Books by Jose Javier Alio
El Sistema de Maracaibo. 2nd. Ed., Jul 15, 2000

We investigated the current patterns of diversity by country and by class of echinoderms, and ana... more We investigated the current patterns of diversity by country and by class of echinoderms, and analyzed their biogeographical, depth, and habitat or substratum affinities, using the database of the appendix of this book. Traditionally, the area has been divided into five biogeographical Regions and nine Provinces that cover a wide climate range. Currently, the echinoderm fauna of Latin America and Canary islands is constituted by 1,539 species, with 82 species of Crinoidea, 392 species of Asteroidea, 521 species of Ophiuroidea, 242 species of Echinoidea and 302 species of Holothuroidea. Species richness is highly variable among the different countries. The number of species for the countries is highly dependent on its coast length. The echinoderm fauna of the Panamic, Galápagos and the Chilean regions are biogeographically related. Other regions that are closely related are the Caribbean, West Indian, Lusitania and Brazilian. Cosmopolitan species are an important component in all the regions. Affinities between faunas are a consequence of the combination of climatic and trophic factors, connectivity as a function of distance, currents patterns and historical processes. Moreover, different environmental factors would be responsible for the faunal composition and species distribution at different spatial scales. The bathymetrical distribution of the echinoderm classes and the species richness varies according to the depth range and the ocean. Most species occurred at depths between 20 and 200 m. The Caribbean-Atlantic regions are richest in shallow depths, while the Pacific coast has higher values in deeper waters. The domination of each class in each substrate and habitat categories also varies differentially along each coast.

Echinoderm, research and diversity in Latin America, Jan 15, 2013
This chapter presents a historical review of the study on living and fossil species of the Phylum... more This chapter presents a historical review of the study on living and fossil species of the Phylum Echinodermata of Venezuela; most of the research has been carried out in the middle-western and eastern coasts of the country. There is currently a total of 234 species of echinoderms known from Venezuelan waters, with 97.87 % of them from the Caribbean coasts and only 2.13 % from the Atlantic coast. The following species have only been reported in the latter zone, Tethyaster vestitus (Asteroidea), Leptopentacta deichmannae (Holothuroidea), Paraster doederleini (Echinoidea) and Amphiuraotteri (Ophiuroidea). The Class Asteroidea is the most diverse with 63 species (26.92 %), 40 genera, 15 families and six orders, followed by Holothuroidea with 53 species (22.65 %), 34 genera, 12 families and two orders. The Class Ophiuroidea has 52 species, 31 genera, 14 families and two orders; Echinoidea has 50 species (21.38 %), 38 genera, 22 families and ten orders, and Crinoidea with 16 species (6.84 %), 15 genera, nine families and four orders. There are fossil echinoderms in the sedimentary basin of Venezuela and their potential use as paleoecological indicators complement stratigraphic studies. Most of the recent reports of echinoderms in Venezuela are from depths between 0 and 50 m (47.42 %), followed by the depth ranges 51–199 m (26.12 %), 200–499 m (8.25 %) and more than 500 m (18.21 %). Considering the distribution of the echinoderms along the described ecoregions for the coasts of Venezuela, 29.17 % of the known species are recorded from the Eastern Upwelling ecoregion, followed by the Oceanic Islands (23.33 %) and the Central Coast (10.42 %). The lowest presence was found in the ecoregion of the Gulf of Venezuela (1.67 %). No echinoderms have been reported from Lake Maracaibo, most likely due to the low salinity of its water. Although there is no strong tradition for the consumption of echinoderms in the country, the threat of an irrational exploitation of these resources still exists, due to the increased demand of the Asian markets, the absence of evaluations of the current echinoderm populations and the lack of official norms and control for their extraction and/or commercialization. The species that has received the most attention for culturing is the sea urchin, Lytechinus variegatus, which has been used for experiments on mass production of larvae, postlarvae and juveniles. In spite of the effort allocated in the current study to identify the different echinoderm classes, families and species found in the ecoregions of Venezuela, more detailed spatial analyses should be made on the echinoderm distribution along the entire Venezuelan coast line. Such studies should generate information about their density and other population parameters, including growth, reproduction, feeding, and their relation with the surrounding biotic and abiotic parameters, as well as the evaluation of the environmental factors that influence their presence in a particular area.
Papers by Jose Javier Alio
ICCAT Col. Vol. Sci. Pap, 2001
Zootecnia tropical, 2001
SUMMARY The reproductive biology of the Jamaica Weakfish, Cynoscion jamaicensis, was evaluated fr... more SUMMARY The reproductive biology of the Jamaica Weakfish, Cynoscion jamaicensis, was evaluated from a sample of 732 fishes. They were collected on board of shrimp trawl vessels from January to December 1997. Most fishes (84%) were found in the range 201–280 mm ...

Los metales pesados juegan un papel importante en la dinámica de los procesos químicos y ambienta... more Los metales pesados juegan un papel importante en la dinámica de los procesos químicos y ambientales en las zonas costeras. Estos provienen de aportes naturales y antropogénicos y pueden ser bioacumulados en organismos acuáticos, en los que se encuentran como elementos traza, y tienen potenciales efectos tóxicos a quienes los consuman, principalmente al hombre como último eslabón de la cadena alimenticia. La gravedad del daño depende del grado y el tiempo de exposición a dichos elementos. Se determinó la concentración de metales pesados (Mg, Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni y Fe) por Plasma Inductivamente Acoplado (ICP) en la pepitona, Arca zebra (Mollusca, Bivalvia, Arcidae), provenientes de las inmediaciones de Caimancito y Chacopata (municipio Cruz Salmerón Acosta, estado Sucre, Venezuela). En Caimancito, las mayores concentraciones de casi todos los metales se detectaron en septiembre, a excepción del Mg que fue observada en febrero. En Chacopata, las concentraciones más elevadas se observaron en el mes de octubre (Mg, Mn y Ni), septiembre (Cu), diciembre (Fe) y en enero (Mo). No se encontraron diferencias signifi cativas entre las localidades, mientras que existen diferencias signifi cativas entre meses. Al momento no existen normas o regulaciones venezolanas que establezcan límites máximos de concentración de los metales analizados en moluscos bivalvos procesados o frescos, que permitan establecer comparaciones con los resultados obtenidos. Sin embargo, en base a normas internacionales, las concentraciones medidas de metales pesados en pepitonas no rebasaron los límites permitidos para consumo humano.
Zootecnia Tropical, Mar 1, 2013

Se analizó la estructura comunitaria de ectoparásitos en branquias del jurel Caranx hippos (Linna... more Se analizó la estructura comunitaria de ectoparásitos en branquias del jurel Caranx hippos (Linnaeus, 1776) de las localidades de Santa Cruz y Carúpano, estado Sucre, Venezuela, desde mayo 2005 hasta abril 2006. La fauna ectoparasitaria de 160 ejemplares de C. hippos en Santa Cruz estuvo representada por seis monogéneos (Protomicrocotyle mirabilis, Allopyragraphorus hippos, A. caballeroi, A. incomparabilis, Pseudomazocraes spp., Cemocotyle noveboracensis); tres copépodos (Lernanthropus kroyeri, Caligus spp., Caligus spp.) y una larva de isópodo. De los 113 ejemplares examinados en Carúpano, los ectoparásitos registrados fueron tres monogéneos (P. mirabilis, A. hippos, C. noveboracensis) y un copépodo (L. kroyeri). El monogéneo P. mirabilis fue la especie numéricamente dominante en ambas localidades, con mayor densidad absoluta en Carúpano en los meses de mayo hasta julio. Los ectoparásitos mostraron un patrón de distribución agregado. En los ejemplares de C. hippos de Carúpano se observó una correlación significativa entre la densidad absoluta de P. mirabilis y la densidad relativa de A. hippos y C. noveboracensis con la talla del hospedador. Las comunidades de parásitos de C. hippos fueron definidas como aislacionistas con un valor de 0,4 de coeficiente de similaridad y un porcentaje de similaridad de fauna de 44,44.
Ciencias Marinas, Jun 7, 2010

Research Square (Research Square), May 18, 2023
The nutritional quality of microalgae used as feed in larviculture is essential to improve shrimp... more The nutritional quality of microalgae used as feed in larviculture is essential to improve shrimp production. The shrimp Penaeus vannamei (zoea) larvae were fed with the microalga Thalassiosira pseudonana produced with light-emitting diode-LED or uorescent lights irradiated and evaluated for survival, weight, and molting time from Nauplius V to Zoea III. The microalgae density and biomass were estimated at the harvest production level, and total lipid content and fatty acids pro le as nutritional quality were evaluated. The density of the microalgae did not differ signi cantly, but its biomass and the content of lipids with LED were signi cantly higher (0.27 ± 0.05 mg L − 1 , 17.11 ± 7.30% lipids) than with uorescent lights (0.17 ± 0.05 mg L − 1 , 4.7 ± 1.2%). Docosahexaenoic acid and docosapentaenoic acid concentrations were higher in the microalgae produced with LED, however eicosapentaenoic acid and other 15 fatty acids did not differ between treatments. The average weight of Zoea III differed between treatments (LED lights = 7.9 ± 0.6 µg and uorescent lights = 6.3 ± 0.5 µg), and the molting time to Zoea III was 9 h shorter when fed with algae from LED, while survival was higher at 83.9 ± 0.9% LED and 78.4 ± 1.5% uorescent lights. The nutritional quality of lipids from T. pseudonana under exposure to LED lights provides a better production and performance of P. vannamei zoeal larvae than when fed with T. pseudonnana irradiated with uorescent lights.

La Técnica: Revista de las Agrociencias. ISSN 2477-8982
Effect of LED and fluorescent lights on growth and biomass of Thalassiosira pseudonana (Cleve, 18... more Effect of LED and fluorescent lights on growth and biomass of Thalassiosira pseudonana (Cleve, 1873) Resumen En búsqueda de mejorar la producción de la microalga Thalassiosira pseudonana, utilizada frecuentemente como alimento para larvas y juveniles de diversas especies de interés acuícola, en este estudio se evaluó la incidencia de diodos emisores de luz (LED) y luces fluorescentes (F) en su crecimiento y biomasa celular. Seis repeticiones de la cepa T. pseudonona, preparada en agua de mar filtrada tratada con UV y medio nutritivo Guillard F2 enriquecido con Na2SiO3, fueron sometidas a 4200 lux (± 5%) emitida desde luces LED y F. Se partió de inóculos en tubos de ensayo de 20 mL y trasvasados a recipientes de mayor volumen cada 3 días, hasta alcanzar 15 L en bolsas plásticas a los 14 días. Al término del ensayo, se determinó la densidad de microalgas, su biomasa y masa celular. El crecimiento fue descrito mediante un modelo exponencial sin diferencia en las tasas de crecimiento en...

Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research
In Ecuador, Peprilus medius is an important fishery resource whose destination is for local consu... more In Ecuador, Peprilus medius is an important fishery resource whose destination is for local consumption and export. There are few local studies on its reproductive biology, and its capture is not regulated. Therefore, this study evaluates the most relevant aspects of its reproductive activity. Samples were obtained monthly from January to December 2017 from the capture of the purse seine fleet and the artisanal gillnet fleet landing near Manta. The morphometric analysis included the length-weight relationship, estimated using the allometry equation. The size at sexual maturity is based on the L50 criterion; the reproductive cycle was determined according to the monthly analyses of the gonadosomatic index (GSI), hepatosomatic index (HSI), and relative condition factor (Kn). A total of 334 specimens were analyzed, with average sizes of 22.0, 21.87, and 21.91 cm of total length (TL), for males, females, and combined sexes, respectively. Sex ratio was 1.17M: 1F (P > 0.05), while the ...
Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria
The finding of a specimen of the Galapagos batfish, Ogcocephalus darwini Hubbs, 1958 in marine wa... more The finding of a specimen of the Galapagos batfish, Ogcocephalus darwini Hubbs, 1958 in marine waters of continental Ecuador was recorded. The specimen was captured by the artisanal fishing fleet that operates with bottom longlines in Las Piñas fishing cove, Manta Municipality, Manabí province, Ecuador. The specimen was transferred to the Biology Laboratory of the Faculty of Marine Sciences of the Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, where morphometric data were taken for its identification. Until now, the species was considered endemic to the Galapagos, but it had been reported off northern Peru and now from the Ecuadorian continental shelf.

Refinement Lipid Tasting Taste Smell RESUMEN | El cultivo de ostras, particularmente de la ostra ... more Refinement Lipid Tasting Taste Smell RESUMEN | El cultivo de ostras, particularmente de la ostra japonesa Crassostrea gigas, en el Ecuador, se muestra como una alternativa para diversificar su producción acuícola. Una manera de dar valor agregado a los moluscos bivalvos es modificar sus propiedades organolépticas o refinamiento, alimentándolos con densidades altas de microalgas. En el presente estudio, un grupo de panelistas degustadores entrenados evaluaron el impacto organoléptico de ostras Crassostrea gigas, proveniente de un cultivo en suspensión, refinándolas con las microalgas Thalassiosira pseuodonana y Tetraselmis suecica, y un grupo control mantenido en el mar, durante un periodo de 3 semanas. Transcurrida la primera semana, se evidenciaron diferencias significativas en cuanto a los 2 tratamientos y el control, las cuales se mantuvieron hasta la tercera semana. Los evaluadores pudieron discriminar las ostras alimentadas con T. pseudonana, atribuyéndoles un sabor más dulce, aroma a pescado fresco y un grado de aceptación superior. Tetratselmis suecica se caracterizó por un sabor y olor a algas; mientras que el grupo control no presentó una característica netamente definida en cuanto a sabor y olor, pero si una menor aceptación. Se concluye que una dieta especifica de microalgas aplicada por una semana, causa efectos de mayor aceptación sobre las propiedades organolépticas, tanto en sabor como en olor de las ostras, pudiendo generarles valor agregado. ABSTRACT | Oyster cultivation, particularly the Japanese oyster Crassostrea japonica, in Ecuador, is shown as an alternative to diversify its aquaculture production. One way to add value to bivalve mollusks is to modify their organoleptic properties or refinement, feeding them with high densities of microalgae. In this study, a group of trained taste panelists assessed the organoleptic impact on oysters Crassotrea gigas, from suspended culture, refined with the microalgae Thalassiosira pseuodonana and Tetraselmis suecica, and a control group maintained in the sea, over a period of 3 weeks. After the first week, significant differences were shown in terms of the 2 treatments and control, which were maintained until the third week. The evaluators were able to discriminate oysters fed T. pseudonana, giving them a sweeter taste, fresh fish aroma and a higher degree of acceptance. Tetratselmis suecica was characterized by a taste and smell of algae; while the control group did not present a distinctly defined characteristic in terms of taste and smell, but had a lower acceptance. It is concluded that a specific diet of microalgae applied for a week, caused effects of greater acceptance on the organoleptic properties, both in taste and smell of oysters, which can generate added value. INTRODUCCIÓN Las ostras son moluscos bivalvos, pertenecientes a la familia Ostreidae, y presentan una amplia distribución geográfica (Christo et al., 2010). La ostra del Pacífico o japonesa, Cassostrea gigas (Thunberg, 1793), se desarrolla habitualmente en fondos firmes, rocas o cualquier tipo de sustrato firme en zonas costeras de aguas someras o estuarios. Es tolerante a las diferentes variaciones ambientales, como temperatura y salinidad, lo cual provoca que pueda desarrollarse en diferentes latitudes del mundo, estableciéndose en varios países por motivos de acuicultura (Miossec et al., 2009; Lodeiros et al., 2020). Cassostrea gigas es originaria de Japón y se ha introducido en varios países (Góngora-Gómez et al., 2012), siendo la ostra más común de cultivo en todo el mundo. La FAO (2020) reporta para el 2018 una producción por acuicultura de la ostra del Pacífico de unas 644.549 t, siendo sus principales productores Hakamada Mera et al.

Farfantepenaeus notialis, es una especie importante de camarón en la pesquería artesanal en la Pe... more Farfantepenaeus notialis, es una especie importante de camarón en la pesquería artesanal en la Península de Araya, estado Sucre, Venezuela. Debido al limitado conocimiento sobre su dinámica poblacional, es importante determinar su crecimiento y mortalidad como parámetros fundamentales para la evaluación y manejo del recurso. La estructura de tallas y peso se evaluó mensualmente de los desembarques, desde abril 2012 hasta marzo 2013. El ajuste de los parámetros de crecimiento al modelo de von Bertalanffy se realizó por análisis de superfi cie de respuesta mediante la reestructuración de los datos y su ajuste a una curva de crecimiento. Los parámetros de crecimiento estimados para hembras, machos y sexos agrupados, fueron L∞ = 237, 230, 200 mm y k = 1,4; 1,4 y 1,3 año-1, respectivamente. La estimación de la mortalidad natural (M) se utilizaron tres métodos, mientras que la mortalidad total fue estimada de la curva de captura linearizada y la mortalidad por pesca substrayendo el valor ...

Se analizo la distribucion espacial y los descriptores comunitarios (prevalencia, densidad absolu... more Se analizo la distribucion espacial y los descriptores comunitarios (prevalencia, densidad absoluta, densidadrelativa e indice de infeccion) de ectoparasitos en branquias de la cojinua carbonera, Caranx ruber Bloch, 1793recolectados en Santa Cruz, estado Sucre, Venezuela, desde mayo de 2005 hasta abril de 2006. Se determinoel indice de dispersion (ID) y el indice de Green (IG) de los ectoparasitos en 155 ejemplares de C. ruber. Seregistraron tres monogeneos (Protomicrocotyle mirabilis, Allopyragraphorus incomparabilis, Pseudomazocraessp.), dos copepodos (Lernanthrophus kroyeri, Caligus spp.) y un isopodo (Cymothoa oestrum). Los parasitosmonogeneos mostraron preferencia por el arco branquial 1 y Pseudomazocraes sp. prefirio el lado derechodel pez. Los monogeneos se consideraron especies comunes; P. mirabilis se considero ademas especie centralmientras que los copepodos e isopodo resultaron especies secundarias. Los parasitos presentaron el tipico patronde distribucion agregado (ID &g...
Books by Jose Javier Alio
Papers by Jose Javier Alio