Patroclus is Black. I have spoken.

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna


Fic Masterlist | Squidgeworld | AO3 | Bluesky (fic/art only)

Updated version! I ain't ever gone play that guitar, might as well remove it.

If you are looking for my character design and racial sensitivity blog, please go to @creatingblackcharacters! This is my main, where I relax and post strong political opinions. Stay at your own will πŸ€£β€οΈπŸ’•.


For everyone new here! This blog used to be mostly fandom and fanfic, but time and pressing issues have demanded I now serve as political as well. Which is fine! I love learning and teaching, and I do discuss things that I think are important to know. I teach those willing to listen. I still will talk about and share my fan and OC tings.


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Clicked on a reel to see “ten things you’ll find in a Nigerian household” because it was a white man and I wanted to see how long it’d take to piss me off. I got no further than five seconds.

“first, they have you take off your shoes, and put on what they call "slippers”“ oh incredible work, truly, so exotic, white man you’re truly doing deep anthropomorphic and sociological research


i always recommend 'how to hide an empire' by daniel immerwahr to usamericans as an intro to imperialism because of how it looks at the history of the us empire and its peripheries in a way that is pretty accessible to newcomers of the subject. if i recall correctly it touches on the history of us involvement in puerto rico, mexico, the philippines, the pacific islands incl hawaii, alaska, and chattel slavery as the construction of an internal colony, as well as on manifest destiny and indigenous genocide on the mainland. it provides a solid overview and you can choose to delve into further research from there

dont tell em the concept of the internal colony is real! theyre too busy hating black and indigenous folks!!!


The Diamond Room of Tehran’s Marble Palace is a stunning showcase of Ayineh Kari, the Persian art of mirror mosaic. Thousands of meticulously cut silver mirrors cover the walls and ceiling, arranged in intricate geometric patterns that reflect and refract light, creating a dazzling, almost ethereal atmosphere.

This technique, perfected during the Safavid and Qajar eras, was more than just decorativeβ€”it symbolized divine illumination and was designed to make interiors feel vast and celestial. Originally built as a royal residence, the palace now serves as an art museum, preserving this breathtaking craftsmanship. Each mirrored fragment acts like a tiny diamond, turning the space into a luminous masterpiece of Persian architecture.

Photo by: Ali Alirezaei


I hate it when my peers share good takes from people who’ve been notably antiblack 😭 like DAMN yeah that is a good take on world politics and imperialism, alas this person also thinks that Black Americans have never contributed to global activism against imperialism or communist and/or socialist theory so I unfortunately cannot stand by your side while you cheer them on.

i see this is where our line of solidarity ends 😭 it sucks bc ill be like yeah I wanna reblog but... I refuse to give them quarter.... aghhhhh


These people are so fucking crazy sidjsifjsofkkslvmslc


Im obsessed with people saying some shit a youth pastor would say and then acting like they did something huge


Surprising nobody, the second tweet is from a contributor to Reduxx, an overtly transphobic news outlet. Her bio lists her passions as "her pug Pepe, fighting the culture wars, and preserving female sports and spaces."

So. That tracks.

idk yall im on year 10 and engaged and frankly i think my relationship is a lot healthier than folks rushing in yall gotta let people go at their own paces. these traditional ass people gone ruin your lives

You know, I’ve been trying to work out because I’ve always wanted a muscular back, but also because I’m self conscious about my fat rolls on my back and I want a low back dress for my wedding. I’d probably be less self conscious if I had any ass to balance it out, but alas. But now I’m wondering if fr fr, if the dress itself flatters me, the fat rolls might not matter. Like… It’s a body. They’re not that bad. Maybe.

still working on body image