Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Directly"
The meaning of "Directly" in various phrases and sentences
Co znaczy He drove her DIRECTLY to her hotel (does directly means either immediately or straight? Please, help)How can I catch it)?
straight to the hotel
Example sentences using "Directly"
Napisz przykładowe zdania z directly.
@sproutingDaisy can you help me with my English?
Napisz przykładowe zdania z directly.
1. She looked DIRECTLY at us.
2. My salary is paid DIRECTLY into my bank.
3. He is not directly responsible for this.
4. The two incidents are not directly linked.
Their products compete directly with ours.
5. He drove her directly to work.
2. My salary is paid DIRECTLY into my bank.
3. He is not directly responsible for this.
4. The two incidents are not directly linked.
Their products compete directly with ours.
5. He drove her directly to work.
Napisz przykładowe zdania z directly.
He directly told her that he liked her.
Synonyms of "Directly" and their differences
Jaka jest różnica między directly i immediate ?
directly means to have one-to-one interaction with someone or something, with nothing or no one in between.
example: she speaks directly to her teacher about the problem she is having.
immediate means instantly or nearest in relationship.
example: the police contacted her immediate family member when they found her body.
example: she speaks directly to her teacher about the problem she is having.
immediate means instantly or nearest in relationship.
example: the police contacted her immediate family member when they found her body.
Jaka jest różnica między directly i in person ?
‘directly’ is kind of like when you tell someone something straight to them, and ‘in person’ is when you go up to them and tell them i think :)
Jaka jest różnica między directly i in person ?
In person is when you can actually see the person in front of you.
“I talked to him in person, i didn’t text him.”
Directly is when you talk to one person and don’t involve others.
“I asked him about it directly, I didn’t ask anyone else.”
If your talking about location, directly is when you go straight to your destination and no where else
“I went directly to school, I didn’t go anywhere else.”
“I talked to him in person, i didn’t text him.”
Directly is when you talk to one person and don’t involve others.
“I asked him about it directly, I didn’t ask anyone else.”
If your talking about location, directly is when you go straight to your destination and no where else
“I went directly to school, I didn’t go anywhere else.”
Jaka jest różnica między directly i immediately ?
Directly is where you do something without ‘changing direction’ or stopping.
“They went directly to the restaurant.”
Immediately is when you do something at once (instantly).
“You need to make a decision immediately”.
So basically, directly is when you do something without any distractions, just doing it. Immediately is when you start to do something without hesitation.
“They went directly to the restaurant.”
Immediately is when you do something at once (instantly).
“You need to make a decision immediately”.
So basically, directly is when you do something without any distractions, just doing it. Immediately is when you start to do something without hesitation.
Jaka jest różnica między directly i particularly ?
"Directly" is like to go something at once while "particularly" is to single out something.
Translations of "Directly"
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? directly
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Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? directly
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Other questions about "Directly"
Jak to poprawnie wypowiedzieć directly ?
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Jak to poprawnie wypowiedzieć directly?
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Jak to poprawnie wypowiedzieć directly?
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Jak to poprawnie wypowiedzieć directly?
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