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14K reactions · 305 comments | EVER WONDERED 👇 Why you and your siblings had such different experiences of childhood, even though you grew up in the same home? #adhd #innerchildhealing | Suzie Diamond Cain
14K reactions · 305 comments | EVER WONDERED 👇 Why you and your siblings had such different experiences of childhood, even though you grew up in the same home? #adhd #innerchildhealing | Suzie Diamond Cain
Do My Teens Even See Me? The Struggles of Feeling Unappreciated as a Mom - Raising Teens Today
Do My Teens Even See Me? The Struggles of Feeling Unappreciated as a Mom - Raising Teens Today
What to Do When Your Teen Refuses to Follow Your House Rules: 12 Strategies that Work!
One of my friends once told me that parenting teenagers is like trying to solve a puzzle with missing pieces. She was right! One of the most frustrating parts? When they flat-out refuse to follow the rules you’ve set. It’s easy to feel disrespected or that you’re somehow failing as a parent, but here’s the truth: It’s very common for teens to push back on their parents’ rules. Here’s the good news. There are ways to handle it without losing your temper, your mind, or your relationship with your teen.
Cara Natterson, MD + Vanessa Kroll Bennett on Instagram: "It’s New Year’s Eve which means important conversations with your teen before they go out for the night. These are not one and done convos but ones that happen repeatedly over time. We have a whole episode on This Is So Awkward walking you through it, but it all boils down to telling them this: You can always call me. No matter what. ❤️"
Ryan Light on Instagram: "Growing up under the control of a narcissistic parent isn’t just a difficult childhood; it’s a form of psychological conditioning. For that little girl or boy, love became something they had to earn. They learned early that affection was never freely given but granted in exchange for compliance, obedience, and the suppression of their own feelings. They learned that any expression of self — any opinion or need — could quickly be turned against them, used as leverage or a weapon in a constant game of manipulation. And so, that little child grew up, but the wounds of their childhood lingered. As an adult, they often become someone who feels an almost compulsive need to ensure everyone around them is happy. Why? Because in their formative years, they were taught tha
Jenny Hwang on Instagram: "It can be bewildering to parents to realize that they’ve allowed a pattern of disrespectful behavior and communication to develop with their teen. ✴️Often this pattern emerges as their child transitioned into adolescence and parents begin struggling with holding boundaries out of the name of trying to maintain connection with their teen. ✴️This can lead to a dynamic where the parent can feel held hostage to a teen’s emotions. ✴️When this happens, the parent can grow resentment because they falsely hold a belief that somehow their teen “should just know better.” 💡Adolescence is a time of identity development. 💡As a result, teens aren’t necessarily focused on getting better at obeying instructions or applying your teachings. 💡Rather, they’re more foc
Say what you want Amherstburg | Facebook
Say what you want Amherstburg | Facebook
Parenting Advice and Support on Instagram: "🧠 Parents should act as their children’s substitute frontal lobe because the frontal lobe—the brain region responsible for decision-making, impulse control, reasoning, and emotional regulation—doesn’t fully mature until about age 25. 🌿 During childhood and adolescence, the underdeveloped frontal lobe leaves kids more prone to impulsivity, short-term thinking, and difficulty weighing consequences. 🔗 Parents help bridge this gap by guiding their children in making sound decisions, setting boundaries, and modelling critical thinking. 💙 Essentially, they provide external support for these underdeveloped skills, teaching values and strategies that children can internalize as their brain matures. 💜💜💜 Follow @theparentingroadmap for more
Parenting | Family | Advice on Instagram: "Follow @_theparentproject_ for more expert parenting strategies and guidance! Speaker: Dr. Aliza Pressman @raisinggoodhumanspodcast Source: Is There A 'Right' Way to Discipline & Reward Your Child? (Science-Backed Strategies) | Jay Shetty Podcast with Jay Shetty @jayshetty I love this analogy! Right now, I have young children, and this idea that we want to be a dog for them is so great! That is what they need, and we have such a profound positive impact on them with positivity and curiosity towards their life. Teenagers can be so difficult to communicate with at times, and I think this is some great advice on how to be present and prepared to connect while also acknowledging the teen's desire for anonymity. When we put the ball in our teen'
Arun Pandit on Instagram: "The Power of Eight Minutes: A Lesson in Friendship from Simon Sinek Today, I was deeply moved by a story Simon Sinek shared about the profound impact of just eight minutes in a friend's life. He recounted a moment when he casually asked a friend how they were doing, only to discover they had been silently struggling with depression. His immediate reaction was one many of us might share: "Why didn't you call me?" This eye-opening experience led to a powerful realization about the subtle ways people reach out for help. Inspired by his friend , they developed a simple yet meaningful code between them: "Do you have eight minutes?" This phrase became a safe space—a mutual understanding that it's okay to be vulnerable and seek comfort. It made me reflect on
ThePositiveParenting_ariannaberry on Instagram: "IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO MAKE A CHANGE 👇 What if I told you that some everyday parenting habits might be sending the wrong message to your kids without you even knowing? 😳 The reality is, the way we respond to stress or conflict can shape how our kids handle their own emotions—and sometimes, that means we’re unintentionally teaching them to act out or doubt themselves. But here’s the best part: you can absolutely turn things around! 🌟 Imagine gaining control over your reactions, becoming aware of those hidden communication habits, and learning how to manage your emotions with ease. My CHALLENGE will walk you through exactly how to build a more calm, connected, and supportive relationship with your kids—and for a limited time, DISCOUNT
Raising Teens Today (@raisingteenstoday) • Instagram profile
Jaimie Bloch | Parent & Child Clinical Psychologist on Instagram: "Parenting is a fine balance between knowing when to step in and protect our children or hanging back and allowing them space to learn the skills and lessons in their own time that will help them protect themselves. It’s hard to know the line between hanging back and allowing our children patience and time to break through life’s painful walls or when we need to step in and get involved. As fierce protectors of our children, our anxious parental urge is to step in and handle the painful experiences they go through. Most of the time we want to block the pain. We are always thinking about how we can make things easier for our children. Thinking and creating pathways that can prevent our kids from pain and hardship. However,
Parenting | Family | Advice on Instagram: "Follow @_theparentproject_ for more expert parenting strategies and guidance! Speaker: Dr. Sarah Bren @drsarahbren Source: The Kreatures of Habit Podcast Episode #86 - Dr. Sarah Bren | @kreaturesofhabit with Michael Chernow @michaelchernow "Let me share my calm nervous system with you." This is such a challenging component of parenting. There's a million ways in which we can be triggered by our kids, and it can be so hard to keep our cool when our kids are losing it, but it's the best way to both handle the interaction in the most positive way possible, and it's also the best way to teach our children how they can handle their emotions in an effective way through modeling. Our kids are going to deal with upsetting situations their entire li
Jaimie Bloch | Parent & Child Clinical Psychologist on Instagram: "As a parent myself, I can see how hard it is to navigate the right information for you and your child. As a child psychologist, I deeply understand the needs each age and stage presents for us as parents. Addressing these needs fosters healthy emotional growth and secure attachments that can last a lifetime. As a parent and child psychologist, I’ve come to realise that understanding my child’s cognitive development is essential. Kids think and learn differently at each age. For instance, toddlers are in the sensorimotor stage, learning through exploration and sensory experiences. I’ve made it a priority to create safe spaces for play and discovery. Once they hit preschool, they enter the preoperational stage, where imagina