Papers by Dr. Milad Kalantari Shahijan
While Malaysia has a great potential to be an education hub that attracts many international stud... more While Malaysia has a great potential to be an education hub that attracts many international students to pursue their educational dreams in the country, a few empirical studies examined the total experiences of international students’ satisfaction in the public and private higher education institutions. The aim of this study is to measure the international students’ total experience in the Malaysian higher education sector. A theoretical research model is proposed with three identical stages including pre, during and post stages. Specifically, this study proposes that the international student’s total experience model includes university image, students’ expectation, past students experience, information sources and service quality (first stage), and the second stage includes the level of satisfaction and students’ perceived performance. The third stage, post stage, is the last stage includes international student’s continuance intention of further study. A total of 535 questionnaires were collected from international students in Malaysia in order to empirically test the theoretical model using variance based structural equation modeling for the evaluation of measurement and structural model. Statistical results imply that the model explains 65.5% of variances in international student’s continuance intention of further study. Moreover, empirical study illustrates the total experience of international students in public and private universities impacts the individual-perceived value and service quality. Practical and theoretical implications are discussed.
The purpose of this study is to determine SME’s agile supply chain management (ASCM) amon... more Purpose
The purpose of this study is to determine SME’s agile supply chain management (ASCM) among SMEs in manufacturing-related services sector. The study propose that entrepreneurial orientation (EO), participative management style, supplier relations, resource management, just-in-time (JIT) methodology, and technology utilization (TU) are several drivers of ASCM-an effective management decision making approach.
A total of 197 questionnaires were collected among SMEs to empirically test the proposed model. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was employed using partial least squares (PLS) approach to assess measurement and structural model for reflective and formative constructs.
The results reveal that EO, supplier relations, resource management, JIT methodology, TU positively influence ASCM while participative management style is not a predictor toward an effective ASCM. Moreover, EO found as a second order formative construct comprising of innovativeness, risk taking, and proactiveness; and ASCM is a first order formative construct.
Prior literatures regarding SCM have focused mainly on critical success factors of SCM and green SCM. Limited empirical study has examined the influence of EO, participative management style, supplier relations, resource management, JIT methodology and TU on ASCM among SMEs in manufacturing-related services sector.
Prior research has mostly examined the satisfaction, intention, and behavior of users toward tech... more Prior research has mostly examined the satisfaction, intention, and behavior of users toward technology and systems in general, and little research has been dedicated to understanding apps commerce and app stores. Drawing upon the extended model of IT continuance and theory of information overload as a theoretical foundation, the aim of this study is to examine consumer satisfaction, continuous intention, and behavior toward apps shopping. A total of 347 valid questionnaires were collected from experienced consumers with app stores to statistically test the theoretical model using the partial least squares path modelling approach, a structural equation modelling technique. The results show that apps self-efficacy, post-usage usefulness, disconfirmation, facilitating conditions, perceived information overload, apps satisfaction, and apps continuance intention can be used to predict and explain 75.7% of variance in consumer’s continuance behavior in using app stores. The negative and positive causal relationship between constructs, managerial implications, and limitations are discussed.
Considering the moderating impact of age, gender and ethnicity on consumer behavior, the purpose ... more Considering the moderating impact of age, gender and ethnicity on consumer behavior, the purpose of this study is to investigate courier service quality elements and the impact of perceived service quality on overall service quality. A total of 561 valid questionnaire were collected to empirically assess measurement and structural model using partial least square (PLS) path modelling approach. Our results imply that promptness, safety and convenience are the main contributors while accuracy and tangibility do not positively contribute to perceived service quality. In addition, perceived service quality positively influences overall service quality and ethnicity moderates overall service quality but age and gender do not moderate overall service quality. This study is among few attempts to examine courier service quality elements in Malaysia. Contributions, practical implications and limitations are discussed.
Different kinds of media play significant roles in consumer behavior specifically in evaluating a... more Different kinds of media play significant roles in consumer behavior specifically in evaluating and choosing products or services. Actually, consumers are attracted to different kinds of products through a variety of media such as television, newspaper, magazine, internet, printing material, etc. In fact, dissimilarity among male and female in terms of their perceptions and taste clarify the prominent role of gender in this issue and contribute ways in which personality characteristic of audience may shape the kind of media which they choose to be exposed to.
Few researchers have examined travellers’ experience with destinations despite the importance of ... more Few researchers have examined travellers’ experience with destinations despite the importance of their attitudes, behaviour and perception in selecting destinations. Current study aims to examine the relationship between risk perceptions, motivation, information source, travel experience and destination image among experienced international business travellers in Iran. The total number of 234 valid questionnaires was collected from international business travellers and structural equation modelling was employed using partial least squares path-modelling analysis to assess measurement and structural model for reflective constructs. Our empirical results support the negative relationship between destination image and risk perception, travel experience and risk perception while information sources were found to be unrelated to travellers risk perceptions. The results further shown that information sources and destination image, information sources and motivation, motivation and travel experience and destination image are related. However, the partial least squares-multigroup analysis results reveal that the significance of path coefficients differs across various demographic subgroups. Moreover, our results support experience and risk perception as a second-order reflective construct. Practical and theoretical implications are discussed along with a discussion on research limitations.
The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of perceived brand orientation, intercultural ... more The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of perceived brand orientation, intercultural friendship, and university reputation on international students’ course satisfaction and continuance behavioral intention towards the higher education in Malaysia. A total of 348 questionnaires, administered on international students, were collected to empirically test the research model using partial least squares path modeling approach, a structural equation modeling technique for the assessment of measurement and structural model. The empirical results imply that perceived brand orientation and university reputation positively influence course satisfaction and course continuance behavioral intention, while intercultural friendships influences course continuance intention but not course satisfaction. The implications and limitations of research are discussed in the following sections.
Managing the supply chain is not easy, especially when it involves many partners. However, recent... more Managing the supply chain is not easy, especially when it involves many partners. However, recently establishing an agile supply chain has dramatically become significant for managers or executive directors in any organization, especially in meeting the goals of the company and striving to maintain it for a competitive position. The aim of this study is to identify the main factors that have an effect on effective agile supply chain as well as to measure the effects of identified factors on an effective agile supply chain. Agile supply chain is the same supply chain activities. The sole difference is that agile supply chain emphasize on flexibility and response to market.
Typically, consumers have actual concerns about the status and origin of the food at the retail m... more Typically, consumers have actual concerns about the status and origin of the food at the retail market. Even though food related products appear similar to other types of food, the way they are prepared, handled and processed from the origin right up to the retailer’s shop needs effective retailing and marketing strategies. The aim of this study is to determine the factors that affect retailers’ behavior in the food market, to examine the relationship between retailer’s belief, attitude, intention and practice in managing critical points of food compliance for hygiene food. The outcomes of application of the theory of reason action on retailers’ behavioral intention in formulating effective marketing strategies are discussed.
Higher education internationalization has been understood in terms of the interchanging of ideas... more Higher education internationalization has been understood in terms of the interchanging of ideas cultures, knowledge, and values. Internationalization is a significant indicator for quality in higher education which has been attracting the interest of scholars throughout the world. The purpose of this study is to develop a framework of internationalization for the higher education sector in Malaysia. This paper includes a higher education institutions (HEIs) internationalization SWOT analysis for decision making Malaysian international HEIs. The paper reveals that it is important for Malaysia to promote itself as an education hub in South East Asia. However, there are some issues and challenges regarding HEIs internationalization in the Malaysian context. Malaysia should seek comprehensive, attractive and supportive student packages to engage a larger number of international students. Malaysia, like other developing countries, is striving to take its higher educational system to a higher level of performance. This study is among few attempts is conducting SWOT analysis within HEI in Malaysia.
Taylor & Francis , Mar 24, 2015
A few studies have examined destination image (DI), hospital service quality (HSQ), hospital accr... more A few studies have examined destination image (DI), hospital service quality (HSQ), hospital accreditation (HA), patient attitude (PA) on patient satisfaction (PS), revisit intention (RI) and word of mouth (WOM) in a tourism context. The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of medical travelers’ behavioral intention in Iran. A total of 250 questionnaires were distributed with a response rate of 68%. Quantitative techniques were used to test the hypotheses within the structural equation modelling (SEM) using SmartPLS software. Our statistical results support the positive relationship between DI and PS, HSQ and PA, HSQ and RI, HSQ and WOM, HA and PA, PA and PS, PS and RI, and PS and WOM. However, the relationship between DI and PA, DI and RI, HA and PS, and HA and WOM were not supported. The research contribution, implication, and limitation are discussed.
If you would like t o writ e for t his, or any ot her Emerald publicat ion, t hen please use our ... more If you would like t o writ e for t his, or any ot her Emerald publicat ion, t hen please use our Emerald for Aut hors service informat ion about how t o choose which publicat ion t o writ e for and submission guidelines are available for all. Please visit www.emeraldinsight .com/ aut hors for more informat ion.
Books by Dr. Milad Kalantari Shahijan
The development of Apps usage in the tourism industry is along with the rise of relevant technolo... more The development of Apps usage in the tourism industry is along with the rise of relevant technologies that has affected the tourism industry all around the world. In order to build a competitive brand, firms are forced to implement the information technology related functions in their core business model. This chapter mainly focuses on the impact of Apps implementation in hospitality and tourism sector and conceptually propose that how branded Apps could yield tourist satisfaction and loyalty. Apps awareness, Apps quality and Apps ...
Papers by Dr. Milad Kalantari Shahijan
The purpose of this study is to determine SME’s agile supply chain management (ASCM) among SMEs in manufacturing-related services sector. The study propose that entrepreneurial orientation (EO), participative management style, supplier relations, resource management, just-in-time (JIT) methodology, and technology utilization (TU) are several drivers of ASCM-an effective management decision making approach.
A total of 197 questionnaires were collected among SMEs to empirically test the proposed model. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was employed using partial least squares (PLS) approach to assess measurement and structural model for reflective and formative constructs.
The results reveal that EO, supplier relations, resource management, JIT methodology, TU positively influence ASCM while participative management style is not a predictor toward an effective ASCM. Moreover, EO found as a second order formative construct comprising of innovativeness, risk taking, and proactiveness; and ASCM is a first order formative construct.
Prior literatures regarding SCM have focused mainly on critical success factors of SCM and green SCM. Limited empirical study has examined the influence of EO, participative management style, supplier relations, resource management, JIT methodology and TU on ASCM among SMEs in manufacturing-related services sector.
Books by Dr. Milad Kalantari Shahijan
The purpose of this study is to determine SME’s agile supply chain management (ASCM) among SMEs in manufacturing-related services sector. The study propose that entrepreneurial orientation (EO), participative management style, supplier relations, resource management, just-in-time (JIT) methodology, and technology utilization (TU) are several drivers of ASCM-an effective management decision making approach.
A total of 197 questionnaires were collected among SMEs to empirically test the proposed model. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was employed using partial least squares (PLS) approach to assess measurement and structural model for reflective and formative constructs.
The results reveal that EO, supplier relations, resource management, JIT methodology, TU positively influence ASCM while participative management style is not a predictor toward an effective ASCM. Moreover, EO found as a second order formative construct comprising of innovativeness, risk taking, and proactiveness; and ASCM is a first order formative construct.
Prior literatures regarding SCM have focused mainly on critical success factors of SCM and green SCM. Limited empirical study has examined the influence of EO, participative management style, supplier relations, resource management, JIT methodology and TU on ASCM among SMEs in manufacturing-related services sector.