University of Pittsburgh
Center for Disaster Management
Theories of distributed cognition, when applied to complex environments, highlight the inability for single individuals or organizations to manage rapidly evolving interdependent events. Efficient response and recovery phases during... more
The response systems that emerge after large-scale disasters like the Haitian Earthquake on January 12th, 2010, or the recent series of events unfolding in Japan, are defined by the complex interactions of organizations. These response... more
This paper introduces and tests a novel methodology for measuring networks. Rather than collecting data to observe a network or several networks in full, which is typically costly or impossible, we randomly sample a portion of individuals... more
Interpersonal networks are increasingly important factors for organizational learning and performance. However, little is known about how these networks emerge. Exponential random graph models are used to explore the underlying processes... more
This article analyzes network features and processes that influence organizational interaction during extreme events. Previous research on network formation under conditions of stress and uncertainty accounts for several managerial... more
Network studies on Cognitive Social Structures collect relational data on re-spondents' direct ties and their perception of ties among all other individuals in the network. When reporting their perception networks, respondents commit two... more
While much of the research on learning in the public sector examines collaborative arrangements and interorganizational networks, it often stresses the importance of individual dialogue and social interaction as primary methods of... more
This study explores the role of knowledge access and peer influence as mechanisms by which networks may shape teacher self-efficacy. The basic premise is twofold: (i) that peer interaction provides opportunities to access teaching... more
This paper introduces and tests a novel methodology for measuring networks. Rather than collecting data to observe a network or several networks in full, which is typically costly or impossible, we randomly sample a portion of individuals... more
Although much of the research on learning in the public sector examines collaborative arrangements and interorganizational networks, it often stresses the importance of individual dialogue and social interaction as primary methods of... more
This study explores the role of knowledge access and peer influence as mechanisms by which networks may shape teacher self-efficacy. The basic premise is twofold: (a) that peer interaction provides opportunities to access teaching... more
Her research interests include decision making under conditions of uncertainty and rapid change, sociotechnical systems under stress, and uses of information technology to support public managers operating in urgent conditions. Her most... more
Public administration has produced a significant body of literature on public sector networks, examining network drivers, dynamics, and outcomes. However, this literature has yet to examine networks in terms of intervention, where network... more
Governments have long-standing interests in preventing market failures and enhancing innovation in strategic industries. Public policy regarding domestic technology is critical to both national security and economic prosperity.... more
We report on a measurement of the Υ(1S+2S+3S)→e+e- cross section at midrapidity in p+p collisions at s=200GeV. We find the cross section to be 114±38(stat+fit)-24+23(syst)pb. Perturbative QCD calculations at next-to-leading order in the... more