Frequently Asked Questions

We know that parents and caregivers can often have a lot of questions about their child’s development. Below is a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs). Every question is clickable and will take you to a page with more detail. If you have a FAQ or concern not on this list, please contact us at

What Do I Need to Know for My Baby?

What is play and why is it important?
Play is a way for your child to familiarize themselves with the world while exploring and testing their own limits. See our play brochure to learn more!

What is the difference between picky eaters and problem feeders?
Although these concepts may appear the same, they are in fact very different. Check out our table comparing the two with different characteristics and habits.

What do I need to know about the development of baby’s vision?
Watching for baby’s ability to make eye contact and checking for vision milestones can help in the detection of developmental delays.

What is Tummy Time and why is it important?
Tummy Time is time baby spends on their tummy. It is essential when it comes to the development of baby’s neck, back, and shoulder muscles.

What are the different ways you can do Tummy Time with baby?
Click here to see 5 different Tummy Time moves, like lap soothe and tummy to tummy, that can be done with baby.

How can I help make diaper changing easier for me and baby?
Find 6 ways to make diaper changing more fun, like singing or giving baby a toy to play with.

How can I make sure baby is sleeping safely?
Healthcare professionals encourage caregivers to follow the “ABCs” when it comes to putting baby to sleep: Alone, Back, Crib. Click here to see more tips about safe sleep for baby. Remember: back to sleep, tummy to play.

What do I need to know about talking and communicating with baby?
The communication skills babies learn in their first year set the stage for success in developing reading, writing, and social skills later in life.

What are the 7 senses and why are they important for baby?
Along with the 5 senses (smell, taste, hearing, touch sight), there are also the vestibular sense and proprioception sense.

When Should My Baby?

When do I start baby on solid foods?
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends starting babies on solid foods around 6 months old. Read more tips about starting solid foods.

When do I start Tummy Time with baby?
Tummy Time is essential to support your baby’s development, and you can begin regular Tummy Time as soon as you bring your baby home from the hospital.

What age appropriate games/activities can I play with baby?
Find activities, milestones, and more than 300 games based on date of baby’s birth. Simply set baby’s birthday in our Baby Games Calendar to get this list of games and milestones!

Complicated Terms/Concepts

What are hypertonia and hypotonia?
Hypertonia and hypotonia are two technical terms to describe issues with muscle tone. Click here to see definitions along with common characteristics of both.

What are augmentative and alternative communication?
Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) is a form of communication used instead of or along with talking. AAC can help children who have difficulties hearing and/or speaking.

What is positional plagiocephaly?
Positional plagiocephaly is when a baby develops a flattening on the back or side of the head.

What is positional torticollis?
Positional torticollis occurs when the muscles in baby’s neck become stiff or tight, which causes baby’s head to tilt to one side.

What is early intervention?
If you suspect your child might have a developmental delay it is important that your child is evaluated to see if they would benefit from early therapy services.

See more about about the Early Intervention program that provides support and education to children with developmental delays and their families.

What is executive function?
Executive function is a mental process that allows us to understand our past experiences with present action. Some issues children may experience with executive functions include being forgetful and disorganized.

Is there a list of common child developmental terms?
Check out our glossary to understand complicated terms or concepts.

For Therapists and Health Professionals

Do you offer Continuing Education?
We offer training courses for healthcare professionals so individuals around the world can spread awareness and teach others about detecting early motor delays. We are currently working on our new E-learning platform so check back soon!

How do I order educational brochures/DVDs?
We are currently working on our new order page.  Check back soon for updates!  In the meantime, contact for ordering information.


What exactly does do?
We are a national not-for-profit educational foundation. Our mission is to empower parents and health professionals with FREE tools to maximize a child’s motor, sensory, and communication development.

Where can I learn more about the Pediatric Clinic?
Contact Our Clinic (located in Glenview, IL) at (847) 729-6220.

How do I donate to help the mission?
Help continue to provide a variety of free, educational materials on children’s motor, sensory, play, and communication development.

Popular Pages

Where can I find educational brochures?
Visit our brochures page to view educational brochures by topics.

What types of videos does have?
Check out our videos page to watch various developmental videos.

What are some common questions about raising bilingual children?
There are many misconceptions about raising children who speak more than one language (bilingual). Although parents may at first have concerns about teaching their children two languages, there are many benefits of being bilingual. See all other questions here.

What is “TEAM Belong?"
An inclusive faith community means that every person, regardless of ability, is offered the same respect and opportunity to participate in their worshiping community.

TEAM Belong - That Every Ability May Belong

What are some common misconceptions about communication delays?
One example of a common communication delay misconception is that it is normal for boys to have delays in speech and language. See the other misconceptions with communication delays here.

What do I need to know about infant equipment?
Infant equipment are devices that hold your baby during playtime, activities, and during transportation.

What types of therapy are available at the Pediatric Clinic?
The different types of therapy include: Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech Language Therapy. Learn more about the pediatric clinic in Glenview, IL here.