Anh Nguyen
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Papers by Anh Nguyen
complexity metrics on quality attributes. We aggregated Spearman correlation coefficients from 59 different data sets from 57 primary studies by a tailored meta-analysis approach. We found that fault
proneness and maintainability are most frequently investigated attributes. Chidamber& Kemerer metric suite is most frequently used but not all of them are good quality attribute indicators. Moreover, the impact of these metrics is not different in closed source and open source projects. The result provides some
implications for building quality model across project type.
investigation.In this paper, we empirically assess different types of issue lead time prediction models using human factor measures collected from issue tracking systems. We conduct an empirical investigation of three active open source projects. A machine learning based classification and statistical univariate and multivariate analyses are performed. The accuracy of classification models in ten-fold cross-validation varies from 75.56% to 91%. The R2 value of linear multivariate regression models ranges from 0.29 to 0.60. Correlation analysis confirms the effectiveness of collaboration measures, such as the number of stakeholders and number of comments, in prediction models. The measures of assignee past performance are also an effective indicator of issue lead time. The results indicate that the number of stakeholders and average past issue lead time are important variables in constructing prediction models of issue lead time. However, more variables should be explored to achieve better prediction performance.
Open source software (OSS) attracts an increasing involvement of commercial firms. Many OSS projects are composed of a mix group of firm-paid and volunteer developers, with different motivations, collaboration practices and working styles. As OSS development consists of collaborative works in nature, it is important to know whether these differences have an impact on
collaboration between difference types of stakeholders, which lead to an influence in the project outcomes. In this paper, we empirically investigate the firm-paid participation in resolving OSS evolution issues, the stakeholder collaboration and its impact on OSS issue resolution time. The results suggest that though a firm-paid assigned developer resolves much more issues than a
volunteer developer does, there is no difference in issue resolution time between them. Besides, the more important factor that influences the issue resolution time comes from the collaboration among stakeholders rather than from individual characteristics.
complexity metrics on quality attributes. We aggregated Spearman correlation coefficients from 59 different data sets from 57 primary studies by a tailored meta-analysis approach. We found that fault
proneness and maintainability are most frequently investigated attributes. Chidamber& Kemerer metric suite is most frequently used but not all of them are good quality attribute indicators. Moreover, the impact of these metrics is not different in closed source and open source projects. The result provides some
implications for building quality model across project type.
investigation.In this paper, we empirically assess different types of issue lead time prediction models using human factor measures collected from issue tracking systems. We conduct an empirical investigation of three active open source projects. A machine learning based classification and statistical univariate and multivariate analyses are performed. The accuracy of classification models in ten-fold cross-validation varies from 75.56% to 91%. The R2 value of linear multivariate regression models ranges from 0.29 to 0.60. Correlation analysis confirms the effectiveness of collaboration measures, such as the number of stakeholders and number of comments, in prediction models. The measures of assignee past performance are also an effective indicator of issue lead time. The results indicate that the number of stakeholders and average past issue lead time are important variables in constructing prediction models of issue lead time. However, more variables should be explored to achieve better prediction performance.
Open source software (OSS) attracts an increasing involvement of commercial firms. Many OSS projects are composed of a mix group of firm-paid and volunteer developers, with different motivations, collaboration practices and working styles. As OSS development consists of collaborative works in nature, it is important to know whether these differences have an impact on
collaboration between difference types of stakeholders, which lead to an influence in the project outcomes. In this paper, we empirically investigate the firm-paid participation in resolving OSS evolution issues, the stakeholder collaboration and its impact on OSS issue resolution time. The results suggest that though a firm-paid assigned developer resolves much more issues than a
volunteer developer does, there is no difference in issue resolution time between them. Besides, the more important factor that influences the issue resolution time comes from the collaboration among stakeholders rather than from individual characteristics.