Paizo Organized Play
Code of Conduct
Paizo Organized Play, encompassing Pathfinder Society (PFS), Starfinder Society (SFS) and Pathfinder Adventure Card Society (PACS), is an inclusive social event open to everyone, where we intend that all participants may enjoy gaming in a fun and safe environment. Participants are expected to respect their fellow players and work together to create positive and memorable experiences. While conflict between characters may arise, at no time should a player or Game Master (GM) feel excluded or threatened at the table. The Paizo Organized Play organization reserves the right to refuse participation to any person for inappropriate or illegal conduct. All refusals of participation from Organized Play must be accompanied by a reason, duration of refusal, and criteria for rejoining organized play activities.
Inappropriate conduct includes, but is not limited to: the excessive use of foul language, physical or verbal aggression/intimidation, lewd conduct, inappropriate physical contact, unwelcome sexual attention, slander, stalking, or harassment/discrimination based on age, disability, ethnicity, gender or gender expression/identity, race, religion, sexuality, or any other reason.
Complaints under this policy should be brought to the Event Organizer or a Venture-Officer, who will work to resolve the issue or escalate the issue to the next level within the PFS organization. As an alternative, issues may be reported to the Organized Play Manager (OPM) via email at organizedplay@paizo.com. Issues will be resolved at the lowest level possible within the Organized Play organization. In the case that escalation is necessary, the OPM is the final arbiter of any dispute arising from application of this policy.
Illegal activity needs to be escalated to proper authorities such as convention organizers, facility security, local police, or other appropriate organizations. Event Organizers or Venture-Officers are available to assist participants with contacting local law enforcement, providing escorts, or otherwise help participants feel safe for the duration of an event.
Paizo recognizes that there may be themes included in the Organized Play campaigns that result in uncomfortable situations at the gaming table. If content within a scenario or another character at the table presents cause for concern, we request players identify the issue to the Game Master either vocally or by passing a note. We ask that GMs help the table respect attendees’ sensibilities and reduce/redirect problematic themes once identified. If a participant has been asked to stop any problematic behavior, they are expected to comply immediately, or will be asked to leave the table.
Once again, the intention of Paizo Organized Play is to provide a fun and inclusive gaming environment. The above policy is in place to help further that goal. By joining any Organized Play table, participants are agreeing to the terms and conditions of Paizo Organized Play.
Event Support Programs
Event Support Policy
An organized play program aimed at providing incentive rewards to players and GMs at Pathfinder Society and Starfinder Society events worldwide.
Qualifying Events This program is open to all events running Pathfinder Society and Starfinder Society organized play content. The category of support depends on which criteria the event fulfills.
Terminology The categories of support listed below are for internal classification of Paizo support and do not indicate naming criteria for events. Events may name themselves as they like to personalize
Charity Status Any event may qualify for charity status, provided they complete the charity section on the Event Support Request Form and the charity is a non-political, religious, or sectarian public entity.
Convention Support
Criteria: The event must run 15+ sessions run within a period of 3 days in a non-retail, public location. The event must register on paizo.com and advertise online.
Submission Method: Complete the Support Request Form no later than 4 weeks before the event.
Selection Method: All events that meet the criteria and are submitted on time will receive support. Submissions received after the deadline will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
Rewards: All GMs receive their scheduled scenarios for free as PDFs added to their paizo.com account. Events also receive a package of player boons, GM boon(s), and gift certificates to paizo.com based on the size of the event. Gift certificates and player boons need to be distributed in an egalitarian, unbiased manner, with all attendees having a chance to win. GM boons are intended for those individuals who GM at least one session.
Charity Event: Qualifying events will receive special boons to be granted to those who donate to the event’s charity. Each event may only distribute one boon for each program (one PFS(1ed), one SFS and/or one PFS(2ed)). The distribution method is up to the organizer and may consist of a charity auction, a raffle with the proceeds benefiting the charity, or some other option. The organizer must submit the winners’ information via the provided form. The charity boons will be sent to the winners by the OPM.
Timeline: Submissions received by the due date will have scenarios granted to GMs at least 2 weeks before the event date and reward packages sent to event organizers no later than one week out.
Venture-Officer Involvement: Venture-Captains should be aware of the event and submit paperwork to the OPM, though officers can delegate this processes as needed. The event counts towards fulfilling Venture-Officer convention lead requirements.
Other Requirements: The event organizer needs to submit an after-action report of the event, including number of sessions broken out by campaign, number of attendees, number of new organized play numbers issued, boon dispersal methods, and any other information that would assist in planning the next event. This summary should be submitted to the provided form no later than 1 month after the event. Not submitting an event summary may lead to withdrawal of future support.
Retail Convention Support
Functions as Convention Support with the following changes:
Criteria: This operates as standard conventions, except retail locations are also valid
Rewards: This operates as a standard convention, except no gift certificate support.
Regional Support Program
Program Goals: Encourage growth and support events that don't qualify for Paizo convention support.
Qualifying Location: Any location with an associated venture-officer of any rank, from agent to regional coordinator.
Qualifying Event: Any public event at a qualifying location.
Program Dates: Yearly, starting in February and ending January 31 of the following year (effective 2020 dates are February 1 to January 31, 2021).
Administration: Allocated by the Regional Venture-Coordinators.
Event Submission Process
- Venture-Officer (VO) plans an event, either one-off or recurring, for their location.
- VO contacts their RVC with details of their planned event to indicate interest.
- RVC confirms VO status and confers with VO about implementing the program.
- RVC adds event to the regional support tracker.
- RVC sends a regional support package to VO. Package includes GM tracking cards, player boons, and a tiered GM boon.
- VO advertises event as Regional Support Program qualified.
- VO runs event(s) and provides rewards as applicable
- VO reports on event statistics to RVC.
- RVC inputs data on regional support tracker.
- OPM reviews data and revises program as necessary.
Players have a 10% chance per game played at an event to win a boon, which is the same rate as a player at a convention. VOs will determine the method of boon distribution for their venue, after consulting with their RVC. Some suggested methods include rolling a 19-20 on a d20, earning a token each game played with each token increasing the likelihood of receiving a boon, or entries into a raffle.
GMs earn a race boon with different levels of reward. If a GM runs 6 games at qualifying events, they earn Reward A. If they GM 12 games at qualifying locations during the program period, they earn Reward B. If they GM 24 games at qualifying events over the course of the program period, they earn Reward C.
Retail Support Program
Retail Incentive Programs
This program is designed to encourage players to reward retail locations that are providing space for Paizo Organized Play players and GMs. Locations utilizing the program should advertise its presence to their clientele. We realize that each location is unique, and has an overriding right to determine what is best for their business, so participation in this program is not mandatory. In cases where the specifics of the program don't align well with the retail's procedures (for example, if they don't provide receipts, or they run daily tabs), the event coordinator should work with the retailer to best approximate the intent of the policy.
Game stores and other retail locations are an important part of the Organized Play community, and it's important to support them so that they continue to provide support for Organized Play. Under this program, players can redeem receipts in exchange for modest benefits for the entire party.
Redeeming a receipt simply involves showing it to the event coordinator, who marks the receipt to denote that it was used. A player can only use a receipt in this way on the day of the purchase, and only for an event at that venue. The receipt need not include Paizo products—any products the venue sells count as qualifying purchases. Players can acquire and redeem receipts during play only when doing so does not significantly disrupt gameplay.
If the combined value of the receipts redeemed by players at the table exceeds $10, all of the characters at the table receive the primary benefit described below, and each character chooses one of the secondary benefits described below. This selection is not made until the player elects to use the secondary benefit. If the combined value exceeds $50, you instead use the enhanced version of the applicable benefits; if the combined value exceeds $100, you use the heroic version. (In countries that use currencies other than US Dollars, use approximate equivalents of these amounts; don't worry too much about figuring out the exact exchange rate.) The primary benefit lasts for up to 5 hours, and each character may use their chosen secondary benefit once in each scenario played during those 5 hours.
The benefits gained from this program are in addition to benefits on the Accessory Perks page.
Conventions: For games taking place at conventions, players may take advantage of the Retail Incentive Program by making purchases in a convention vendor hall, artist’s alley, official convention store or similar area and showing receipts. Food and beverage purchases from unaffiliated restaurants or delivery services do not count, though bake sales and similar do qualify.
Pathfinder Society (second edition) Retail Incentive Program
Primary Benefit (for all characters)
Harder to Kill:
Basic Version: Once per game when your dying value would increase, reduce your dying condition value by 1. This can prevent you from dying.
Enhanced Version: As the basic, but reduce your dying condition value by 2. Alternatively, if you would be reduced to 0 Hit Points by a Death effect or killed outright by massive damage, you instead remain unconscious at 0 Hit Points.
Heroic Version: As the enhanced, but reduce your dying condition value by 3. If this reduces your dying value to 0, you regain 25% of your maximum hit points and are no longer unconscious, though you remain prone.
Additional Benefits (each character chooses one)
Sturdy Pathfinder:
Basic Version: Once per game as a free action when you would roll a saving throw, you may add a +2 circumstance bonus to the result of your roll.
Enhanced Version: Once per game, when you would roll a saving throw you may choose to roll twice and take the higher of the two rolls. This is a fortune effect.
Heroic Version: Once per game, you may improve the result of a saving throw you rolled by one step. This ability may not be used in conjunction with other abilities that improve your degree of success.
Recover from Wounds:
Basic Version: Once per game, you may rest for 10 minutes to gain the result of a success on a trained DC 15 Treat Wounds. Alternatively, when someone succeeds at a check to Treat your Wounds, recover an additional 1d8 Hit Points if they are trained, 1d8+5 if they are an expert, 1d8+15 if they are a master, or 1d8+25 if they are legendary. Double these additional dice on a critical success.
Enhanced Version: Once per game, you may rest for 10 minutes to gain the result of a success on a master Treat Wounds. Alternatively, when someone succeeds at a check to Treat your Wounds, recover an additional 2d8 Hit Points if they are trained, 2d8+10 if they are an expert, 2d8+30 if they are a master, or 2d8+50 if they are legendary. Double these additional dice on a critical success.
Heroic Version: Once per game, you may rest for 10 minutes to gain the result of a success on a legendary Treat Wounds. Alternatively, when someone succeeds at a check to Treat your Wounds, recover an additional 2d8+10 Hit Points if they are trained, 2d8+30 if they are an expert, 2d8+50 if they are a master, or 2d8+80 if they are legendary. Double these additional dice on a critical success.
Improved Downtime:
Basic Version: When you roll a failure or a critical failure on a check to Earn Income, you may improve the result by one step. Alternatively, you may gain two additional days of Downtime to use for another task, such as crafting or retraining. This selection must be made prior to making a roll to Earn Income.
Enhanced Version: You may earn gold as if you had rolled a success on a check to Earn Income without rolling; this does not stack with any other boons or abilities which improve your Earn Income results. Alternatively, you may gain four additional days of Downtime to use for another task. This selection must be made prior to making a roll to Earn Income.
Heroic Version: You may earn gold as if you had rolled a critical success on a check to Earn Income without rolling; this does not stack with any other boons or abilities which improve your Earn Income results. Alternatively, you may gain eight additional days of Downtime to use for another task. This selection must be made prior to making a roll to Earn Income.
Starfinder Society Retail Incentive Program
Primary Benefit (for all characters)
Harder to Kill: Reduce the number of Resolve Points required to stabilize by 1, to a minimum of 0.
Enhanced Version: Reduce the number of Resolve Points required to stabilize by 2, to a minimum of 0.
Heroic Version: Reduce the number of Resolve Points required to stabilize by 3, to a minimum of 0.
Secondary Benefits (each character chooses one)
Sturdy Starfinder
Basic Version: Once per game, when rolling a saving throw of any type, you may add a +2 circumstance bonus to the result of the roll.
Enhanced Version: Once per game, when rolling a saving throw of any type, you may roll twice and take the better of the two rolls.
Heroic Version: Once per game, when rolling a saving throw of any type, you may roll twice and take the better of the two rolls, then add a +2 circumstance bonus to the result.
Recover from Wounds:
Basic Version: When you spend a Resolve Point to regain Stamina Points through resting, you can recover either 1 Hit Point per character level or 2 points of ability damage.
Enhanced Version: As basic, but increase the Hit Points restored to 2 per character level or the amount of ability damage recovered to 4.
Heroic Version: As basic, but increase the Hit Points restored to 4 per character level or the amount of ability damage recovered to 8.
Bonus Wealth:
Basic Version: You can choose to roll twice and take the higher result when rolling a Day Job check.
Enhanced Version: As Basic, but you also increase the credits you earn from the Day Job result by 50%. This does not stack with other boons that apply to Day Job checks.
Heroic Version: Instead of rolling your Day Job check, you can receive the results of rolling a 20.
Pathfinder Society (first edition) Retail Incentive Program
Ongoing Benefit (for all characters)
Harder to Kill: Treat the character's Constitution as 5 points higher than normal for the purpose of determining when hit point damage would kill him.
Enhanced Version: For the enhanced benefit, treat the character's Constitution as 10 higher.
Single-Use Benefits (each character chooses one)
Cheaper Healing: Before the end of the session, you can use the benefit to reduce the Prestige Point cost of one spellcasting service of the healing subschool by 1 (minimum 0).
Enhanced Version: You can instead reduce the cost by 2.
Recover from Wounds: The PC recovers hit points equal to twice their character level.
Enhanced Version: Each PC also recovers 2 points of ability damage to one ability score. This benefit can only be used outside of combat.
Bonus Wealth: If you do not use the subsidized healing benefit above, you can instead choose to roll twice and take the higher result when rolling a Day Job check.
Enhanced Version: You also increase the gold you earn from the day Job result by 50% (maximum 300 gp total).
The benefits gained from this program are in addition to benefits such as the Accessory Perks referred to in the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide or on the Accessory Perks page.
Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild
Ongoing Benefit (for all characters)
Harder to Kill: When you reset your hand, you may treat your hand size as 1 lower.
Enhanced Version: When you reset your hand, you may treat your hand size as 2 lower.
Single-Use Benefits (each character chooses one)
Cheaper Boons: Add 1d6 to your check to acquire.
Enhanced Version: Add 2d6 to your check to acquire.
Recover from Wounds: Recharge a random card from your discard pile.
Enhanced Version: Recharge 2 random cards from your discard pile.
Bonus Wealth: Draw 1 card.
Enhanced Version: Draw 2 cards.
The benefits gained from this program are in addition to benefits such as the Accessory Perks referred to in the Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild Guide or on the Accessory Perks page.
Playtest Tables: Pathfinder Society playtests are considered to be opt-in for GMs. Tables aren’t automatically assumed to permit playtest characters. GMs accepting playtest characters should advertise as such; players should ask GMs prior to bringing playtest characters to the table and have a backup ready if the GM doesn’t feel comfortable running for a playtest character.
Creating a Playtest Character: If the GM allows playtest characters, a player can determine if they want to playtest the new class. Depending on the character levels appropriate for the scenario, the player can then use a 1st-, 3rd-, or 5th-level character using a class presented in the playtest. Playtest characters in Pathfinder Society cannot take archetypes. Use the following guidelines for character creation:
- 1st Level: Use the character creation rules presented in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook and Guide to Organized Play: Pathfinder Society.
- 3rd Level: Use the character creation rules as above, except that instead of starting with 15 gp, select one 2nd-level and two 1st-level permanent items. In addition, you can spend 25 gp on other available equipment.
- 5th Level: Use the character creation rules as above, except that instead of starting with 15 gp, select one 4th-level, two 3rd-level, one 2nd-level, and two 1st-level permanent items. In addition, you can spend up to 50 gp on other available equipment.
Credit: Choose which of your characters will receive the credit at the beginning of the adventure. The credit earned for playing a playtest character follows the same rules and guidelines as applying credit for a pregenerated character, presented in the Applying Credit section of the Player Basics page of the Guide to Organized Play: Pathfinder Society.
Playtest Period: You can build and use playtest characters in Pathfinder Society games for the duration of the playtest window. Once Paizo’s playtest officially closes, you can no longer use the playtest class to build characters.