Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Confidential"
The meaning of "Confidential" in various phrases and sentences
Co znaczy confidential?
Thank you!
Co znaczy confidential?
Thank you so much!
Co znaczy confidential?
It means to be viewed only by people who are allowed to view it
Co znaczy confidential?
Example sentences using "Confidential"
Napisz przykładowe zdania z confidential .
We kept it confidential. No one will know.
Is it confidential? Can I tell anyone?
This is a confidential conversation, no one else will hear what we say.
Is it confidential? Can I tell anyone?
This is a confidential conversation, no one else will hear what we say.
Napisz przykładowe zdania z confidential.
'You must keep those files confidential.'
'This is a confidential matter.'
'Anything you tell your lawyer is confidential.'
'Lawyers and doctors have a duty of confidentiality.'
'He asked her to keep their relationship confidential.'
'This is a confidential matter.'
'Anything you tell your lawyer is confidential.'
'Lawyers and doctors have a duty of confidentiality.'
'He asked her to keep their relationship confidential.'
Napisz przykładowe zdania z confidential.
"My password on my phone is confidential"
"This document they you signed is confidential"
"At the doctors office all that's said is confidential"
"My password on my phone is confidential"
"This document they you signed is confidential"
"At the doctors office all that's said is confidential"
Napisz przykładowe zdania z confidential .
This is confidential information.
Synonyms of "Confidential" and their differences
Jaka jest różnica między confidential i classified ?
They can mean the same thing. Generally, "classified" suggests some sort of organization or government is involved, and also implies physical information.
For example, a secret I tell my friend is confidential, and I don't want them telling others because what I shared was confidential (you also sometimes hear "what I shared was in confidence"). A government report is confidential too, and I am not allowed to see that paper because it is classified.
For example, a secret I tell my friend is confidential, and I don't want them telling others because what I shared was confidential (you also sometimes hear "what I shared was in confidence"). A government report is confidential too, and I am not allowed to see that paper because it is classified.
Jaka jest różnica między confidential i classified ?
in my opinion there's not really much of a difference
it's just that classified is mainly used in like government terms and confidential is like keeping a secret between like a certain number of people but they're like basically the same thing.
it's just that classified is mainly used in like government terms and confidential is like keeping a secret between like a certain number of people but they're like basically the same thing.
Jaka jest różnica między confidential i classified ?
If something is confidential it means that you shouldn’t share it with anyone else.
Secrets are confidential.
Information about customers or donors is usually confidential.
What a patient says to a therapist or doctor is confidential.
If something is classified it means that it is not allowed to be shared with the general public. So it is confidential between the members of the government that know about it, but they are not allowed to tell anyone else about it.
Secrets are confidential.
Information about customers or donors is usually confidential.
What a patient says to a therapist or doctor is confidential.
If something is classified it means that it is not allowed to be shared with the general public. So it is confidential between the members of the government that know about it, but they are not allowed to tell anyone else about it.
Jaka jest różnica między confidential i classified ?
Classified information has different levels of protection, based on certain factors. Confidential is one of the lowest levels of classified information, right below Secret.
Jaka jest różnica między confidential i secret ?
Confidential is a little more serious and formal. Secret is more used among the public, while confidential is used when things are more professional or legitimate.
Translations of "Confidential"
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? strictly confidential.
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