stewy Originally from aqwult


guy types out a rage filled response on the internet. but before posting it goes on a long walk to calm down. during his walk he gains a new appreciation for life and his role in it. he comes home, rereads his pending response, and clicks post.

George Harrison is a concept by which we measure how badly someone wants to be mclennon’s third


Four of the current teenage idols, Paul, George, Ringo and John - better known as the BEATLES - are causing a riot in the LADIES’ world of hairdressing.

At least their fans are.

Every day in Scotland more and more teenagers are walking into hairdressing salons and asking to have shoulder-length locks cropped into a short jagged pudding-bowl cut.

And the Beatle-boys reckon that the Beatle-girls are paying them the greatest compliment ever.

They calmly accepted it when boys copied their eye-tickler hair style. Now that girls are coming in on the act, John Lennon, one of the popular group who took Glasgow by storm on a visit last year, says: “Now we’re even influencing girls’ fashions - TERRIFIC.”

But many hair stylists are not happy…

One said: “This is a shocking style for girls. It’s too short, too unruly and too boyish to be attractive. Several girls have asked for it on impulse and then regretted it.”

Another said: “I try to persuade the girl and if that doesn’t work I give her an adaption. I make it slightly longer and smoother than the Beatles have it. To have the original a girl would have to be very beautiful. The style is very severe.”

Blonde Roweanne Bailie can understand why a girl has her hair cut like a man’s. Roweanne, from Garnethill, Glasgow, said: “I think the boys are marvellous. Some girls copy Brigitte Bardot, I copy the Beatles.”

Another fan with a Beatle haircut is Jacqueline Archibald, a Glasgow theatre usherette. “Lots of my friends are having their hair cut like the Beatles.” She says, “It’s definitely all the rage.”

The title of the Beatles latest release? “She Loves You.”

Give the girls their Beatles haircuts, you cowards! From the Daily Record, 16th August 1963.