Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Scope"
The meaning of "Scope" in various phrases and sentences
Co znaczy He finally realized the scope of the problem?
It means he have realized the extent of how big or small the problem is.
Co znaczy scope?
Co znaczy in scope and quality?
For a restaurant you need something more colorful and descriptive than "scope" and "quality", which sounds more like a project than a place to eat. Here are some nice descriptions of restaurants:
Co znaczy considerable scope for improvement?
It means the thing is not that good or that great - there are many ways in which it could be improved.
Co znaczy Within my scope?
within my ability/ knowledge (it depends on the context)
Example sentences using "Scope"
Napisz przykładowe zdania z scope .
I asked ChatGPT to help give examples. I deleted the ones that sounded funny or wrong, or that weren’t very common. These are the good ones. If you have any more questions about them I’m happy to answer. Hope they help.
1. **Project Scope**: "We need to clearly define the scope of the project to ensure we meet our objectives."
3. **Within Scope**: "The additional tasks you're asking for fall outside the scope of our current agreement."
4. **Expanding the Scope**: "The research team decided to expand the scope of their study to include more variables."
6. **Limited Scope**: "This audit will be of limited scope, focusing only on the last fiscal year."
9. **Scope Out**: "Before starting the project, it's important to scope out the potential challenges and resources needed."
10. **Beyond the Scope**: "Answering legal questions is beyond the scope of my expertise as a financial consultant."
The word "scope" in these sentences is used to describe the extent, range, or breadth of something, such as a project, influence, study, or professional practice.
1. **Project Scope**: "We need to clearly define the scope of the project to ensure we meet our objectives."
3. **Within Scope**: "The additional tasks you're asking for fall outside the scope of our current agreement."
4. **Expanding the Scope**: "The research team decided to expand the scope of their study to include more variables."
6. **Limited Scope**: "This audit will be of limited scope, focusing only on the last fiscal year."
9. **Scope Out**: "Before starting the project, it's important to scope out the potential challenges and resources needed."
10. **Beyond the Scope**: "Answering legal questions is beyond the scope of my expertise as a financial consultant."
The word "scope" in these sentences is used to describe the extent, range, or breadth of something, such as a project, influence, study, or professional practice.
Napisz przykładowe zdania z broader in scope.
Previously we only studied America. The study will be broader in scope, including people from all countries.
Before we only studied mathematics. Our research is now broader in scope, including science and mathematics.
Can you make your project broader in scope? Instead of just learning about dogs, learn about dogs, cats, and birds.
Before we only studied mathematics. Our research is now broader in scope, including science and mathematics.
Can you make your project broader in scope? Instead of just learning about dogs, learn about dogs, cats, and birds.
Napisz przykładowe zdania z scope.
Let's go scope out the building site tonight
Napisz przykładowe zdania z scope.
Scope can refer to a scope/ special camera for surgery (they use it to view inside the body) or you can "scope something out" meaning to check it out, but adults mostly use it this way than kids do
Napisz przykładowe zdania z scope.
meaning 1: to inspect and evaluate
"The students scoped out a good baseball field to film their video project in."
meaning 2: range
"Trying to interview all Americans who watch TV is too broad of a scope."
(the scope/range here is every american who watches television, which is a huge chunk of the population!)
"The students scoped out a good baseball field to film their video project in."
meaning 2: range
"Trying to interview all Americans who watch TV is too broad of a scope."
(the scope/range here is every american who watches television, which is a huge chunk of the population!)
Synonyms of "Scope" and their differences
Jaka jest różnica między scope i realm ?
I think you're looking for the figurative definition of 'scope' and 'realm' not the literal, right? In this case, they can be interchangeable. For example: "perfect models lie in the realm of mathematics" and "perfect models are seen under the scope of mathematics." Both mean the same thing in essence.
Jaka jest różnica między scope i scale ?
Scope is usually a broad term. The examples that come to mind are "there is a broad scope of different restaurants in the area", or "there is a narrow scope of opportunity to qualify for the job"
Scale is usually speaking of something specific. "This picture is drawn to scale", "the scale of intensity varies". There are instances that scale will be use to describe a non-specific subject but it usually occurs in sentences such as "in the grand scale of things, the pop quiz did not matter".
This is difficult to answer, though, because there are exceptions! I would say it varies depending on the context.
Scale is usually speaking of something specific. "This picture is drawn to scale", "the scale of intensity varies". There are instances that scale will be use to describe a non-specific subject but it usually occurs in sentences such as "in the grand scale of things, the pop quiz did not matter".
This is difficult to answer, though, because there are exceptions! I would say it varies depending on the context.
Jaka jest różnica między scope i extent i range ?
Scope can mean to search or zoom in
Extent means limit
Range means distance that something can go
Extent means limit
Range means distance that something can go
Jaka jest różnica między scope i range ?
Hello Mr.lukasz,
I try to pitch in a little more explanation and provide some examples.
Primary meaning:
1.The state of the environment in which a situation exists
They don't lie even in the ability – perhaps more effectively but of still-limited scope – to penetrate Western borders with foreign fighters.
2.An area in which something acts or operates or has power or control. It can be the width/extent/depth of a project or responsibilities. (This is usually what we see the similarity between scope and range, the feeling is a tad different though).
Business people like to use the word scope because it specifies the extent of their responsibilities. Once you know the scope of a project, you can decide if you're qualified and how much time it will take to do it.
Example 2:
Both Nato and the Americans may need to rethink the scope of their mission with some urgency.
2.A magnifier of images of distant objects
More Powerful, Special-Ops Sniper Rifle Unlikely for Marine Snipers (title)
:: The system uses laser marking of a target, and a spotter can actually spot the target and apparently see the same image as the rifle scope targeting module through a localized WIFI network and smartphone.
3.Electronic equipment that provides visual images of varying electrical quantities
We see a 'scope' in: CRO, cathode-ray oscilloscope, oscilloscope. It's displayed on-screen monitor.
Primary Meaning:
1.A variety of different things or activities.
Kitchenware companies are rolling out products ranging from grill tools and cast iron griddles to small blowtorches.
2.A large tract of grassy, open land on which livestock can graze.
They used to drive the cattle across the open range every spring.
3.A series of hills or mountains
On 20 November, satellites captured this image of fresh snow that had fallen along the Himalayan range in central Asia.
4.A place for shooting (firing or driving) projectiles of various kinds
Any good golf club will have a range where you can practice.
( I imagine a shooting practice range)
In conclusion,
Scope usually has a goal, specific depth/width/range of a subject. It has usually (a) start(s) and endpoint(s).
Scope is also a device used to view something very far away more easily, by magnifying it.
Range refers to an area in which something operates. It focuses on the Area or the Variety of the subjects/endpoints.
Hope this helps ^_^.
I try to pitch in a little more explanation and provide some examples.
Primary meaning:
1.The state of the environment in which a situation exists
They don't lie even in the ability – perhaps more effectively but of still-limited scope – to penetrate Western borders with foreign fighters.
2.An area in which something acts or operates or has power or control. It can be the width/extent/depth of a project or responsibilities. (This is usually what we see the similarity between scope and range, the feeling is a tad different though).
Business people like to use the word scope because it specifies the extent of their responsibilities. Once you know the scope of a project, you can decide if you're qualified and how much time it will take to do it.
Example 2:
Both Nato and the Americans may need to rethink the scope of their mission with some urgency.
2.A magnifier of images of distant objects
More Powerful, Special-Ops Sniper Rifle Unlikely for Marine Snipers (title)
:: The system uses laser marking of a target, and a spotter can actually spot the target and apparently see the same image as the rifle scope targeting module through a localized WIFI network and smartphone.
3.Electronic equipment that provides visual images of varying electrical quantities
We see a 'scope' in: CRO, cathode-ray oscilloscope, oscilloscope. It's displayed on-screen monitor.
Primary Meaning:
1.A variety of different things or activities.
Kitchenware companies are rolling out products ranging from grill tools and cast iron griddles to small blowtorches.
2.A large tract of grassy, open land on which livestock can graze.
They used to drive the cattle across the open range every spring.
3.A series of hills or mountains
On 20 November, satellites captured this image of fresh snow that had fallen along the Himalayan range in central Asia.
4.A place for shooting (firing or driving) projectiles of various kinds
Any good golf club will have a range where you can practice.
( I imagine a shooting practice range)
In conclusion,
Scope usually has a goal, specific depth/width/range of a subject. It has usually (a) start(s) and endpoint(s).
Scope is also a device used to view something very far away more easily, by magnifying it.
Range refers to an area in which something operates. It focuses on the Area or the Variety of the subjects/endpoints.
Hope this helps ^_^.
Jaka jest różnica między scope i range ?
Scope often means the depth of the subject.
Range refers to the breadth.
But the word "scope" is sometimes used in the same manner as "range", so the distinction is not very strong.
For example, imagine you are sitting in an English language classroom and the teacher says the following:
"Hello and welcome to the class. In this class we will discuss a range of topics such as grammar, vocabulary, literature, and the evolution of the English language itself. However, advanced topics such as technical documentation are beyond the scope of this class."
Range refers to the breadth.
But the word "scope" is sometimes used in the same manner as "range", so the distinction is not very strong.
For example, imagine you are sitting in an English language classroom and the teacher says the following:
"Hello and welcome to the class. In this class we will discuss a range of topics such as grammar, vocabulary, literature, and the evolution of the English language itself. However, advanced topics such as technical documentation are beyond the scope of this class."
Translations of "Scope"
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (brytyjski)? How do I learn scope in the English language
This answer might be useful.
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? What does "the scope" mean here? What is the idea of the text?
"Taxpayers would give consent to the scope of State expenditure. But
there was a time when it would have been thought to be much too wide.."
"Taxpayers would give consent to the scope of State expenditure. But
there was a time when it would have been thought to be much too wide.."
Scope in this context means how much power the State has. Scope can be thought of like размер/ширина But metaphorically
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? tôi muốn có scope
Check the question to view the answer
Other questions about "Scope"
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? The only assigment4 is the scope of the listening test
But the other assignment are included the scope of the exam?
But the other assignment are included the scope of the exam?
I would say: “Only assignment 4 is part of the listening test. Are the other assignments included in the listening exam as well?”
What does "in scope" mean?
As in, "Hugely ambitious in scope, The Lord of the Rings occupies an uncomfortable position in 20th century literature."
As in, "Hugely ambitious in scope, The Lord of the Rings occupies an uncomfortable position in 20th century literature."
It means that it’s not a simple story contained in one book, it’s an epic saga that spans several volumes. Ambitious, in this context, implies that the author took on a HUGE undertaking.
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? What is the scope of uses for 'to my understanding'?
" to my understanding" is more formal and can sound unnatural if used colloquially without the right intonation, but it's not wrong.
to be safe you can add "according" and it'll sound more natural. "according to my understanding. .."
to be safe you can add "according" and it'll sound more natural. "according to my understanding. .."
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? His scope was gradually enlarged as encountering other nations’ cultural heritage....
Expand the scope of knowledge
Expand the horizon
Which way is better in writing a essay and articles?
Expand the horizon
Which way is better in writing a essay and articles?
Probably the first one.
But "expand the horizon of knowledge" isn't too bad either.
But "expand the horizon of knowledge" isn't too bad either.
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