Wisdom Teeth Removal RecoveryVomit EmojiAfter Wisdom Teeth RemovalMaxwell MaltzMore Than A FeelingWisdom Teeth RemovalTooth RemovalPediatric DentistryHealth GuideCreativity is Like VomitingCreativity is Like Vomiting1
Vomit EmojiSick EmojiBig EmojisEmojis IphoneEmoji SetCool EmojiIos EmojiIphone EmojiNew EmojisThere's A Whole Lotta Controversy Surrounding The "Sick" New Emojis | GirlfriendLoads of peeps have questioned the introduction of a vomit emoji, claiming that it's too "realistic" what with the "red and yellow specs", and all.98
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GIFGerman EmoticonsGerman EmojisFree Smiley FacesFree SmileyEmoji ManAnimated Smiley FacesYellow FaceCursed EmojisFunny Emoji FacesSemi-live blogging: Coakley vs. BrownRefresh and scroll for updates . . . Semi-live blogging is like semi-homemade cooking — it’s a bit of cheating. In my case, it’s on the Tivo — I’m free to pause it an…2.1k
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