Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Mainly"
The meaning of "Mainly" in various phrases and sentences
Co znaczy mainly?
Co znaczy mainly?
Mainly means 'more than anything else' or 'most'
like for example:
The cake is covered mainly with chocolate rather than vanilla.
So there are more chocolate than vanilla.
like for example:
The cake is covered mainly with chocolate rather than vanilla.
So there are more chocolate than vanilla.
Example sentences using "Mainly"
Napisz przykładowe zdania z mainly.
I mainly drink water everyday
Napisz przykładowe zdania z mainly.
I mainly shower in the morning.
Mainly, I tend to shower in the morning.
Mainly, I tend to shower in the morning.
Napisz przykładowe zdania z mainly .
"The sausages are mainly made from beef.", "Mainly the only reason I want to go to the party is to talk to him." I mainly only work out on the weekdays." and "The Earth is mainly made up of water."
Synonyms of "Mainly" and their differences
Jaka jest różnica między mainly i mostly ?
In most cases you can use one or the other and it would be ok, but technically they are a little different.
Mostly refers more to numbers of things; “I have a lot of pets, mostly dogs”. If I read a text that said “I have a lot of pets, mainly dogs,” I would probably think that a child wrote it; not because it sounds really unnatural or doesn’t make sense, but just because it sounds a little unintelligent. If you did say “mainly dogs” though, most people probably wouldn’t really notice.
Mainly is used when numbers don’t really matter, it’s more about what is usual, you can’t really count it. If we were driving and you asked me, “What road do you take to work?” It would sound a tiny bit weird if I said “Mostly this road” and it would sound better if I said “Mainly this road”. I can’t really count in this situation, I don’t count how many times I do something (like take the road) I just talk about what is normal.
If you used mainly or mostly in any of the examples above, it wouldn’t matter. 99% of English speakers don’t know the difference and will use mainly or mostly completely the same way, so any way you use it will be fine.
Mostly refers more to numbers of things; “I have a lot of pets, mostly dogs”. If I read a text that said “I have a lot of pets, mainly dogs,” I would probably think that a child wrote it; not because it sounds really unnatural or doesn’t make sense, but just because it sounds a little unintelligent. If you did say “mainly dogs” though, most people probably wouldn’t really notice.
Mainly is used when numbers don’t really matter, it’s more about what is usual, you can’t really count it. If we were driving and you asked me, “What road do you take to work?” It would sound a tiny bit weird if I said “Mostly this road” and it would sound better if I said “Mainly this road”. I can’t really count in this situation, I don’t count how many times I do something (like take the road) I just talk about what is normal.
If you used mainly or mostly in any of the examples above, it wouldn’t matter. 99% of English speakers don’t know the difference and will use mainly or mostly completely the same way, so any way you use it will be fine.
Jaka jest różnica między mainly i especially i specially ?
"Specially" is not a real word. It is the way some people pronounce "especially".
"Especially" means "in particular" or "in one specific case"
For example - I like hamburgers, ESPECIALLY cheeseburgers.
This means I like all hamburgers. But, I like cheeseburgers the most.
"Mainly" means "mostly"
For example - The weather will mainly be sunny today.
This means that the weather will be sunny for most of the day. But, sometimes there will be clouds.
"Especially" means "in particular" or "in one specific case"
For example - I like hamburgers, ESPECIALLY cheeseburgers.
This means I like all hamburgers. But, I like cheeseburgers the most.
"Mainly" means "mostly"
For example - The weather will mainly be sunny today.
This means that the weather will be sunny for most of the day. But, sometimes there will be clouds.
Jaka jest różnica między mainly i largely i mostly ?
These are all synonyms, you only need to worry about which to use when you're writing an essay, speech, etc. You can use them all interchangeably, when talking about the essential part of a topic. Mostly is more appropriate when trying to talk about numbers of people or things.
E.g. Our employees are mostly women.
Here, largely or mainly can also be used (same meaning), but they won't sound as good and may even be offensive to some people - 'mainly women' sounds like you're wilfully focusing on having women employees, and 'largely women' might seem like you're trying to make a pun with 'large' thereby mocking women.
But if you're not a native English speaker, I don't think anyone will be offended if you don't think about proper nuances :)
E.g. Our employees are mostly women.
Here, largely or mainly can also be used (same meaning), but they won't sound as good and may even be offensive to some people - 'mainly women' sounds like you're wilfully focusing on having women employees, and 'largely women' might seem like you're trying to make a pun with 'large' thereby mocking women.
But if you're not a native English speaker, I don't think anyone will be offended if you don't think about proper nuances :)
Jaka jest różnica między mainly i mostly ?
Mainly= more than anything else
For example " I like to make art but I mainly focus on painting." or "I like writing in general but I mainly focus on poetry."
Mostly= usually, generally
For example "I like going to the park but I mostly go on weekends."
For example " I like to make art but I mainly focus on painting." or "I like writing in general but I mainly focus on poetry."
Mostly= usually, generally
For example "I like going to the park but I mostly go on weekends."
Jaka jest różnica między mainly i largely i pretty ?
Your question is tricky because people do say "that is pretty large" or stuff like that. In that case pretty does not mean beautiful but ut just expresses an abnormality. It just means "oh yeah thats big" and you can omit the word "pretty". But if u want to say "This is the main reason" you cant use pretty! So no, its better if u dont use pretty
Translations of "Mainly"
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? mainly
Instead of me saying it, try this song which repeats it many times:
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? 갬 서워 어떡해 ( mainly 갬 & 서워)
it seems shortened for 걔 무서워: He's scary.
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? mainly
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