Pace University
Media and Communication Arts
The purpose of the current study is to examine the attitudes college students have toward online communication and to determine if these attitudes have an impact on their method of learning, i.e., whether online or in the traditional... more
Mike has been hired to fix the reputation of Manor Hill College's Student Accounts Office. Despite his dramatic changes, Mike finds himself still searching for ways to change student perception.
The purpose of the current study is to examine how measurements of educational institutional reputation can act as the foundation for models of communication. It is a mixed method study where both survey data and content analysis of news... more
This article explores the impact of evolving conceptions of the audience by analyzing television’s “hits” as portrayed by two market information regimes: traditional Nielsen ratings and social television analytics, a supplementary big... more
This chapter examines how organizations operate as expert communication services competing with other organizations to solve communication problems experienced by stakeholders trying to address some social, political, environmental , or... more
As we near the third decade of the Web, attention is needed on the integral impact of the Web’s historical development on a range of social, cultural, economic, and political facets of society. The influence of the history of the Web is... more
Technological developments, along with associated economic rea- lities and social changes, continue to disrupt current practices of the news media industry, which creates substantial impacts on news firm management strategy and... more
Venture capital funding is an increasingly common yet under- studied management model in the rapidly changing market of news media. Drawing on scholarship in media management and entrepreneurship, this study applies a community ecology... more
Changes in the ways that audiences use television, and the ways in which such usage can be measured, raise the possibility of a transformation of the audience commodity, and the currency that fuels the audience marketplace. Specifically,... more
Digital transformation continues to impact the news industry and news organizations are adapting accordingly through shifts in required skills and prescribed job positions of journalists. In order to examine the changing nature of the... more
Ranging from inspirational songs void of theological language to worship music imbued with overt religious messages, Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) has a long history of being ill-defined. Due to the genre’s flexible nature, many... more
- by Megan Carlan
©2012 by the board of trustees of the universit y of illinois Early Video Pioneer: An Interview with Skip Blumberg melanie la rosa mel anie l a rosa is an award-winning filmmaker and educator whose work is distributed by Women Make Movies... more