Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Broaden"
The meaning of "Broaden" in various phrases and sentences
Co znaczy broaden into?
Co znaczy broaden?
To make wider or more wide.
For example, someone broadening their knowledge of birds.
For example, someone broadening their knowledge of birds.
Example sentences using "Broaden"
Napisz przykładowe zdania z broad/ broaden.
“His shoulders were broad.”
“Let’s broaden our horizons!”
“How broad and vast is the journey?”
“Let’s broaden/expand your knowledge.”
“Let’s broaden our horizons!”
“How broad and vast is the journey?”
“Let’s broaden/expand your knowledge.”
Napisz przykładowe zdania z broaden,enlarge and extend.
broaden your horizons
enlarge your breasts
extend your arm
enlarge your breasts
extend your arm
Napisz przykładowe zdania z broaden.
The river broadens after the bridge.
Reading books will help broaden your mind.
Reading books will help broaden your mind.
Synonyms of "Broaden" and their differences
Jaka jest różnica między broaden i expand ?
They are synonyms however they could be used in different sentences. Such as
“You need to learn to broaden your horizons if you want to have a more open mind.”
“You need to expand the scope of your research paper if you want to get an A.”
They mean the same thing but broaden refers to making something wider whereas you can say expand refers to making something bigger.
“You need to learn to broaden your horizons if you want to have a more open mind.”
“You need to expand the scope of your research paper if you want to get an A.”
They mean the same thing but broaden refers to making something wider whereas you can say expand refers to making something bigger.
Jaka jest różnica między broadened i extended i expanded ?
Broadened refers to width, extended refers to length, and expanded refers to area. In literary use, broadened is used to describe gaining more knowledge at the same skill level, while extended is used to describe an increase of skill level.
Jaka jest różnica między broaden i widen ?
They mean the same thing.
I want to broaden my views on culture
I want to widen my views on culture
I want to broaden my views on culture
I want to widen my views on culture
Other questions about "Broaden"
Jak to poprawnie wypowiedzieć broaden?
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