Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Surroundings"
The meaning of "Surroundings" in various phrases and sentences
Co znaczy who like their surroundings understated//splashy?
Understated could mean minimal or clam and splashy could mean more feeling and passion in the area (brighter colors and stands out more)
Co znaczy self-conscious (shy, timid, awkward (or) self-deliberate, conscious - aware of and responding to one's surroundings; awake)?
Self-conscious has connotations of being shy but to me it’s more like you are fully aware of something about yourself and pay attention to it more than what is considered ‘normal’.
Co znaczy Take in someone’s surroundings?
It means they are observing the area that they’re in.
Co znaczy Informal surroundings ?
Formal surroundings would be public buildings or offices... so this is the opposite environment, maybe at somebody's house or in a park.
Co znaczy fully aware of your surroundings?
Totalmente atenta de tus alrededores.
Example sentences using "Surroundings"
Napisz przykładowe zdania z surroundings.
@tom_nook, thanks for the answer
Napisz przykładowe zdania z surroundings.
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Napisz przykładowe zdania z surroundings.
She wasn't used to the new surroundings
The forest and its surroundings were beautiful.
Jess didn't love anything more than exploring new surroundings.
The forest and its surroundings were beautiful.
Jess didn't love anything more than exploring new surroundings.
Synonyms of "Surroundings" and their differences
Jaka jest różnica między the surroundings i the enviroment ?
hello there ! surroundings means a close vicinity from you , an example of your surroundings would be that if you're in a zoo , your surroundings would be the trees and the animals. surroundings means whatever is nearest to you. it has a similar meaning to environment but the difference is the environment is a bigger area comparison adjective compared to surroundings. surroundings is based on the person or object. the environment is based on the space itself ; for example ; the environment would be that if you were in Vietnam , your environment would be sunny , humid , hot and lively. if you were in Antartica , your environment would be ; cold , deserted , gloomy and quiet.
most of the time surroundings is used to describe the scene around you like " what do you see around you ? " and environment is used to describe more scientific description of the scientific and natural world like the climate , weather and ecosystems , questions like " what is the environment around you like ? " would translate to " what is the weather and the ecosystem like around you ? "
i tried my best explaining this , i hope you understand 🙈
most of the time surroundings is used to describe the scene around you like " what do you see around you ? " and environment is used to describe more scientific description of the scientific and natural world like the climate , weather and ecosystems , questions like " what is the environment around you like ? " would translate to " what is the weather and the ecosystem like around you ? "
i tried my best explaining this , i hope you understand 🙈
Jaka jest różnica między looking at his surroundings i looking around his surroundings ?
Both sentences mean the same thing, but use slightly different words. They can both be used in the same way to mean the same thing.
Jaka jest różnica między surroundings i environment ?
Environment is the over arching area. For example, the city environment and jungle environment. It contains everything in that set location. Surroundings are the things in the location. Going back to the city example, the surroundings would be the buildings, the roads, etc. The surroundings in the jungle would be the trees, the animals, etc. I hope this helps!!
Jaka jest różnica między surroundings i vicinity ?
They mean about the same thing but are used slightly difficulty. i.e: Describe your surroundings. It's in my vicinity. "In my surroundings" or "Describe your vicinity" aren't wrong but they sound weird.
Jaka jest różnica między surroundings i environment ?
In my opinion, environment is more 'vast' (bigger) and surroundings is more specific. Environment is where you live, what your country is, and nature. and surroundings are people or situations. I hope this helps!
Translations of "Surroundings"
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? You should study hard unless the surroundings were collapsed. Is this the correct sentence?
it would be more correct to say “you should study hard unless the walls collapsed around you.“ However, no one really says that. We would say “you should study hard unless you are in the hospital. That kind of thing.”
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? surroundings
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Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? surroundings
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Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? surroundings
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Other questions about "Surroundings"
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? 1. He lives in undeveloped surroundings
2. He lives in a undeveloped environment
그는 미개발된 환경에서 산다
Question : Are both natural?
2. He lives in a undeveloped environment
그는 미개발된 환경에서 산다
Question : Are both natural?
× 1. He lives in undeveloped surroundings
✓ 1. He lives in an undeveloped area.
× 2. He lives in a undeveloped environment
✓ 2. He lives in an undeveloped environment.
✓ 1. He lives in an undeveloped area.
× 2. He lives in a undeveloped environment
✓ 2. He lives in an undeveloped environment.
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? Keep the surroundings quiet helps me when i study
“I like to study in a quiet space, it helps me to focus better.”
“I prefer a quiet space to study, it helps me to stay focused.”
“I like my surrounding to be quiet when I study, because it helps me to focus.
“I prefer a quiet space to study, it helps me to stay focused.”
“I like my surrounding to be quiet when I study, because it helps me to focus.
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? "I started twerking and all surroundings' attentions fell on me."
"I started twerking and all eyes were on me".
"I started twerking and I/that grabbed the attention of everyone around me".
"I started twerking and I/that grabbed the attention of everyone around me".
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? Mind is changed by surroundings simply.
Maybe: "My thinking was simply changed by my surroundings"
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? Scan the surroundings for danger
The sentence and grammar is correct. Though it sounds text book like and not casual conversation
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