°mental wellness°

799 Pins
Ways to regulate your nervous system 🌿
Take small steps to bring peace back to your mind and body. #NervousSystemHealth #CalmYourMind #MentalWellness #RegulateYourself
The Six Types of Boundaries - Etsy
Strengthen your understanding of boundaries through these six more common types of boundaries. Build your knowledge around how to set boundaries, and how these boundaries get violated with helpful examples.
The Vicious Cycle of Dopamine Depletion; Understanding Dopamine; Neurotransmitters; Addiction Resources; Therapy Worksheets Dopamine
This worksheet highlights the vicious cycle of dopamine depletion, a cycle that refers to the way that dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure, reward, and motivation, can contribute to patterns of behavior that may lead to addiction or other negative outcomes.