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Link: The decentralised, anonymous imageboard 4chan is decried for its discursive construction of gender, particularly on its... more
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      Media StudiesDigital CultureInternet Culture4chan
Link: To become a valuable user, 4chan Anons must maintain a consistent presence, peruse vast amounts of content, and develop a discerning eye for valuable cultural capital... more
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      Discourse AnalysisMedia StudiesPlayDigital Archives
Overlooking its famously nonlinear structure, incorporation of multiple genres and unremitting examination of comics culture, print media and television, Alan Moore’s Watchmen is superficially conducive to Hollywood with regards to... more
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      SemioticsFilm AdaptationComics and Graphic NovelsAlan Moore
The anime Gurren Lagann, known for its comedy, depicts a genuine sense of trauma following the combat death of Kamina. The contradictory messages encapsulated in imagery and dialogue simulate the loss of psychological integrity inherent... more
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      SemioticsMedia StudiesManga and Anime StudiesTrauma Studies
Pain, considered an unsharable, interior experience despite its external expressions, is a phenomenon of the visual tradition and tends to be medically assessed visually. Western biomedicine favors brain scans, facial cues, and palpation... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreDisability StudiesChronic PainAutoethnography
Fibromyalgia is chronic pain of unknown etiology, attended by fatigue and affective dysfunction. Unapparent to the unpracticed eye or diagnostic image, it is denied the status of ''real'' suffering given to visually confirmable disorders.... more
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      BiomedicineDisability StudiesChronic PainAutoethnography
Since his Bronze Age revision, the Joker has consistently served as an archetypal trickster, alternating between clever, nonviolent whimsy and vicious malice. Like Trickster, he is well-versed in social engineering and stagecraft,... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreComics and Graphic Novels4chanTrickster
Link: This dissertation explores how meanings are made around a queer Eelam Tamil fibromyalgic woman scholar's bodymind in biomedical and academic settings to excavate broader cultural... more
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      Discourse AnalysisMedia and Cultural StudiesDisability StudiesChronic Pain
Link:|A646530698&v=2.1&it=r&sid=googleScholar&asid=3601c95a In late November 2018, at the request of the WPA editors, the two of us invited a number of feminists to be part of a... more
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      Composition and RhetoricDisability StudiesWriting Program AdministrationFeminism
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      Media StudiesNew MediaMedia and Cultural StudiesDigital Culture
Knoblauch_Bodies_INT_tk.indd 4 Knoblauch_Bodies_INT_tk.indd 4 3/25/22 10:25 AM 3/25/22 10:25 AM * The resulting ghosts banished to the extratextual margins. https:// tinyurl .com/ yx9rd 547. ** You don't have to squint to see the... more
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      Composition and RhetoricDisability StudiesAnti-Ableism
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      Composition and RhetoricAutoethnographyPedagogy
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      Sri LankaIntergenerational TraumaTamil Migration and diaspora
In 2017, troll scholars Whitney Phillips, Jessica Beyer, and Gabriella Coleman published a piece challenging the mass media's narrative about the role of trolls, 4chan, and the alt-right in Trump's election. They contended that... more
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      Media StudiesOnline AggressionInternet Trolling