This opinion-based statement holds a very negative view towards the LGBTQ+ community, encouraging discrimination towards a group of people. The source posted with it has been deleted, but seems to come from a social media website, making it more subjective than factual. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex and gender identity in covered health programs or activities. Additionally, being a part of the LGBTQ+ community is not a choice, but actually an identity you are born with. According to Andrea Rinaldi with the National Library of Medicine, "Among the many mechanisms that have been proposed to explain same‐sex attraction, exposure to 'atypical endocrine conditions' during prenatal development, is probably the one that has the widest consensus." Discriminating against this group of people would be like discriminating against a certain race, women, or even socioeconomic classes. It would violate human rights, and the diversity our nation claims to uphold, to "ban" the LGBTQ+ community.