-status 1 month ago

whoops I meant second season lol DONT spoil the show for me plz

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Hey Nico what do you think of my website so far I've done everything all on my own and im wondering what you think also could you give me any advice because im still pretty new to programming and your very good at what you do
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cult-master-status 1 month ago

oh and whats the best way to store blinkys becuse when I try to put any on my website anywhere that isint my index they get really glichy and dont like to work

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nicothepoet 1 month ago

Hi! I think it's awesome. I love the intro page and the backgrounds. It gives a spooky vibe I really enjoy. Also, unrelated, but I read your about and love Beastars too! Thanks for your kind words - I'm pretty new to all this myself, but was able to build up from using sad grl's layout builder, which was a huge help. That's awesome that you're going to school for programming!

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nicothepoet 1 month ago

Regarding the blinkies, I store them all in a folder on Neocities, and then I refer to them like so: If you wanna email me a screenshot of the page or send me a link where the glitchiness is happening I could maybe figure out what's going on though!

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nicothepoet 1 month ago

I tried to add the code for a blinkie and Neocities didn't like that. Feel free to view my page source/inspect the code on my index to see the coding though

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cult-master-status 1 month ago

thank you so much nico ♡(˃͈ ˂͈ )

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I had a weird dream last night that when I checked the webring their were 35 new pepole and I got really mad in the dream for some reson lol I would love for there to be even half as many pepole as 35
nicothepoet 1 month ago

We're on our way there! The webring is only a few days old and we're at 6 people - not too shabby! :) Thanks for being the first member!

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cult-master-status 1 month ago

your welcome ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡

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i think your site is so so cool and checked out your professional one. you are so amazing and so capable , i mean writing a book, knowing how to code, everything .. that is just crazy. i really love your site and your message ( •⌄• ू )✧
nicothepoet 1 month ago

Omg this is so nice T_T Thank you for your kind words!! I love your site as well! It's so peaceful, and your art and photography is gorgeous!! Mind if I add you to my cool sites section?

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nicothepoet 1 month ago

Also!! Your banner is so cool! I was trying to do something similar with mine (specifically having a water background) but I kept running into issues making the code. Do you mind if I adapt your header code / use it to learn how to add a background like that? If so, I'll credit you, but know there is no pressure!

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oceanfront 1 month ago

of course!! you are so kind 🥺... i really appreciate it .. and of course you can you don't have to credit me! if you have any questions or problems let me know and i can try to help you!!

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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedAug 5, 2023
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