Imbolc - February 2nd

Imbolc is mentioned in some of the earliest Irish literature. It is believed that it was originally a pagan festival associated with the goddess Brighid and it was Christianized as a festival of Saint Brighid., .At Imbolc, Brighid's crosses were made and a doll-like figure of Brighid, called a Brídeóg, would be paraded from house-to-house. Brighid was said to visit one's home at Imbolc to bless the home and livestock.
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The Goddess Brighid………..
Name: Brighid/ Brigit/ Bríd/ Brigid / Bride Race: Tuatha Dé Danann Properties: Healing, Fertility, Smithcraft, Poetry, Midwifery/Childbirth, Herbalism, Hearth Fire, Inspiration Lesser Properties: Agriculture Father: The Dagda Husband: Bres Mac Elatha Consort: Turenn son of Oghma Sons: Brian, Iuchar & Iucharba (Gods of Poetry) by Turenn Grandson: Ecne (God of Knowledge) Associated Deities: Danu Festival: Imbolc (1st February) Season: Spring Element: Fire
Painting Dreams
Brigid Wolf Maiden --- From frozen winter wilds come through; To wake from sleep all life anew. Wolf Spirit-path finder Brigid Goddess - fire bringer, Come light our ways, Come warm our days, The Imbolc spark of life is come! Blessings brought by Brigid's swan! (by Wendy Andrew)