Papers by Bjørn Rasmussen
Drama in three movements. A Ulyssian encounter, 2010
Art-based research and drama as a way of knowing Building a house in no-man's land Bjørn Rasmusse... more Art-based research and drama as a way of knowing Building a house in no-man's land Bjørn Rasmussen, NTNU The notion of 'art-based' research covers a broad range of research where arts practices are focussed, varying from traditional empirical analyses of an artwork to research in the more radical meaning of art production.
Forestilling, framføring, forskning. Metodologi i anvendt teaterforskning, 2012
Kunstpedagogikk og kunnskapsutvikling
Samtidens interesse for 'kunst som forskning' kan knyttes til den velkjente og gamle antagelsen a... more Samtidens interesse for 'kunst som forskning' kan knyttes til den velkjente og gamle antagelsen at lek og drama er en erkjennelsesmåte. Ved å følge noen av de historiske kildene til kunst-basert forskning møter man en konstruktivistisk epistemologi som er velkjent for dramapedagogikken. Slik får man også grep om noen kunstdidaktiske saertrekk som i dag har mye felles med en " praksis-ledet " forskning innenfor kunstpraksis. Bjørn Rasmussen kritiserer hierarkisk tenkning som forhindrer at kunstdidaktikk anerkjennes som kunnskapsdannende virksomhet i utdanningen. Han skriver at et kunnskapssyn og en danningsteori som forbinder, og som rommer både den aktive og formende erfaring og den distanserte perspektivering er nettopp hva kunstdidaktikken kan bidra med
Research in Drama Education, Jul 7, 2006
The art of researching with art, 2014
Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, 1996
The Routledge International Handbook of the Arts and Education . London: Routledge 2015, 2015
Scenekunsten og de unge. Vidarforlaget AS ISBN 978-82-7990-273-7. s. 58-63, 2014
. Theatre research international ;Volum 31.(3) s. 235-244, 2006
Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, 2010
Beyon Imitation. Extended comprehension of mimesis in drama education, 2008
This article emphasises the importance of including young actors with a disability in theatre res... more This article emphasises the importance of including young actors with a disability in theatre research by means of inclusive research methods. Rikke Gürgens Gjaerum and Bjørn Rasmussen present a new Norwegian study on audience experience with extraordinary theatre productions.
Youth Theatre Journal, 2000
Children's Ways of Knowing. Camberwell, Victoria Australia: ACER Press ISBN 0-86431-349-7. s. 218-232, 2001
Virkelig fantastisk. Norsk Shakespeare- og teatertidsskrift (2/3) s. 76-78, 2012
Planting trees of drama with global vision in local knowledge. IDEA Publications ISBN 978-962-8321-85-8. s. 478-489, 2009
This paper argues that the process of making drama is also a research process. This may be surpri... more This paper argues that the process of making drama is also a research process. This may be surprising for many -making drama is universally understood as a teaching process or an artistic process… but research? Perhaps this is not so surprising, after all where were the research methodologies which could cope with the messy ways of making drama so evident in the work of the early and influential practitioners who shaped our field? The established research methodologies of the 1980's and 90's were drawn from the qualitative research traditions established by the social sciences and education and they found the provisional and open practices of those pioneers too unruly and promiscuous to be considered 'proper' research. While the same suite of strategies continues to hold sway today, other developments in research enable us to rethink how research into classroom practice may be designed and undertaken.
Books by Bjørn Rasmussen
Fagbokforlaget 2014 (ISBN 978-82-321-0162-7) 206 s.
Fagbokforlaget 2013 (ISBN 978-82-450-1462-4) 194 s.
Papers by Bjørn Rasmussen
Books by Bjørn Rasmussen