Post Punk Industrial

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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Inca Ore / Grouper – Inca Ore / Grouper Split CD

Posting Grouper last night made me do some poking around and I realized I couldn’t find the split she did with Inca Ore.

Both these artists are on the lo fi/fok/psych dreampop territory here.

This is good listnin’ for those who enjoy soundtrack to their gloomy/wistful/doomy moods, A good chunck of my audience here I’d imagine.

Get it from my Google Drive HERE

grouper inca ore psych gloom dreampop goth adjacent lofi dark folk but not shitty neofolk

VIZ - Danse des Larmes

Bandcamp HERE

viz experimental electronic ambient synth dreampop adjacent goth adjacent Bandcamp dark ambient

Berlin Super 80 (Music & Film Underground West Berlin 1978 - 1984)

Berlin super 80 was a DVD curated program of eighteen short films shot in Super 8 by West German experimental film makers between 1978 and 1984. Featuring music by Malaria, Reflections, Einstürzende Neubauten, Frieder Butzmann and Die Tödliche Doris.

It was accompanied by a CD of music from that era that included Mona Mur,  P1/E, Sentimentale Jugend w/ Einstürzende Neubauten and more.

I finally got around to fixing this.

The DVD and the CD are included here along with 1 or two extras

Get it from my Google Drive HERE

Tracklsting below the cut

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industrial Experimental ndw neue deutsche welle mona mur malaria! malaria p1/e din a testbild Einstürzende Neubauten einsturzende neubauten neubauten sprung aus den wolken