Jurij Woloshyn
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Papers by Jurij Woloshyn
The study concludes that the proportion of widows and widowers in the marital status composition of the citizens in total was equal to the general European trend − thepercentage of widows was much higher than of widowers, widows more often than widowers lived in the central part of the city, most widows were women in the childbearing age, while widowers were usually old men.
By the social affiliation, widows were usually citizens, while widowers − Cossacks. The largest micro group of Poltava widows consisted of the maids who lived in the yards of wealthy townspeople in the downtown area. The financial position of both groups was not the same. Among them, there were quite wealthy individuals, and relatively poor as well.
The study concludes that the proportion of widows and widowers in the marital status composition of the citizens in total was equal to the general European trend − thepercentage of widows was much higher than of widowers, widows more often than widowers lived in the central part of the city, most widows were women in the childbearing age, while widowers were usually old men.
By the social affiliation, widows were usually citizens, while widowers − Cossacks. The largest micro group of Poltava widows consisted of the maids who lived in the yards of wealthy townspeople in the downtown area. The financial position of both groups was not the same. Among them, there were quite wealthy individuals, and relatively poor as well.
Монографія присвячена церковно-адміністративній одиниці Київської православної митрополії другої половини XVIII cт. – Пирятинській протопопії. Автор спробував подивитись на її мешканців як на локальну спільноту, об’єднану не лише за військово-політичним принципом (полково-сотенний устрій), а й за релігійним. У книзі розглянуто простір протопопії, вивчаються особливості її церковного адміністрування. The protopopiya united 65 parishes, most of which dated back to the 17th century. All of these churches were made of wood, so they needed to be repaired and rebuilt from time to time. This was usually carried out at the expense of parishioners and settlement owners, who took care of the salvation of their own souls in this way. The city of Pyriatyn, an administrative center of 200 (county division) in Lubny regiments, was chosen as the main city of the protopopiya, obviously not by chance.
Ключові слова
Пирятинська протопопія, Київське християнство, історична демографія, Гетьманщина, соціальна історія
магдебурзького права. Книга розширює знання про чисельність населення міста, його регіональну й станову ідентичність, набір власних імен, які використовували містяни тощо. Вона буде цікавою не лише науковцям, а й широкому колу читачів.