Monster Mash

Monster Mash

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Pixel Art Details

Monster Mash

Title: Monster Mash
Pixel Artist: Reo  (Level 11 Sphinx :: 60060 points)
Posted: 3/1/2020 16:56
Statistics:  7 comments    35 faves    0 avatars

lvl.1 Owlbear cub

lvl. 20 skeleton knight

lvl.60 Goblin Chieftan

lvl.70 Eye Tyrant

Ran out of time with the beholder and owlbear, gonna have to revisit them after the challenge. 

Weekly Challenge: The Monster RPG PartyWeekly Challenge: The Monster RPG Party


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Ubisavis (Level 6 Made) @ 3/8/2020 08:40

cute lil owl beast

Theoden (Level 10 Operative) @ 3/4/2020 04:03

Excellent stuff.

YuriRog (Level 2 CGA) @ 3/2/2020 14:22

Mais top que o top!

Zephyrrite (Level 8 Guerrilla) @ 3/2/2020 07:09

I love the owlbear cub and the eye monster!

jok (Level 11 Master Assassin) @ 3/2/2020 06:01

I especially like the beholder - cool!

gawrone (Level 11 Pixeljoint) @ 3/2/2020 01:00

Dear owlbear cub, you got this. I belive in you. Do some fetches, grind some small humans. You can do this, you can show them all, go make us proud!

Gecimen (Level 11 Sphinx) @ 3/2/2020 00:47

Amazing work Reo.

Related & Tags

Monster Mash avatars, Monster Mash icons, Monster Mash pixel art, Monster Mash forum avatars, Monster Mash AOL Buddy Icons

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