Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Inquisitive"
The meaning of "Inquisitive" in various phrases and sentences
Co znaczy inquisitive?
If I am inquisitive, I ask a lot of questions, and I try to understand things.
Co znaczy inquisitive waitress.?
it means that the waitress is very curious or chatty
Co znaczy inquisitive ?
Inquisitive means "asks many questions."
Co znaczy inquisitive?
Inquisitive: wanting to discover as much as you can about things, sometimes in a way that annoys people
An inquisitive child
An inquisitive child
Example sentences using "Inquisitive"
Napisz przykładowe zdania z inquisitive.
Synonyms of "Inquisitive" and their differences
Jaka jest różnica między inquisitive i nosy ?
Inquisitive is asking a lot of questions, not necessarily personal questions. Someone who’s very curious.
Nosy is asking a lot of personal questions especially about relationships, how much money you make, etc. Questions that a lot of people would consider to be invasive and rude.
Nosy is asking a lot of personal questions especially about relationships, how much money you make, etc. Questions that a lot of people would consider to be invasive and rude.
Jaka jest różnica między inquisitive i nosy ?
Inquisitive = curious.
Example: A bright student is inquisitive.
Nosy = asking about other people’s business/ personal matters.
Example: She is nosy. She asks about my relationship with Jane and is constantly trying to “help”. It’s none of her business? (She doesn’t need to mow about my personal affairs)
Example: A bright student is inquisitive.
Nosy = asking about other people’s business/ personal matters.
Example: She is nosy. She asks about my relationship with Jane and is constantly trying to “help”. It’s none of her business? (She doesn’t need to mow about my personal affairs)
Jaka jest różnica między inquisitive i curious ?
They're similar but not the same. Inquisitive is someone who asks a lot of questions while curious is someone who wants to know more about something. A person may be curious about your life but not ask you any questions about it.
Jaka jest różnica między inquisitive i investigative ?
Inquisitive means curious. An inquisitive person asks lots of questions because they want to know about things for the sake of knowledge.
Investigative is a bit more pointed. An investigative person asks lots of questions for a specific point and is searching for the answer to a particular question or set of questions.
Investigative is a bit more pointed. An investigative person asks lots of questions for a specific point and is searching for the answer to a particular question or set of questions.
Translations of "Inquisitive"
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? inquisitive
Are you asking for pronounce?
You can go to Cambridge dictionary's website.
Sentence:I didn't want to seem inquisitive.
You can go to Cambridge dictionary's website.
Sentence:I didn't want to seem inquisitive.
Other questions about "Inquisitive"
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? You're so inquisitive that you turn out off-putting
You're so inquisitive that you are rather off-putting
Jak to poprawnie wypowiedzieć inquisitive?
Check the question to view the answer
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? I might be able to be inquisitive. I'm sorry in advance.
I might be inquisitive. I'm sorry in advance.
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