Talks by Manuela Ronci
La Riserva Naturale Orientata " Laghetti di Marinello " è una porzione ridotta di territorio che ... more La Riserva Naturale Orientata " Laghetti di Marinello " è una porzione ridotta di territorio che presenta molte delle caratteristiche del paesaggio siciliano, dove sono evidenti sovrapposizioni storiche di fenomeni appartenenti ad epoche diverse. La mutevolezza di questo paesaggio, for-se la sua caratteristica più affascinante, è strettamente legata alle azioni antropiche che lo han-no generato. Ad oggi, anche la responsabilità del suo progressivo degrado è di origine antropica e, senza adeguati interventi, lo sarà anche della sua scomparsa, con conseguente perdita di bio-diversità, fattore che ha contribuito al riconoscimento dell'area come Riserva Naturale Orienta-ta. Questo lavoro procede su due livelli di analisi e di progetto. In una prima fase, sono state indi-viduate le potenzialità e le criticità per sviluppare un progetto di massima di promozione e valo-rizzazione territoriale a scala vasta. Il livello successivo riguarda interventi di conservazione at-tiva, mirati alla salvaguardia ed al miglioramento della fruizione della laguna e del promontorio che la sovrasta. Parole chiave Conservazione attiva, valorizzazione del paesaggio, Marinello, Sicilia. Abstract The " Laghetti di Marinello " Nature Reserve is a small portion of territory that reveals many of the most peculiar features of Sicilian landscape. The fickleness of this place is strictly connected to human actions, that gave birth to this area and might probably lead it soon to an end. This work is focused on two different levels of analysis and planning. Firstly, a territorial enhancement plan was developed on a broad scale. Secondly, a more detailed project was created, featuring interventions of active conservation, to improve and protect the lagoon environment and the promontory above.
Papers by Manuela Ronci
TOPSCAPE Paysage (ISSN 2279-7610), 2023
The redevelopment of Pease Park, the oldest public park in Austin, Texas, is the first tile of a ... more The redevelopment of Pease Park, the oldest public park in Austin, Texas, is the first tile of a broader vision for an important piece of urban green infrastructure. The first phase of the project, by Ten Eyck Landscape Architects, brings the park into the contemporary era by integrating water management solutions, configuring new ecosystems, and defining a rich functional programme. The intervention is the latest chapter in the city’s longstanding effort to balance exponential urban growth with the preservation of high environmental quality.
TOPSCAPE Paysage (ISSN 2279-7610), 2021
Landscape architecture is increasingly required to define new paradigms for sustainable urban dev... more Landscape architecture is increasingly required to define new paradigms for sustainable urban development supported by multifunctional projects: beautiful, inclusive, capable of implementing environmental quality and promoting urban regeneration. This is what James Corner Field Operations’ Taopu Central Park in Shanghai does. It is both a surprising ecological device and a catalyst for development and social aggregation, capable of reconciling elegant aesthetics with a functional programme that responds to the growing needs of contemporary public space.
TOPSCAPE Paysage (ISSN 2279-7610), 2021
On the edge of Perth, an area of 41 hectares characterised by environmental degradation and hydro... more On the edge of Perth, an area of 41 hectares characterised by environmental degradation and hydrogeological instability finds a new and vital identity thanks to the project by HASSELL Studio. Transforming the challenges posed by initial conditions into opportunities, the solution converts an unattractive site into a dynamic and multifunctional space. Going back to Australian aboriginal traditions, the project celebrates the culture of the Whadjuk people, integrating identity and ecological values with the offer of multiple recreational possibilities.
TOPSCAPE Paysage (ISSN 2279-7610), 2021
West 8's project for the Houston Botanic Garden is not just a space serving traditional exhibitio... more West 8's project for the Houston Botanic Garden is not just a space serving traditional exhibition and educational purposes: it is a promise for the future. Indeed, the firm has addressed the most pressing environmental issues, responding to climate change, loss of biodiversity and ecosystem degradation. Supported by a complex participatory process, the project also aims to emphasise the most significant aspects of the territory, promoting the characteristic ecologies of the bayous.
TOPSCAPE PAYSAGE (ISSN 2279-7610), 2022
The project for Al Fay Park, by SLA, has transformed a barren stretch of sand into a lush urban o... more The project for Al Fay Park, by SLA, has transformed a barren stretch of sand into a lush urban oasis in the centre of Abu Dhabi. Through a bold design gesture, the Danish firm reversed the trend that, in recent decades, has directed the image renewal of UAE cities at the expense of valuable habitats. Through the evocation of native nature, the project has translated the goal of conserving biodiversity into a design tool capable of providing several environmental and social benefits
TOPSCAPE Paysage (ISSN 2279-7610), 2022
The redesign of Waterloo Park is the first phase of a larger project to redevelop Waller Creek in... more The redesign of Waterloo Park is the first phase of a larger project to redevelop Waller Creek in the heart of Austin, Texas. The project by Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates and dwg. transformed the existing park, emphasising the presence of water as an element capable of generating spatial variety. Thanks to the articulation of ecosystems suitable for different species and the rich functional programme, Waterloo park intends to be the trigger for a broader urban regeneration process.
The “Laghetti di Marinello” Nature Reserve is a small portion of territory that reveals many of t... more The “Laghetti di Marinello” Nature Reserve is a small portion of territory that reveals many of the most peculiar features of Sicilian landscape. The fickleness of this place is strictly connected to human actions, that gave birth to this area and might probably lead it soon to an end. This work is focused on two different levels of analysis and planning. Firstly, a territorial enhancement plan was developed on a broad scale. Secondly, a more detailed project was created, featuring interventions of active conservation, to improve and protect the lagoon environment and the promontory above.
TOPSCAPE Paysage (ISSN 2279-7610), 2020
In the contemporary city, the concept of Botanical Garden has taken on new forms, functions and a... more In the contemporary city, the concept of Botanical Garden has taken on new forms, functions and aims, compared to historical models. Once spaces dedicated exclusively to the collection of species exhibited for scientific and educational purposes and for their aesthetic value, botanical gardens have become places permeated with a new awareness of the preservation of landscape. Thus, educational purpose merges with the functions of the public space, articulated into a sequence of areas dedicated to activities and events for the community. Taylor Cullity Lethlean 's Bendigo Botanic Garden for the Future is a novel example of this new paradigm: here the display of a botanical selection is combined with a narrative aimed at emphasising the peculiar local identity. The very theme of the composition, the construction of a "Garden for the future", is expressed through a project in continuous evolution, which can adapt to today’s increasingly sudden climatic changes.
RI-VISTA, 2: 162-177, 2017
La Riserva Naturale Orientata "Laghetti di Marinello" è una porzione ridotta di territorio che pr... more La Riserva Naturale Orientata "Laghetti di Marinello" è una porzione ridotta di territorio che presenta molte delle caratteristiche del paesaggio siciliano, dove sono evidenti sovrapposizioni storiche di fenomeni appartenenti ad epoche diverse. La mutevolezza di questo paesaggio, for-se la sua caratteristica più affascinante, è strettamente legata alle azioni antropiche che lo han-no generato. Ad oggi, anche la responsabilità del suo progressivo degrado è di origine antropica e, senza adeguati interventi, lo sarà anche della sua scomparsa, con conseguente perdita di bio-diversità, fattore che ha contribuito al riconoscimento dell'area come Riserva Naturale Orienta-ta. Questo lavoro procede su due livelli di analisi e di progetto. In una prima fase, sono state indi-viduate le potenzialità e le criticità per sviluppare un progetto di massima di promozione e valo-rizzazione territoriale a scala vasta. Il livello successivo riguarda interventi di conservazione at-tiva, mirati alla salvaguardia ed al miglioramento della fruizione della laguna e del promontorio che la sovrasta. Parole chiave Conservazione attiva, valorizzazione del paesaggio, Marinello, Sicilia. Abstract The "Laghetti di Marinello" Nature Reserve is a small portion of territory that reveals many of the most peculiar features of Sicilian landscape. The fickleness of this place is strictly connected to human actions, that gave birth to this area and might probably lead it soon to an end. This work is focused on two different levels of analysis and planning. Firstly, a territorial enhancement plan was developed on a broad scale. Secondly, a more detailed project was created, featuring interventions of active conservation, to improve and protect the lagoon environment and the promontory above.
Books by Manuela Ronci
Gabbianelli A., Rinaldi B. M., Salizzoni E. (Eds.) "Nature in città. Biodiversità e progetto di paesaggio in Italia" (ISBN 978-88-15-29353-4), 2021
Conference Presentations by Manuela Ronci
[ECLAS conference 2022] Scales of change: conference proceedings: commemorating 50 years of Landscape Architecture study programme at University of Ljubljana (ISBN 978-961-6379-81-6), 2023
Biodiversity loss is a major global concern, strictly connected to heterogeneous phenomena occurr... more Biodiversity loss is a major global concern, strictly connected to heterogeneous phenomena occurring at various spatial and temporal levels. A multiscale approach to biodiversity conservation is therefore crucial to better understand and manage ecological dynamics and processes.Among the many cities that are worldwide adopting biodiversity-aimed policies, Chicago stands for its forward-looking approach to environmental conservation, whose antecedents can be found at the turn of the 20th century, when the Forest Preserves of Cook County were established. The institution of this system of protected sites became the framework for the foundation of the regional alliance Chicago Wilderness in 1996, aimed at implementing the quality of delicate ecosystems and conservation areas. In 1999 the alliance produced an innovative document for that time: the Biodiversity Recovery Plan (BRP) for the greater Chicago region. It was followed in 2004 by its spatial representation, the Green Infrastructure Vision, that identified priority areas to be protected, restored, and connected.In order to translate the BRP regional goals at the urban level, in 2006 the City of Chicago developed its first Nature and Wildlife plan (updated in 2011) to preserve and restore habitats within the city. Proposing the experience of Chicago as a best practice, the paper addresses the complex system of tools adopted to tackle the loss of biological diversity from regional to municipal level. Through the analysis of three contemporary landscape architecture projects implemented in Chicago, the paper intends to highlight the productive and mutual influence of landscape planning and design in biodiversity conservation.
Talks by Manuela Ronci
Papers by Manuela Ronci
Books by Manuela Ronci
Conference Presentations by Manuela Ronci