Papers by Leo Willyanto Santoso
Aksiologiya, Mar 12, 2023
Pola pembelajaran daring (online class) agar tidak terjebak pada rutinitas dan kejenuhan harus di... more Pola pembelajaran daring (online class) agar tidak terjebak pada rutinitas dan kejenuhan harus diimbangi inovasi dan kreativitas metode yang digunakan. Terlebih dengan semakin berkembangnya mutasi atau varian virus SAR-CoV-2, tentu kegiatan pembelajaran konvensional dengan hadir di kelas menjadi belum jelas kapan dilaksanakan. Itu sebabnya pihak pendidik memerlukan sentuhan kreatifitas, agar proses belajar mengajar dari rumah tetap menyenangkan peserta didik. Maka rumusan masalah dalam kegiatan abdimas ini adalah bagaimanakah menumbuhkan kreatifitas elearning melalui pembelajaran media animasi interaktif berbasis edufun (education & fun) guna meningkatkan semangat pembelajaran di era pandemic Covid 19 ini? Tujuannya guru bisa meningkatkan ketrampilan pembelajaran melalui pembelajaran media animasi interaktif berbasis edufun (education & fun), sementara siswa-siswi tetap bisa mengikuti proses transfer of knowledge yang kreatif pada masa pandemic. Metode kegiatan ini terbagi atas dua kegiatan. Pertama penyampaian materi dasar teknik-tenik pembelajaran inovatif dan kedua praktik langsung (simulasi) pembuatan animasi sederhana yang diikuti oleh guru pembina dan siswa-siswi kelas VII SMPN 24 Surabaya. Hasil pelatihan ini guru memperoleh pengetahuan dan ketrampilan membuat animasi sederhana. Siswa yang mengikuti kegiatan memperoleh pengetahuan baru dan ketrampilan teknis pembuatan animasi model pembelajaran yang kreatif dengan topik lingkungan, teknologi, pendidikan, persahabatan, transportasi dan arsitektur/konstruksi.
Jurnal Infra, Aug 14, 2015
Teeth are hard part that are inside the mouth and got a varied structure also has the possibility... more Teeth are hard part that are inside the mouth and got a varied structure also has the possibility to do many jobs. Teeth has a really important role for human life and it is certainly very dangerous if our teeth are having problems, given the fact that teeth disease can cause death. But with the minimum knowledge and information it is impossible to keep our teeth healthy, so an expert is needed to solve this problem about teeth disease and how to keep the teeth healthy. From the fact above, this last project could help us to diagnose the teeth disease and anticipate the risk of teeth disease by designing and implementing this application. This application made web-based (PHP) by using Dreamweaver and XAMPP as the MYSQL database server. This expert system will give a couple of questions to the patient. After all of the questions answered then the diagnosis with the solution will be shown to the patient that will help the patient to anticipate the teeth disease.
Jurnal Infra, Jul 1, 2013
"x" layer poultry farm is currently using the system for recording purchases and sales manually. ... more "x" layer poultry farm is currently using the system for recording purchases and sales manually. This is made the "x" layer poultry farm difficult to calculate the revenue. In order to overcome existing problems, they invented a system software with the purchase, sales, profit and loss calculations, and display the required reports. This application uses the programming language Visual Basic 6.0 and Microsoft SQL Server 2005. Based on the results of tests performed, 80% of users stated that the features in this application is sufficient to help overcome the existing problems on the farm.
Jurnal Infra, Jul 31, 2016
Bangun datar dan bangun ruang adalah sebagian dari materi Matematika yang cukup sulit dipelajari ... more Bangun datar dan bangun ruang adalah sebagian dari materi Matematika yang cukup sulit dipelajari jika tidak memahami visualisasinya. Selain itu bangun datar dan bangun ruang memiliki banyak rumus dan gambar sehingga membuat siswa kesulitan dalam mengerjakannya. Berdasarkan masalah diatas maka aplikasi ini dibuat dapat dengan mengutamakan pembelajarnya dengan didukung visualisai 3D menggunakan OpenGL ES untuk bangun ruang, selain itu terdapat fitur hitung rumus, fitur gambar dan kuis yang membantu pengguna dalam mahami pelajaran. Terakhir ada fitur mini game untuk membuat pengguna tidak bosan dengan belajar, tetapi belajar sekaligus bermain. Berdasarkan hasil implementasi yang telah diuji, aplikasi ini dapat mengolah macam soal dan jawaban yang benar, menampilkan materi untuk bangun ruang dan bangun datar disertai visualisasinya, penghitungan dengan rumus yang tepat, dan visualisasi bangun datar dengan interaksi dari pengguna.
Springer eBooks, Mar 10, 2015
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Soft Comput... more This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Soft Computing, Intelligent Systems, and Information Technology, ICSIIT 2015, held in Bali, Indonesia, in March 2015. The 34 revised full papers presented together with 19 short papers, one keynote and 2 invited talks were carefully reviewed and selected from 92 submissions. The papers cover a wide range of topics related to intelligence in the era of Big Data, such as fuzzy logic and control system; genetic algorithm and heuristic approaches; artificial intelligence and machine learning; similarity-based models; classification and clustering techniques; intelligent data processing; feature extraction; image recognition; visualization techniques; intelligent network; cloud and parallel computing; strategic planning; intelligent applications; and intelligent systems for enterprise, government and society.
Jurnal Infra, 2016
PT. Z merupakan perusahaan manufaktur serta produsen cat terkemuka di Indonesia dengan pengalaman... more PT. Z merupakan perusahaan manufaktur serta produsen cat terkemuka di Indonesia dengan pengalaman bertahun-tahun di bidang industri cat yang memproduksi beragam jenis cat antara lain Decorative Coating (water and solvent based), Automotive Coating, Industrial Coating, dan Heavy Duty Coating. PT. Z memiliki kantor perwakilan dibeberapa tempat untuk membantu distribusi produk. PT. Z memiliki sistem informasi untuk mendukung proses bisnis perusahaan. Namun, sistem informasi digunakan sampai saat ini masih memiliki kekurangan dan belum terintegrasi. Sehingga perlu dilakukan perencanaan dan pembuatan enterprise architecture. Metode yang digunakan adalah Enterprise Architecture Planning. Langkah awal yang dilakukan adalah menganalisis proses dan strategi bisnis perusahaan. Setelah itu, mengumpulkan informasi tentang permasalahan information technology saat ini dan menganalisis kebutuhan information technology PT. Z. Kemudian melakukan desain arsitektur data, arsitektur aplikasi, dan arsitektur teknologi sesuai dengan strategi dan proses bisnis PT. Z. Hasil analisis desain arsitektur data, aplikasi, dan teknologi yaitu delapan sub sistem informasi, aplikasi utama dan aplikasi pendukung, dan peggunaan Client/Server Architecture Pattern dan Service Oriented Architecture.
Jurnal Infra, Jul 1, 2013
Toko komputer Infodata Computindo adalah toko komputer yang bergerak di bidang penjualan, pembeli... more Toko komputer Infodata Computindo adalah toko komputer yang bergerak di bidang penjualan, pembelian perangkat komputer dan handphone. Toko Infodata Computindo juga menerima jasa reparasi dan install ulang komputer. Toko Infodata Computindo memiliki masalah dalam pencatatan stok dan akuntansinya. Aplikasi ini dikembangkan dan dibuat dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 dan Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 untuk dbms-nya. Aplikasi yang dibuat memiliki ruang lingkup sebagai berikut: proses pembelian, penjualan, pelunasan hutang dan piutang, retur, pencatatan kartu stok, pencatatan transaksi jurnal umum, prosesproses akuntansi dan laporan keuangan yang meliputi jurnal umum, jurnal pembelian, jurnal penjualan, jurnal penerimaan kas, jurnal pengeluaran kas. Hasil pengujian terhadap aplikasi menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi ini dapat secara otomatis memproses data akuntansi yang berhubungan langsung dengan proses pembelian, penjualan, jurnal umum, pembayaran hutang dan piutang serta servis. Tingkat akurasi, kesesuaian dan kelengkapan dari laporan keuangan yang dihasilkan aplikasi sangat memuaskan.
Supporting the goal of higher education to produce graduation who will be a professional leader i... more Supporting the goal of higher education to produce graduation who will be a professional leader is a crucial. Most of universities implement intelligent information system to support in achieving their vision and mission. One of the features of Intelligent Information System is student performance prediction. By implementing data mining method, this feature could accurately predict the student' grade for their enrolled subjects. Moreover, it can identify students that are at risk in failing a course and allow top educational management to take corrective actions. In this research, linear multi regression model was proposed to build model for every student. Based on the testing result on large set of students, courses, and activities shows that these models are capable of improving the performance prediction accuracy by over 15%.
Jurnal Infra, Aug 1, 2014
Toko Niaga Mojokerto merupakan sebuah Toko yang bergerak di bidang retail dari alat-alat bangunan... more Toko Niaga Mojokerto merupakan sebuah Toko yang bergerak di bidang retail dari alat-alat bangunan seperti mesin bor, alat-alat pertukangan, mesin beji, dan lain-lain. Toko Niaga juga menjual barang-barang bangunan seperti paku, pipa, selang, cat tembok, dan lain-lain.Dalam melakukan proses bisnisnya, pencatatan akuntansi masih belum secara menyeluruh. Proses yang masih manual tersebut memiliki banyak risiko. Salah satu risiko yang sering sekali terjadi adalah risiko human error. Untuk itu proses akuntansi ini harus dikomputerisasi dengan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi.Oleh karena itu, dengan mengimplementasikan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi, maka proses pencatatan akuntansi dalam Toko ini akan lebih terstruktur dan mengurangi human error yang dapat terjadi. Berdasarkan latar belakang permasalahan itu, penulis merancang sistem informasi akuntansi yang dapat melakukan penjurnalan secara otomatis dan menghitung laba rugi dengan lebih tepat dan mudah. Proses pembuatannya menggunakan PHP dan Mysql. Secara keseluruhan aplikasi ini telah sesuai dengan kebutuhan toko.Aplikasi ini dapat membantu owner dalam mengetahui keadaan keuangan toko melalui laporanlaporan yang dihasilkan oleh aplikasi ini.Hasil yang diperoleh dari aplikasi yang telah dibuat antara lainlaporan laba rugi,laporan perubahan modal, laporan neraca, laporan penjualan, laporan pembelian, laporan hutang, laporan piutang, laporan kas masuk, laporan kas keluar, dan buku besar.
Jurnal Infra, Feb 1, 2014
TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control, Jun 1, 2020
Supporting the goal of higher education to produce graduation who will be a professional leader i... more Supporting the goal of higher education to produce graduation who will be a professional leader is a crucial. Most of universities implement intelligent information system (IIS) to support in achieving their vision and mission. One of the features of IIS is student performance prediction. By implementing data mining model in IIS, this feature could precisely predict the student' grade for their enrolled subjects. Moreover, it can recognize at-risk students and allow top educational management to take educative interventions in order to succeed academically. In this research, multi-regression model was proposed to build model for every student. In our model, learning management system (LMS) activity logs were computed. Based on the testing result on big students datasets, courses, and activities indicates that these models could improve the accuracy of prediction model by over 15%.
Proceeding of the Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics (EECSI) Conference, Oct 1, 2020
Genetic programming (GP) is a machine learning technique that is based on the evolution of comput... more Genetic programming (GP) is a machine learning technique that is based on the evolution of computer programs using a genetic algorithm. Genetic programming have proven to be a good technique for solving data set classification problems but at high computational cost. The objectives of this research is to accelerate the execution of the classification algorithms by proposing a general model of execution in GPU of the adjustment function of the individuals of the population. The computation times of each of the phases of the evolutionary process and the operation of the model of parallel programming in GPU were studied. Genetic programming is interesting to parallelize from the perspective of evolving a population of individuals in parallel.
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, Apr 10, 2021
This research focuses on analyzing the state of the art of the blockchain technology and in publi... more This research focuses on analyzing the state of the art of the blockchain technology and in publicizing the potential applications and implementations that the blockchain can deliver to the supply chain. For this, it will be explained in a simple way technology and its operation in the supply chain and case studies of real companies that are currently betting on this technological revolution, capable of improving the efficiency of any process logistic.
We would like to thank all Program Committee members for their effort in providing high-quality r... more We would like to thank all Program Committee members for their effort in providing high-quality reviews in a timely manner. We thank all the authors of submitted papers and the authors of selected papers for their collaboration in preparation of the final copy. Compared to the previous ICSIIT conferences, the number of participants of the 5th ICSIIT 2017 is not only increasing, but also the research papers presented at the conference are improved both in quantity and quality. On behalf of the organizing committee, once again, we would like to thank all participants of this conference, who contributed enormously to the success of the conference. We hope all of you enjoy reading this volume and that you will find it inspiring and stimulating for your research and future work.
Jurnal Infra, Jul 31, 2016
Toko X merupakan sebuah toko yang bergerak di bidang penjualan aksesories komputer yang terletak ... more Toko X merupakan sebuah toko yang bergerak di bidang penjualan aksesories komputer yang terletak di Salatiga. Dalam melakukan penjualan, perusahaan ini menggunakan sistem offline. Setelah jam operasional toko tutup, maka penjualan akan terhenti karena tidak adanya sistem online. Penjualan yang dilakukan di luar jam operasional perusahaan, melalui BBM, whatsapp, dan email langsung ke admin penjualan. Pencatatan penjualan dan pengiriman yang dilakukan manual. Sehingga admin penjualan cukup kesulitan untuk menangani satu per satu telepon yang masuk. Melihat latar belakang permasalahan tersebut, dirancang sebuah sistem aplikasi yang dapat membantu meningkatkan dan mempermudah penjualan toko X. Aplikasi yang dibuat berbasis website yang dapat diakses oleh customer melalui handphone ataupun komputer. Pembuatan website ini membantu customer untuk melakukan transaksi. Transaksi yang dilakukan meliputi, pemilihan barang, penentuan jumlah barang, pemilihan pengiriman, tujuan pengiriman, perhitungan total harga barang, biaya pengiriman dan total biaya yang harus dibayarkan customer. Konfirmasi status transaksi melalui e-mail untuk customer. Website dibuat dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan database MySQL. Secara keseluruhan, website ini telah sesuai dengan kebutuhan perusahaan. Selain itu, membantu customer untuk melakukan transaksi. Hal ini dibuktikan dari 80% customer menyatakan puas terhadap kegunaan website dan 60% customer menyatakan cukup puas dengan informasi yang diberikan.
"x" layer poultry farm is currently using the system for recording purchases and sales manually. ... more "x" layer poultry farm is currently using the system for recording purchases and sales manually. This is made the "x" layer poultry farm difficult to calculate the revenue. In order to overcome existing problems, they invented a system software with the purchase, sales, profit and loss calculations, and display the required reports. This application uses the programming language Visual Basic 6.0 and Microsoft SQL Server 2005. Based on the results of tests performed, 80% of users stated that the features in this application is sufficient to help overcome the existing problems on the farm.
selecting candidate is a usual process in any organization, for example personnel recruitment, su... more selecting candidate is a usual process in any organization, for example personnel recruitment, supplier selection, and awardees short listing system. The selection process in the area of awarding scholarships often uses a manual process which examines the candidate's qualifications according to that specified by the scholarship scheme. The main objective of this research is to reduce the inefficiencies within the process and improving the quality of the final decision by minimizing the degree of personal preference. In this research, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) has been implemented in awardees short listing system at Petra Christian University. Based on these needs, required a system that can provide considerations determine the decision of the scholarship recipients. Such systems provide objective results based on the terms and conditions have been determined by comparing the value of each scholarship recipients. So the result is in accordance with input provided by potential recipients. Based on the questionnaire result, this application meets with end user requirements, 70% of the respondents said this application improve the efficiency of decision making process in terms of multi criteria decision making ability. KeywordsHierarchy Process, Scholarship, Decision Making.
Acidity in wastewater is the critical problem in developing country. The absence of efficient was... more Acidity in wastewater is the critical problem in developing country. The absence of efficient wastewater management has caused serious environmental problems and cost issues. Therefore, in this paper IoT-based data logger and pH controller is proposed to reduce the inefficiency. IoT is a concept whereby objects around us can interact and exchange information with each other without human intermediaries through the Internet. One of the implementation of IoT is to monitor the level of liquid acidity through smartphones. It needs additional tools such as sensors, microcontrollers, and other devices that are then connected to the internet. Android-based mobile phone is used to interact with sensors, microcontroller, and other tools through the internet wherever the user is. From the testing, there is a successful communication between the components of the device, sensors, and Android devices. It is possible to adjust the acidity of the liquid automatically by activating the pump in accordance with the results of the pH reading
Papers by Leo Willyanto Santoso