We want to inform users when their form is incomplete, so that they can publish a valid form response. This ticket is for clicking publish when there is no "draft" state.
User story / requirement
Given that I am filling out the form and miss a required field, when I click submit, then I should see validation errors on invalid form fields, and be able to edit my response.
Show an error state when a user hasn't selected a required field, or if a field doesn't hit a character limit
- Title: min 5 characters, max 70
- Description: 50+ characters
- "wish type": Select 1
- Project(s): Select 1+ or “other”. Other needs 3+ characters
- Impacted users: 5+ characters
Derived Requirement
Ensure the wish form correctly handles error and validation states, providing users with appropriate feedback when submitting the form.
Feature: Wish Form Error and Validation States
Scenario: Display error and validation messages on wish form
Given a user filling out the wish form When the user submits the form with invalid data Then appropriate error and validation messages should be displayed
Test Steps
Test Case 1: Display Error Messages for Invalid Form Submission
Navigate to the wish form.
Fill out the form with invalid data (e.g., missing required fields).
Submit the form.
✅❓❌⬜ AC1: Verify that appropriate error messages are displayed for each invalid input.
Test Case 2: Display Validation Messages
Navigate to the wish form.
Fill out the form with data that requires validation (e.g., email format).
Submit the form.
✅❓❌⬜ AC2: Verify that validation messages are displayed as expected.
Optional fields:
- Phab ticket
All form validation language should follow convention of codex principles.
Relevant figma:
QA Results - Wishlist-test.toolforge
AC | Status | Details |
1 | ✅ | T363218#9974766 |