Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Conductor"
The meaning of "Conductor" in various phrases and sentences
Co znaczy A:You are a really good conductor!
B:What can I tell you? I've got a great baton!
Why B said "What can I tell you"?
B:What can I tell you? I've got a great baton!
Why B said "What can I tell you"?
It is a type of bragging. Being so proud of yourself that you pretend to not be able to describe it.
Co znaczy conductor of the hot mess express?
I've never heard this expression. I don't think it's a common expression. It sounds like creative writing.
Conductor = person who operates (drives) a train.
Express = another way to refer to a train. In the old days, some trains were called "express" trains because they went faster or made less stops than slower trains.
Hot mess = someone who is very disorganized or who is not graceful. It's a difficult concept to explain. Imagine a person came to a job interview 30 minutes late because he forgot he had a meeting. He also wore two different pairs of shoes because he was in a hurry. And he arrived at the wrong location for the interview because he had an old map. When he finally arrived at the job interview, he slipped and fell on the floor and ripped his pants. This man is a "hot mess."
So "conductor of the hot mess express" probably means someone who is very disorganized or not graceful.
Conductor = person who operates (drives) a train.
Express = another way to refer to a train. In the old days, some trains were called "express" trains because they went faster or made less stops than slower trains.
Hot mess = someone who is very disorganized or who is not graceful. It's a difficult concept to explain. Imagine a person came to a job interview 30 minutes late because he forgot he had a meeting. He also wore two different pairs of shoes because he was in a hurry. And he arrived at the wrong location for the interview because he had an old map. When he finally arrived at the job interview, he slipped and fell on the floor and ripped his pants. This man is a "hot mess."
So "conductor of the hot mess express" probably means someone who is very disorganized or not graceful.
Co znaczy conductor of the hot mess express?
Haha! This is a great expression! When someone is "a mess" it means they are having life difficulty or things are not going their way (or are unsuccessful in some manner). "A hot mess" is an exaggerated form of a mess. If you are a conductor or an express train, it means you are the leader of a very fast train.
Putting all of these things together - "Many things are spectacularly unsuccessful. If there was a challenge for the worst, this person would win."
Challenging to explain, so I hope I didn't confuse you more!
Putting all of these things together - "Many things are spectacularly unsuccessful. If there was a challenge for the worst, this person would win."
Challenging to explain, so I hope I didn't confuse you more!
Co znaczy "a tour/bus conductor"?
it means that person is both a tour guide and the bus driver
Co znaczy I don't think the conductor stretches us enough ,?
Challenges us
Example sentences using "Conductor"
Napisz przykładowe zdania z conductor.
thank you so much😁
Synonyms of "Conductor" and their differences
Jaka jest różnica między conductor i ticket inspector ?
Americans do not say "ticket inspector", though you would be understood.
The conductor checks tickets.
When you conduct something, you are in charge of making things work. As a noun, conduct describes how you behave. The verb and noun have different pronunciations.
"He was showing good conduct." (noun)
"You should conduct yourself better." (verb)
The conductor checks tickets.
When you conduct something, you are in charge of making things work. As a noun, conduct describes how you behave. The verb and noun have different pronunciations.
"He was showing good conduct." (noun)
"You should conduct yourself better." (verb)
Jaka jest różnica między The conductor turns light off every morning about ten o'clock. i It is turned off by the conductor every morning about ten o'clock. ?
The way I'd probably say this would be " The conductor usually turns the lights off every morning around ten o'clock." or "10 a.m." rather than "ten o'clock."
Jaka jest różnica między conductor i conductress ?
One is female (Conductress), and one is male (Conductor)
Translations of "Conductor"
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? "The conductor calls the attention of the orchestra by hitting the music stand with the baton." is correct?
👍 prefect
calls (present simple) però si riferisce a un azione solita. oppure a volte si raccontano le storie così
calls (present simple) però si riferisce a un azione solita. oppure a volte si raccontano le storie così
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? conductor temerario
reckless driver
We also say that someone has "road rage"
We also say that someone has "road rage"
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? conductor térmico
Thermal conductor
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? conductor
Other questions about "Conductor"
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? A conductor let me book the seat that wasn’t booked by anyone instead of me.
He was very kind.
He was very kind.
× A conductor let me book the seat that wasn’t booked by anyone instead of me.
✓ A conductor let me book the available seat instead of others.
✓ A conductor let me book the available seat instead of others.
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? The conductors can't find glitces of trains and train accidents often occur. Some people question the training quality and their competence?
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? The conductor is who drives an orchestra
I would change it to, “The conductor is who directs an orchestra.”
The conductor suggested that I ... the part of violin
A. Play
B. To play
C. Had played
A. Play
B. To play
C. Had played
Check the question to view the answer
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? I don't think the conductor stretches us enough,though so I'll give up after the next concert.
You're using 'so' to join the connected thoughts. You could use 'and' or perhaps a semicolon.
Meanings and usages of similar words and phrases
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