Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Okay"
The meaning of "Okay" in various phrases and sentences
Co znaczy That’s okay.?
Depends on the situation. But generally if you don’t want something.
You want more food?
That’s ok.
You want more food?
That’s ok.
Co znaczy Oh okay, so are those good things about Busan because the sea seems good but the dialect seems like it might be bad? 🤣
I can't understand at all😭
Is he asking if busan is good because there is the sea and people use dialect? ?
I can't understand at all😭
Is he asking if busan is good because there is the sea and people use dialect? ?
it might be that he is asking a question. By the looks of the question he’s replying to someone who said something about Busan. He’s asking for clarification on something. Truthfully it’s not super clear, I’m just basing this on what I think he’s trying to say. You know sometimes when you talk you stutter a bit? This question is sort of like that. It’s not a grammatically correct question, just someone who is confused and asking for clarification
Co znaczy I’ts okay for now.?
it means that person is comfortable with the way things are and they don't need anything to change for a while.
Co znaczy I’m okay with it ?
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Co znaczy oh okay.?
It is a casual way of saying "alright" or "that sounds good". For example:
Person A: Do you want to go home now?
Person B: Oh okay
Oh doesn't necessarily change the meaning but it adds an element of surprise like the person wasn't expecting the question but they agree anyway
Person A: Do you want to go home now?
Person B: Oh okay
Oh doesn't necessarily change the meaning but it adds an element of surprise like the person wasn't expecting the question but they agree anyway
Example sentences using "Okay"
Napisz przykładowe zdania z it's okay? and it's fine? .
You can use "It's okay." and "It's fine." to let someone know that everything's going well or that something is good/okay, but not spectacular. They're pretty much interchangeable.
A: Are you okay? (someone coughed, tripped, hurt himself/herself, etc.)
B: Yeah, I'm okay/fine.
A: How's life?
B: It's okay/fine. (means that everything is going normal; nothing amazing is happening)
A: What do you think of this dress?
B: It's okay/fine, but I think this other dress might be better.
P.S. You don't need to put question marks after "it's okay" and "it's fine."
A: Are you okay? (someone coughed, tripped, hurt himself/herself, etc.)
B: Yeah, I'm okay/fine.
A: How's life?
B: It's okay/fine. (means that everything is going normal; nothing amazing is happening)
A: What do you think of this dress?
B: It's okay/fine, but I think this other dress might be better.
P.S. You don't need to put question marks after "it's okay" and "it's fine."
Napisz przykładowe zdania z okay.
For example you can say it instead of "Yes", to say that you think something is "average" (meaning neither good nor bad). That kinda thing.
Synonyms of "Okay" and their differences
Jaka jest różnica między That's okay i It's okay ?
both have the same meaning
Jaka jest różnica między That’s okay i okay ?
they are almost the same, except "that's okay" can be used when things didn't go exactly to plan, while "okay" is just an agreement.
Jaka jest różnica między "It's okay" i "you're good" ?
In the context where, for example, someone accidentally bumps into you and apologises, you could say a variety of expressions, such as "it's okay", "no worries", "it's fine", "you're good", etc. There isn't really a difference in the meaning, but "you're good" is very colloquial and not as common, in my opinion.
Jaka jest różnica między okay i okey ?
c’est le même! en anglais, nous l’épelons “okay”
Jaka jest różnica między okay i safe ?
Okay is very similar to 「いい」. For example:
「それでいい?」means "Is that okay?"
However, if you're describing something, いい does not mean "okay". For example:
「いい子」means "Good child", not "okay child"
"Okay" can also mean 「大丈夫」.
You can also say "Okay" instead of 「そうです」to let people know that you are listening.
"Safe" is similar to 「安全」, but it's an adjective.
"Are guns safe?"
I hope this helps 😊
「それでいい?」means "Is that okay?"
However, if you're describing something, いい does not mean "okay". For example:
「いい子」means "Good child", not "okay child"
"Okay" can also mean 「大丈夫」.
You can also say "Okay" instead of 「そうです」to let people know that you are listening.
"Safe" is similar to 「安全」, but it's an adjective.
"Are guns safe?"
I hope this helps 😊
Translations of "Okay"
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (brytyjski)? IS IT OKAY to say I wanna or I gotta instead of I want to and I got to in British, or is it only okay in American?
Both is okay for informal
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? okay
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Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? okay
you are late
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? okay
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Other questions about "Okay"
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? okay
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? it's all okay?
Is everything ok?
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? it's okay ??
Sounds perfectly clear :)
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? it's okay?
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Meanings and usages of similar words and phrases
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