Papers by Priscilla Santos

River flows in estuarine regions in Brazil: a downscaled analysis on long term climate scenarios ... more River flows in estuarine regions in Brazil: a downscaled analysis on long term climate scenarios (2011-2040-2070-2100) The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports show that climate change, particularly in South America, represents a major threat to sustainable development, by affecting directly and indirectly significant portion of the population and their health, as well as water resources, urban and rural infrastructure beyond their respective value chains and estuarine zones. According to Defant (1960), the estuary is a coastal environment of transition between the continent and the adjacent ocean, where seawater is diluted by freshwater from continental drainage. This specific ecosystem is forced by local and remote agents generated by the action of climatic, oceanographic, geological, hydrological, biological and chemical events, which occur in the drainage basin and in the adjacent ocean. This work consists in a novel and unprecedented attempt to approximate the clim...

Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 2014
ABSTRACT This study aims to characterize the different types of certification in the Brazilian ci... more ABSTRACT This study aims to characterize the different types of certification in the Brazilian citriculture as well as analyze the major changes in the market. The paper also has the objective to discuss how social and environmental factors influence the demand for food certifications and the sustainability and ethics aspects in the field. Therefore, a literature review on the subject was carried out as well as a qualitative research using interviews with certifiers, governmental institutions, farmers, cooperatives and producer associations. The certification is becoming mandatory for those working in foreign markets and for those working nationally; it can be a competitive differential. The organic certification in citriculture shows the highest number of growers. Companies with large areas of citrus and the orange juice processing industry are adhering to this certification in order to maintain themselves competitive in the market. There is an enormous potential of Brazilian citriculture certification, because the certified area is still less than 6 % of the total area. Certification reduces the asymmetry of information and consists of an important step towards sustainability although incapable of solely guaranteeing it.
Water resources and climate change in Brazil: a multiscale approach to adaptation from climate an... more Water resources and climate change in Brazil: a multiscale approach to adaptation from climate and hydrological scenarios from 2011-2040
No Brasil, vários estados têm adotado leis de PSA e há uma progressiva discussão para adoção de u... more No Brasil, vários estados têm adotado leis de PSA e há uma progressiva discussão para adoção de uma lei nacional sobre o tema. Diante disso, o Imazon e o GVces conduziram este estudo com o objetivo de mapear e analisar leis sobre PSA em âmbito federal e estadual no Brasil, enfocando em serviços ambientais liga- dos a florestas. Analisamos também os princi- pais Projetos de Lei (PL) em trâmite no Con- gresso Nacional sobre PSA e sobre Redução de Emissões por Desmatamento e Degradação Florestal e o papel da conservação, manejo e aumento de estoque florestal (REDD+).

Nové poznatky v oblasti hypertenze shrnují současná Evropská doporučení pro prevenci kardiovaskul... more Nové poznatky v oblasti hypertenze shrnují současná Evropská doporučení pro prevenci kardiovaskulárních onemocnění v klinické praxi. Novinkou je automatické opakované měření TK ve zdravotnickém zařízení prováděné v oddělené místnosti (bez přítomnosti jiných osob), které může zlepšit reprodukovatelnost naměřených hodnot a lépe koreluje s denními hodnotami TK při 24hodinové monitoraci nebo s měřením TK v domácích podmínkách. Rozhodnutí o zahájení antihypertenzní léčby závisí na hodnotě TK a na celkovém KV riziku. U většiny hypertoniků je dříve nebo později zahájena farmakologická léčba. Pouze nefarmakologickou léčbu s těsnou monitorací TK je možno doporučit mladým jedincům s izolovaným středně zvýšeným STK (měření na brachiální tepně) a jedincům s vysokým normálním TK, kteří mají nízké nebo střední riziko. Hlavní přínos z léčby hypertenze je dán snížením TK per se. Thiazidy a thiazidům podobná diuretika, beta-blokátory, blokátory kalciových kanálů, inhibitory ACE a sartany dostatečně snižují TK a snižují KV morbiditu a mortalitu, proto je možno je doporučit pro zahájení a pokračování léčby hypertenze, ať již v monoterapii nebo jako součást kombinační léčby. Cílová hodnota TK < 140/90 mmHg platí i nadále pro většinu hypertoniků. Klíčová slova: krevní tlak, měření krevního tlaku, měření krevního tlaku v ordinaci/zdravotnickém zařízení, automatické měření krevního tlaku v ordinaci, cílová hodnota krevního tlaku, antihypertenzní medikace. Current trends in drug treatment of hypertension New knowledge in the field of hypertension is summarized in the 2016 European Guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice. A piece of novelty is automated repeated office BP measurement performed in a separate room (without presence of other persons), which may improve reproducibility and has a better correlation with daytime BP values during 24-hour ABPM or with home BP measurement. The decision to initiate antihypertensive treatment depends on BP level and total CV risk. Antihypertensive medication is initiated sooner or later in most hypertensive patients. Lifestyle changes only with close BP monitoring should be the recommendation in young individuals with isolated moderate elevation of brachial SBP and in those with high normal BP at low or moderate risk. The main benefit of BP-lowering treatment is due to BP lowering per se. As thiazides and thiazide-like diuretics, beta-blockers, calcium-channel blockers, ACEIs and ARBs adequately lower BP and reduce CV morbidity and mortality, they are recommended for initiation and maintenance of BP control, either as monotherapy or in combination. A BP level < 140/90 mmHg continues to be the goal for the majority of hypertensive patients.
European Journal of Sustainable Development, 2016
This study aimed to discuss the main aspects of production, management and marketing adopted by o... more This study aimed to discuss the main aspects of production, management and marketing adopted by organic growers in the Brazilian citriculture. Therefore, a literature review on this subject and a qualitative research using interviews with certifiers, governmental institutions, farmers, cooperatives and grower associations were carried out. The organic citriculture is characterized by small growers who produce a variety of fruits and vegetables. The productivity of organic citrus is a little smaller than the conventional citrus. The main difficulties in production were the control of pests and diseases, followed by qualified labour, marketing and costs. The most successful organic citrus growers are those who use a lower density of citrus trees, a larger amount of soil covering per area and have a greater diversity of plants.

Nos últimos anos, fundos públicos ambientais voltaram a ser foco de atenção nas discussões ligada... more Nos últimos anos, fundos públicos ambientais voltaram a ser foco de atenção nas discussões ligadas a mudanças climáticas, especialmente nas ações de redução de emissões de gases do efeito estufa provenientes de desmatamento e degradação florestal, bem como nas ações de incentivo à conservação e aumento de estoques de carbono florestal, além de manejo sustentável
de florestas (REDD+).
Na Amazônia Legal, todos os estados possuem pelo menos um fundo direcionado a questões ambientais, e alguns - como o Acre, Amazonas e Mato Grosso - já preveem a utilização ou criação de fundos para operacionalizar ações de REDD+. Mas para que esses fundos possam contribuir com a implementação de ações de REDD+, é necessária uma administração eficiente, baseada em princípios de boa governança; do contrário, terão dificuldades em captar recursos,
o que tornará sua aplicação ineficaz em relação aos objetivos propostos.
No intuito de analisar como os fundos ambientais e florestais na Amazônia Legal estão sendo administrados e, com isso, contribuir para a melhoria de sua gestão, neste estudo avaliamos onze fundos em nove estados amazônicos, que, juntos, possuíam R$ 129,4 milhões em 2012. Nossa avaliação considerou sete indicadores de governança desenvolvidos pela Iniciativa de Governança
Florestal – uma parceria entre WRI, ICV e Imazon –, que foram baseados em cinco princípios de boa governança: transparência, participação pública, coordenação, capacidade de execução e de prestação de contas para a sociedade.
Verificamos que todos os fundos avaliados possuíam deficiências, e a maioria apresentou governança fraca. Os problemas mais frequentemente encontrados foram: i) ausência de monitoramento financeiro e de impacto da aplicação de recursos dos fundos, ii) falta de clareza de regras de distribuição e arrecadação de recursos e iii) baixa capacidade administrativa para gestão.

The study aims to characterize the different types of certification in the
Brazilian citriculture... more The study aims to characterize the different types of certification in the
Brazilian citriculture as well as analyze the major changes in the market. The paper
also has the objective to discuss how social and environmental factors influence the
demand for food certifications and the sustainability and ethics aspects in the field.
Therefore, a literature review on the subject was carried out as well as a qualitative
research using interviews with certifiers, governmental institutions, farmers, cooperatives
and producer associations. The certification has been becoming mandatory for
those working in foreign markets and for those working nationally and it can be a
competitive differential. The organic certification in citriculture shows the highest
number of growers and companies with large areas of citrus and orange juice
processing industries are adhering to certification in order to maintain themselves
competitive in the market. The paper discusses the enormous potential for Brazilian citriculture certification, considering the certified areas are still less than 6% of the total area and points out how certification reduces the asymmetry of information and consists of an important step
towards sustainability, although it is still incapable of solely guaranteeing it.
These draft indicators represent preliminary results of our assessments of the actors, rules and ... more These draft indicators represent preliminary results of our assessments of the actors, rules and practices that govern tenure and management of forests in Brazil. Any comments or feedback are welcome and should be sent to Brenda Brito ( and Alice Thuault ( .
Conference Presentations by Priscilla Santos
Improving the Quality of Education: Old Theories and New Empirics
Daniela Scur, DPhi... more Speakers
Improving the Quality of Education: Old Theories and New Empirics
Daniela Scur, DPhil Candidate in Economics, Nuffield College
Challenges to Sustainable Development in the Brazilian Amazon
Priscilla Santos, MSc Candidate in Nature, Society & Environmental Policy, St Anne's College
Public Policies for Women's Empowerment
Malu Gatto, DPhil Candidate in Politics and International Relations, St Antony's College
New Media and Social Justice
Roberta Gregoli, DPhil Candidate in Modern Languages, The Queen's College
Talks by Priscilla Santos
Papers by Priscilla Santos
de florestas (REDD+).
Na Amazônia Legal, todos os estados possuem pelo menos um fundo direcionado a questões ambientais, e alguns - como o Acre, Amazonas e Mato Grosso - já preveem a utilização ou criação de fundos para operacionalizar ações de REDD+. Mas para que esses fundos possam contribuir com a implementação de ações de REDD+, é necessária uma administração eficiente, baseada em princípios de boa governança; do contrário, terão dificuldades em captar recursos,
o que tornará sua aplicação ineficaz em relação aos objetivos propostos.
No intuito de analisar como os fundos ambientais e florestais na Amazônia Legal estão sendo administrados e, com isso, contribuir para a melhoria de sua gestão, neste estudo avaliamos onze fundos em nove estados amazônicos, que, juntos, possuíam R$ 129,4 milhões em 2012. Nossa avaliação considerou sete indicadores de governança desenvolvidos pela Iniciativa de Governança
Florestal – uma parceria entre WRI, ICV e Imazon –, que foram baseados em cinco princípios de boa governança: transparência, participação pública, coordenação, capacidade de execução e de prestação de contas para a sociedade.
Verificamos que todos os fundos avaliados possuíam deficiências, e a maioria apresentou governança fraca. Os problemas mais frequentemente encontrados foram: i) ausência de monitoramento financeiro e de impacto da aplicação de recursos dos fundos, ii) falta de clareza de regras de distribuição e arrecadação de recursos e iii) baixa capacidade administrativa para gestão.
Brazilian citriculture as well as analyze the major changes in the market. The paper
also has the objective to discuss how social and environmental factors influence the
demand for food certifications and the sustainability and ethics aspects in the field.
Therefore, a literature review on the subject was carried out as well as a qualitative
research using interviews with certifiers, governmental institutions, farmers, cooperatives
and producer associations. The certification has been becoming mandatory for
those working in foreign markets and for those working nationally and it can be a
competitive differential. The organic certification in citriculture shows the highest
number of growers and companies with large areas of citrus and orange juice
processing industries are adhering to certification in order to maintain themselves
competitive in the market. The paper discusses the enormous potential for Brazilian citriculture certification, considering the certified areas are still less than 6% of the total area and points out how certification reduces the asymmetry of information and consists of an important step
towards sustainability, although it is still incapable of solely guaranteeing it.
Conference Presentations by Priscilla Santos
Improving the Quality of Education: Old Theories and New Empirics
Daniela Scur, DPhil Candidate in Economics, Nuffield College
Challenges to Sustainable Development in the Brazilian Amazon
Priscilla Santos, MSc Candidate in Nature, Society & Environmental Policy, St Anne's College
Public Policies for Women's Empowerment
Malu Gatto, DPhil Candidate in Politics and International Relations, St Antony's College
New Media and Social Justice
Roberta Gregoli, DPhil Candidate in Modern Languages, The Queen's College
Talks by Priscilla Santos
de florestas (REDD+).
Na Amazônia Legal, todos os estados possuem pelo menos um fundo direcionado a questões ambientais, e alguns - como o Acre, Amazonas e Mato Grosso - já preveem a utilização ou criação de fundos para operacionalizar ações de REDD+. Mas para que esses fundos possam contribuir com a implementação de ações de REDD+, é necessária uma administração eficiente, baseada em princípios de boa governança; do contrário, terão dificuldades em captar recursos,
o que tornará sua aplicação ineficaz em relação aos objetivos propostos.
No intuito de analisar como os fundos ambientais e florestais na Amazônia Legal estão sendo administrados e, com isso, contribuir para a melhoria de sua gestão, neste estudo avaliamos onze fundos em nove estados amazônicos, que, juntos, possuíam R$ 129,4 milhões em 2012. Nossa avaliação considerou sete indicadores de governança desenvolvidos pela Iniciativa de Governança
Florestal – uma parceria entre WRI, ICV e Imazon –, que foram baseados em cinco princípios de boa governança: transparência, participação pública, coordenação, capacidade de execução e de prestação de contas para a sociedade.
Verificamos que todos os fundos avaliados possuíam deficiências, e a maioria apresentou governança fraca. Os problemas mais frequentemente encontrados foram: i) ausência de monitoramento financeiro e de impacto da aplicação de recursos dos fundos, ii) falta de clareza de regras de distribuição e arrecadação de recursos e iii) baixa capacidade administrativa para gestão.
Brazilian citriculture as well as analyze the major changes in the market. The paper
also has the objective to discuss how social and environmental factors influence the
demand for food certifications and the sustainability and ethics aspects in the field.
Therefore, a literature review on the subject was carried out as well as a qualitative
research using interviews with certifiers, governmental institutions, farmers, cooperatives
and producer associations. The certification has been becoming mandatory for
those working in foreign markets and for those working nationally and it can be a
competitive differential. The organic certification in citriculture shows the highest
number of growers and companies with large areas of citrus and orange juice
processing industries are adhering to certification in order to maintain themselves
competitive in the market. The paper discusses the enormous potential for Brazilian citriculture certification, considering the certified areas are still less than 6% of the total area and points out how certification reduces the asymmetry of information and consists of an important step
towards sustainability, although it is still incapable of solely guaranteeing it.
Improving the Quality of Education: Old Theories and New Empirics
Daniela Scur, DPhil Candidate in Economics, Nuffield College
Challenges to Sustainable Development in the Brazilian Amazon
Priscilla Santos, MSc Candidate in Nature, Society & Environmental Policy, St Anne's College
Public Policies for Women's Empowerment
Malu Gatto, DPhil Candidate in Politics and International Relations, St Antony's College
New Media and Social Justice
Roberta Gregoli, DPhil Candidate in Modern Languages, The Queen's College