Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Archaeology and Religious Studies
Fyrst og fremst vil eg rette ei stor og hjarteleg takk til rettleiaren min, Thomas Wallerström, for uthaldande og inspirerande støtte i arbeidet. Vi har trossa både språkvanskar og kommunikative barrierar, og har kome oss i hamn på... more
This study is an interpretation of the Muslim jurist Abû Ja'far Muhammad b. Jarîr al-Tabarî's (d. 923 CE) universal history The History of Messengers and Kings (Ar. Ta'rîkh al-Rusul wa'l-Mulûk). It is... more
The article describes and analyzes the founding and development of Muslim Society Trondheim (MST), a jâmi‘ mosque and Islamic organization in Norway’s third largest city, Trondheim. The aim is to explore the significance for integration... more
The article is a study of the Norwegian Salafi organization Islam Net, which aims at defining Islam Net in terms of recent research on European Salafism and assessing its capacity for public civic engagement. With reference to de... more
This is not a stand-alone article but the introduction to the special issue ‘Public Islam and the Nordic Welfare State: Changing Realities?’ The introduction surveys the emergence of the Nordic welfare state model with the Reformation and... more
Predictive models and the location of the Iron-Age farm. An example from the county of North-Trøndelag. This article shows how predictive modeling using GIS-systems can lead to a more effective cultural heritage management, as well as... more
A geophysical survey of prehistoric graves and boathouses at Gustad, Ekne in North-Trøndelag County in Norway yielded very interesting results. The survey can be used as an example of the benefits of a multi-method approach, and how more... more
Language: Norwegian. A popular archaeological article on a multi-method geophysical survey over ploughed over Iron Age burial mounds and boat houses undertaken at the farm of Gustad, Ekne in Nortg-trøndelag County. The survey confirmed... more