Well, I got fired

I wonā€™t go into details (because they legit didnā€™t fucking tell me why), but I am currently without a job.

So I would really appreciate it if people considered checking out my Etsy account for resin casts and 3D prints, or my Cults3D account for STL files.


I do NOT need serious donations at this time. Please do not feel obliged to send me money.

I would just appreciate it if you picked something up that interests you, assuming you can afford it.




Speak up



The powers of Mrdyu were strange indeed, as he appeared to have control over the terrible Alkahest. That Godly Fluid that the Church and many others truly despised, fearful of the true death it brought. Yet, Mrdyu believed it holy, that it was the one way to return to the original god of all. Mortals were simply afraid of what they didnā€™t understand, they clung blindly to their useless lives. This world had poisoned their minds, making them believe that they were better off as lost fragments trapped in an endless cycle of futility. They would claim that Alkahest was evil, meant only to destroy, but Mrdyu would show them proof that it was all lies. For see the Hollows that rise from the silver, see Those Unflinching that were given undying bodies. There was life still in Alkahest, it was just within the dead god, begging to truly be reborn. If one was wise enough and bound themselves to this Godly Fluid, they would be able to tease out these secrets and access what lay within the silvery heart. As Silvertongue of the Dead God, he would claim that he could speak to this buried deity, and call upon their aid. He would borrow scraps of essence and the might of Alkahest to fashion warriors and workers to further the cause. Take just a little so that the rest could be returned. And from this art would come profane beings of silver, ones that were known as the Touch of Death.Ā 

It was said that the Touch of Death were entities born purely from Alkahest, much like the elementals that occasionally rise from the liquid. These were simply Mrdyuā€™s version of these beings, crafted by his magic and ties to the dead god. The Touch of Death were serpentine creatures of strange segments and a single skeletal hand. It was from this hand that a lone terrible claw protruded, a deadly finger that ended in a scythe-like blade. This was a weapon that embodied the deadly nature of Alkahest, as few things could resist its bite. With a single swing, it could cleave an entire squad of soldiers in two, or reduce a siege weapon to useless chunks. They were like living swords that carved through any who stood before them, swinging their bladed finger with lethal precision. But their most terrifying ability lay within its very tip, the power that gave it its name. A Touch of Death could ā€œchargeā€ its finger, channeling a surge of Alkahest energeiai into the point. The end of the digit would glow with silvery light and when it was fully charged, the creature would kill with a single touch. The long finger would jab a victim with the glowing tip, and they would vanish into a cloud of gray dust. The built up energeiai would unleash the full power of Alkahest upon contact with a target, disintegrating them in the blink of an eye. To watchers of this act, it would be like the Touch of Death erased a victim with just one finger.

Thankfully this ability took a lot from these serpents, requiring a decent amount of time to pass before they could use it again. If one could dodge this attack and get the finger to strike anything else, the energeiai would be spent. The Alkahest charge would evaporate the spot where it struck, but it would spare the victim this sudden fate and waste the Touchā€™s strength.Ā 

The Touch of Death did take part in battles and raids upon the Church, but their design was best used in assassination and sabotage. Send forth one of these to slither into enemy strongholds to destroy their supplies and erase their strongest members. Their ability was often saved for important figures, like generals, priests and political leaders. If done stealthy, it would seem that this person vanished into thin air, with no one aware that the faint layer of dust that is vanishing in the breeze was once their trusted ally. At times, though, these executions were done publicly, often to break the spirits of a village and scare the people into surrender. The Touch of Death could be programmed to go after specific targets or places, these orders etched into the palms of their hand. While their singular claw kills and erases, the other fingers trace the words they have been given, reminding them of their mission.Ā 

When Mrdyu was defeated, his creations fell to pieces, as his connection to the divine Alkahest was lost. The Touch of Death were erased just like their victims, reduced to nothing but dust and a footnote in historyā€¦Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā 


And here we are at the end of March, but like I said we are going just a little further because I canā€™t count. Still got to see the main man!






Apparently boomer Democrats are having meltdowns over a gen-z progressive who is primarying an 80 year old Democrat because she ā€œwent on trans podcastsā€ and wore a Charizard kigurumi


ok but what is she running on

You can check her out here, but quick run down:

  • Universal single payer healthcare
  • Restore reproducive healthcare
  • Protecting trans rights
  • Passing the Equality Act
  • Ending mass deportation
  • Term limits for Congress
  • $25/hr minimum wage
  • Support for rural medical care and schools
  • $3000/month for stat at home parents
a comment that says "Those ideas will destroy the USA you commie fuck"ALT

reblog if youā€™re a commie fuck who wants the USA destroyed






in all honesty how does the Minecraft movie look? Will it be an unexpected charm, or just another piece of corporate slop?

I’m expecting corporate slop tbh

so much of it looks like that 2010’s style “well that just happened” Whedonism that everybody’s gotten sick of

there’s a kind of cynical cash grab vibe to it, like someone took a very surface level glance at the source material when adapting it, rather than digging deep (ironically) into the elements of the game that have captivated people for over a decade

which might sound hypocritical, since I also said the Sonic movies are a bad representation of the source material, but they make up for it by being genuinely entertaining

I just don’t get that from the Minecraft trailers, but who knows

calling it
the Minecraft movie will have a scene where Steve goes back to the real world and tumbles into a redhead woman and the post credit scene reveals that she’s Alex for the sequel bait

“A lizard in a Sep 1987 ad for GOULD electronics in Computer magazine. The ad’s about how they can adapt “with the skill of a chameleon,” which a different reptile entirely.


A lizard in a Sep 1987 ad for GOULD electronics in Computer magazine. The ad’s about how they can adapt “with the skill of a chameleon,” which a different reptile entirely.



snails and snail adjacent creatures





need two vampire ladies to have an indirect kiss using me

i mean i want something sexually normal haha

can the two mormon rp blogs having a conversation in the tags of this post take it to dms please and thank you


Not letting this be left in the tags lol