Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Effectiveness"
The meaning of "Effectiveness" in various phrases and sentences
Co znaczy effectiveness of actual celebrity endorsements will go down as we kind of get used to seeing deepfake celebrities endorsing everything??
As deepfake celebrities endorsing products become more common, the effectiveness of real celebrity endorsements will decrease because people will become accustomed to seeing manipulated celebrities promoting various things.
Co znaczy effectiveness?
It means how well something is done. You can use the word to describe a person or object
Co znaczy effectiveness?
Sự hiệu quả
The effectiveness of this system is you're are not scare of being tracked any more
The effectiveness of this system is you're are not scare of being tracked any more
Co znaczy lasting effectiveness without which no basic norm is presupposed?
Lasting effectiveness
Example sentences using "Effectiveness"
Napisz przykładowe zdania z effectiveness.
Some important antibiotics are losing their effectiveness due to overuse.
Synonyms of "Effectiveness" and their differences
Jaka jest różnica między effectiveness i efficiency ?
Effectiveness is how well something works.
Efficiency is more of how well something performs without waste.
The antidote’s effectiveness was proven by the 100% survival rate in mice.
The worker was fired based on his poor efficiency; he rarely made mistakes but it took him hours to complete one assignment.
Efficiency is more of how well something performs without waste.
The antidote’s effectiveness was proven by the 100% survival rate in mice.
The worker was fired based on his poor efficiency; he rarely made mistakes but it took him hours to complete one assignment.
Jaka jest różnica między An effectiveness of anesthesia is slow. i An effect of anesthesia is slow. ?
The first sentence, using effectiveness, doesn't really feel natural. Effectiveness refers to the ability to do a job, in this case, how well it numbs pain. The second sentence is much more natural, meaning the anesthesia takes a long time to work.
Jaka jest różnica między an effectiveness of anesthesia i an effect of anesthesia ?
The effectiveness of the car's brakes was tested at high speed.
A reduced fever was the effect of the medicine.
The effectiveness of the car's brakes was tested at high speed.
A reduced fever was the effect of the medicine.
Jaka jest różnica między effectiveness i efficacy ?
Effectiveness comes from the word "effect".
Efficiency* comes from the word "efficient" they have very different meanings.
Effect is 效果.
对不起我不知道 "efficiency" 的华文翻译。
Efficiency* comes from the word "efficient" they have very different meanings.
Effect is 效果.
对不起我不知道 "efficiency" 的华文翻译。
Other questions about "Effectiveness"
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? I was wondering about the effectiveness of acquiring words between the NY Times and vocabulary textbooks.
when you’re speaking, it’s good to avoid long words, and use as few words as you can. I would say
“I was wondering whether it would be better to learn new words from the New York Times or vocabulary textbooks.”
“I was wondering whether it would be better to learn new words from the New York Times or vocabulary textbooks.”
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? the effectiveness of the plan was hampered by members' interpersonal conflicts.
Perfect - very, very formal though.
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? "effectiveness, except, economy, electric"
So Good 😳
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? Unfortunately, its effectiveness depends, to a great extent, on the skill of the specialist who performs the examination, and the way they will interpret the picture.
Unfortunately, the effectiveness greatly depends on the skills of a specialist who can perform the examination and interpret the picture. (Do you mean x-ray?)
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? Calculate effectiveness
'Evaluate' may be more common
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