Papers by Barnabas Guitman
A Kaukázustól a Lajtáig : Apokaliptika, identitás, történelem és művelődés Közép- és Kelet-Európában , 2023
In: Bank, Barbara; Kovács, Bálint; Medgyesy S., Norbert; Millei, Mónika. (szerk.) A Kaukázustól a... more In: Bank, Barbara; Kovács, Bálint; Medgyesy S., Norbert; Millei, Mónika. (szerk.) A Kaukázustól a Lajtáig : Apokaliptika, identitás, történelem és művelődés Közép- és Kelet-Európában. Budapest, Magyarország : L'Harmattan Kiadó (2023) pp. 393-399.
URBS. Magyar várostörténeti Évkönyv XV. , 2021
The Tasks and Responsibilities of the Magistrate in the Light of Leonhard Stöckel’s Doctrine of t... more The Tasks and Responsibilities of the Magistrate in the Light of Leonhard Stöckel’s Doctrine of the Government
In the 16th century, after the Turkish conquest and the Battle of Mohács, the Hungarian Kingdom sank into a political and economic crisis due to civil war conditions.
However, these did not lead to instant ideological, cultural, and religious decay. The strengthened cultural networks of the late mediaeval period, which connected the Hungarian Kingdom to the rest of Europe, continued to operate and were expanded with new elements after the Reformation. The most important elements in this network were doubtless the German-speaking urban citizens, who had especially tight economic and family relations with Southern Polish, Moravian, Silesian, Austrian towns. Through them the most modem intellectual movements not only got to Hungary but found a fertile ground to prosper.
My research focuses on the history of the once Upper Hungarian free royal town of Bártfa (Bardejov), which is now in Slovakia. One of the most important people born here was Leonhard Stöckel, who - after his studies in Wittenberg - returned to his hometown and headed the school in Bártfa following the Melanchtonian model. In addition to teaching, Leonhard Stöckel wrote several works, mainly for educational purposes, most of which were published posthumously, while a smaller part remained in manuscript form.
Although Stöckel did not write a separate book about the system of government, unlike his former teacher and friend Valentin Eck, from some chapters of his work it can be reconstructed what he thought about governance and about the tasks and responsibilities of the magistrate. The teachings of the schoolmaster from Bártfa about governance and state follow the track of thought of Melanchthon. Although these principles could not be fully implemented in the governance of the city, they served as a kind of benchmark for the city leaders.
Kónya, Peter - Kónyová, Annamária (ed.): Egyház és vallás a koraújkori Magyarországon. Prešov, Vydavatelstvo Prešovskej univerzity , 2020
The outline of the early modern history of Christianity in the Liptov county.
The article focuses... more The outline of the early modern history of Christianity in the Liptov county.
The article focuses on the sources as well as on some characteristic cases of the role played by Chritianty in the life of the Liptoy county, especially in the 16th century. Based on the local sources, since we are talking about a very diverse confessional space, it is possible to examine the documents that were created during the activities of both Catholic and Evangelical church reprecentatives. Both Catholic and Evangelical church visitations from the 16th and 17th centuries have been preserved. The documents of the Liptov county proved to be a surprisingly well-usable source base from the point of view of church and historical interest. It documents, with several characteristic examples, the contradiction ofthe time period, the evangelical church congregations, firs prosperous and later declining under the pressure of external violence, or general moral decay as a peculiarity of turbulent times.
Studia Habsburgica, 2, 2021
Le réseau urbain à l'époque moderne à travers l'exemple de la ville libre royale de Bartfeld (Bar... more Le réseau urbain à l'époque moderne à travers l'exemple de la ville libre royale de Bartfeld (Bardejov) en Haute-Hongrie
Le but de cette contribution est de replacer la ville de Bartfeld en Haute-Hongrie – aujourd'hui en Slovaquie – dans le contexte général européen du xvie siècle et d’étudier la question des réseaux auxquels la ville se trouvait intégrée. L'étude se fonde principalement sur la correspondance du conseil municipal conservée dans les archives de la ville. Après avoir expliqué le concept de « ville royale libre » afin d'identifier le groupe dans lequel le commerce de cette ville s'inscrit, on présentera les réseaux dans lesquels Bartfeld était active: d’un côté elle était membre de l’union des villes royales libres de Haute-Hongrie, appelée Pentapolis, pour défendre ses intérêts économiques, politiques et confessionnels, de l'autre elle appartenait au groupe des villes luthériennes, qui s’allièrent du point de vue religieux et culturel à d'autres villes luthériennes en Europe. Finalement, la ville appartenait d’un point de vue économique à l’espace économique d'Europe centrale à travers lequel Bartfeld entretenait des échanges intenses avec le sud de la Pologne, ce qui permet de retracer un instant de son histoire comme exemple de petite ville de la monarchie habsbourgeoise.
Magyar Szemle, 2019
Jelen írás célja, hogy a teljesség igénye nélkül néhány jellemző példát felvonultatva, illúziók n... more Jelen írás célja, hogy a teljesség igénye nélkül néhány jellemző példát felvonultatva, illúziók nélkül szóljon a Rákóczi-felkelés alatti felekezeti konfliktusokról, amelyek miatt az egységes állam megteremtésére irányuló kísérlet szinte lehetetlen vállalkozás volt.
New research results on the history of reformation in Bardejov
Despite the fact that the reform... more New research results on the history of reformation in Bardejov
Despite the fact that the reformation of Upper Hungary is a very important chapter in the history of religion not only in but even outside the Carpathian Basin, our knowledge about the reformation of this region, and Bardejov in it, is rather incomplete. In many cases, the story constituted by historical and academic writings turns out to be a constructed narrative mixing real and false elements. The first part of this paper outlines new results based on the examination of contemporary sources: on one hand in connection with pastors ministering in Bardejov, and on the other hand about the formation of texts of confession and regulations.
The second part of the paper deals with the theoretical frames (Confessionalisation paradigma, long reformation) that can be applied in interpreting the processes under discussion in the reformation history of the Hungarian Kingdom.
Keywords: Bardejov, Confessionalisation, long reformation, reformation history, town history, Upper Hungary
Acta Univ. Sapientiae, European and Regional Studies, 2019
The cultural networks connecting Hungary to other parts of Europe, having developed in the late m... more The cultural networks connecting Hungary to other parts of Europe, having developed in the late mediaeval period, worked on in the 16 th century, and new points of contact were also formed after the Reformation. The most important elements in this network were the German-speaking citizens of the towns of the Hungarian Kingdom. This paper focuses on Leonhard Stöckel, born in the free royal town of Bardejov, Upper Hungary, who studied in Wittenberg and then returned home and headed the urban school according to Melanchthon's model. Besides teaching, he wrote several works, mainly for educational purposes, most of which were published only after his death, while a smaller part remained in manuscript form. From the chapters of his works, it can be clearly seen what he thought of governance, of the tasks and responsibility of the magistrate .
Az Ausztriai-házból származó kora újkori magyar királyok a hazai történeti emlékezetben távoli, g... more Az Ausztriai-házból származó kora újkori magyar királyok a hazai történeti emlékezetben távoli, gyakran ellenszenves hatalmasságként jelennek meg. A kiadvány célja, hogy az uralkodók vallásosságát, kegyességi gyakorlatát vizsgálva közelebb hozza az olvasóhoz e letűnt korszak szemléletmódját, azt az eszményt, amelynek őszintén igyekeztek megfelelni a XVI-XVII. század királyai.
ISBN: 9789632778358
Világtörténet, 2019
This study was born from t... more THE INTERNATIONAL BACKGROUND OF THE OTTOMAN WAR IN HUNGARY, 1547–1556
This study was born from the common thinking of several professionals. As experts specialized in certain areas, authors have long been concerned with the challenge, that the studies about the so-called “Castle Sieges Period” (1550–1552) — as part of the national pantheon — are focusing just on the Hungarian heroic legends. Our historiography already explored in a detailed way the Hungarian military events in the years under discussion, but remained debtor with a cardinal question: what is the international context of the happenings in Hungary in the middle of the 16th century? Is it possible to study that independently from the History of Europe? The failure of the Hungarian unification of 1550–56 can be treated as a local matter? Our writing attempts to shed light on the fact that in the middle of the 16th century not only the Habsburg–Valois dynastic conflict was in strong correlation with the Ottoman military expansion in Hungary, but also a number of significant or less significant European powers were involved in the fightings as part of dynastic alliances systems. Thus, for various reasons, but in a coherent manner, there were many fronts from Germany through the Mediterranean and Italy to the Persian Gulf, which had direct or indirect influences on each other. The Hungarian Kingdom was just one of these, and everything that happened in the Carpathian Basin can only be understood from this broader European and Mediterranean perspective.
Die Schichten der protestantischen Erinnerung an die Reformation im Komitat Scharosch. In dieser ... more Die Schichten der protestantischen Erinnerung an die Reformation im Komitat Scharosch. In dieser Arbeit versuche ich jene schriftlichen Überlieferungen kritisch zu betrachten, die sich auf die örtlichen Ereignisse im Komitat Scharosch in den ersten fünfzig Jahren nach Luthers Auftritt beziehen. Im Komitat gab es drei königliche Freistädte: Eperies (Eperjes/Prešov), Bartfeld (Bártfa/Bardejov) und Zeben (Kisszeben/Sabinov). Von diesen Städten konzentriert sich der Beitrag in erster Linie auf Bartfeld, aber in begründeten Fällen werden auch die anderen Städte berücksichtigt.
Zunächst werden jene Quellen dargestellt, die zur Zeit oder um die Zeit der beschriebenen Ereignisse entstanden. Diese Überlieferungen kann man nicht nur oftmals als Selbstreflexion betrachten, sondern diese Arbeiten stellten auch der späteren Tradition zahlreiche Annäherungsweisen bereit. Überblicksartig stelle ich auch die im letzten Drittel und um die Wende des 16 Jahrhunderts entstandenen Schriften dar, die einerseits auf die internen konfessionellen Kämpfe, anderseits auf die zunehmenden gegenreformatorischen Maßnahmen der Wiener Regierung reflektierten. In der Analyse wurden des Weiteren die historischen Werke von jenen evangelischen Autoren wie Joannes Ribini oder Johann Samuel Klein berücksichtigt, die im 18. Jahrhundert tätig waren. Abschließend untersuche ich, welche Elemente des historischen Kanons in der Beschreibung der im Komitat Scharosch anlässlich des Jubiläumsjahres 1817 veranstalteten Festlichkeiten hervorgehoben wurden.
Als Ergebnis dieses kurzen Überblicks ist festzustellen, dass der seit Jahrhunderten überlieferte, bis zum heutigen Tag aufrechterhaltene historische Kanon vorwiegend als ein Konstrukt zu betrachten ist, das im späten 16. Jahrhundert entstand und das jegliche Ansprüche auf Zuverlässigkeit und historische Authentizität außer Acht lässt.
Magyar Szemle, 2018
Az alábbi írás a szerző Kolozsváron és Eperjesen 2017-ben elhangzott konferencia előadásainak sze... more Az alábbi írás a szerző Kolozsváron és Eperjesen 2017-ben elhangzott konferencia előadásainak szerkesztett változata.
Hol a határ? Korszakok rétegződése, illúzió és folytonosság "The self-delusion lies primarily in ... more Hol a határ? Korszakok rétegződése, illúzió és folytonosság "The self-delusion lies primarily in the fact that the study of history claims repeatedly that one can sort out the life of earlier centuries by a vocabulary of epochsset phrases such as »late medieval«, »Renaissance«, »age of reforms«, »old Europe« or »early-modern era«. Such labelling according to epochs engenders the false impression that we can express the universality and totality of forms of life in an era by reducing it to a single concept; in other words, that one can encapsulate everything in general or at least a predominant orientation." Bernd Hamm 257 Ha a Krisztus születését követő 1500. év táján megkérdeztek a nyugati keresztény világban egy tanultabb polgárt, főnemest, egyházi méltóságviselőt, hogy milyen történeti korszakban zajlanak a korabeli jelen történései, akkor nagy valószínűséggel azt a választ adta a megkérdezett, hogy a teremtett világ története immár másfélezer év óta a hatodik világkorszakban (sexta aetas mundi) játszódik. Alig kétszáz év múltán viszont ugyanerre a kérdésre -talán kevésbé egységesen, de -többnyire az újkor (aetas nova/moderna) hangzana el feleletként, bár a kifejezés mai korszakjelölő értelmét igazán csak a 19. század első felében nyerte el. Európa, illetve a világ történetének három részre tagolása a korszakelnevezésekkel együtt a hallei retorika-és történelemprofesszor, Christoph Keller -Cellarius -(1638-1707) művei által terjedt el, és vált elfogadottá lassanként az európai történettudományban. Fontos megemlíteni ugyanakkor azt, hogy a homogén idő Cellarius sémájához hasonló három részre tagolása már az ókori auktoroknál is kimutatható, ám ezzel ők sosem jelöltek (világ)történeti korszakokat. Az antikvitásban a világkorszakok egy elképzelt, vélt és visszavágyott 257 Berndt Hamm: Farewell to epochs in Reformation history: a plea. Reformation and Renaissance Review, 2014/3. 222.
Lymbus Magyarságtudományi Forrásközlemények, 2017
This paper examines the written sources concerning the legend of the Lutheran martyrs of Ľubietov... more This paper examines the written sources concerning the legend of the Lutheran martyrs of Ľubietová. Unfortunately, any contemporary sources relating to the facts and events of 1526 and 1527 are not known today. Through the centuries the authenticity of the legend depended on whether the author describing it was Catholic or Protestant. The first references to the story appear from the second half of the sixteenth century in polemic literature. Then, from the seventeenth century, mainly Protestant writers and historians mentioned the events in greater detail. The most elaborated sources of the story of the pastor and teacher of Ľubietová are the following: a description attributed to Leonhard Stöckel from the beginning of the seventeenth century, and an entry by Štefan Xylander in the manuscript titled Matricula Molleriana. This paper also examines the differences between these two texts.
Jacob Heraclid and an attempt at confessionalization of Moldova
Jacob Heraclid (Despot Voda, †156... more Jacob Heraclid and an attempt at confessionalization of Moldova
Jacob Heraclid (Despot Voda, †1563) died 450 years ago. In this paper I recall the stations of the adventurous life of this ruler of Moldova, judged contradictorily in history. In my opinion, the significance of Heraclid, who was of Greek origin, and who went about a great part of Europe (France, the Low Countries, North-Germany, Denmark, Prussia, Poland, Hungarian Kingdom, Transylvania), is in the fact that he was the first and only in the early modern period who, as the ruler of a basically orthodox country, tried to carry out a protestant confessionalization from above. He thought, but wrongly, that he would be able to stabilize the uncertain position of the Moldavian voivodes by reformation, which he got to know in Wittenberg, Denmark and in the court of the Lithuanian lord, Mikołaj Radziwiłł. In this ambition of his he could rely on Polish protestant elite – Moldova’s only protestant bishop was a Pole –, and also Saxon and Hungarian, partly protestant burgesses of Moldavian towns could have been mediators of this cultural transfer promoted from above in case of Heraclid’s successful reign. Finally the despot’s failure was caused by trying to find money by all means for the higher taxes for the Turks, by enemy neighbours and by losing the support of the orthodox Rumanian majority.
In appendix I disclose two letters, so far unpublished, by Heraclid from the Archives of Bardejov, which he wrote to the town’s magistrate at the beginning of his first, unsuccessful venture to get hold of Moldova.
Stöckel Lénárd 1 (1510-1560) tevékenysége után kutatva, immár csaknem egy évtizede bukkantam a li... more Stöckel Lénárd 1 (1510-1560) tevékenysége után kutatva, immár csaknem egy évtizede bukkantam a libetbányai (L'ubietová, Szlovákia) evangélikus vértanúk évszázadokon át vitatott történetére. 2 A 17. század elejétől kezdve ugyanis több helyen a bártfai iskolarektort tűntetik fel egy, a libetbányai eseményeket a többi forráshoz képest részletesebben tárgyaló beszámoló szerzőjeként. A helyi tanító és lelkész kivégzésére utaló az eseményekkel egy időben keletkezett forrást ugyanakkor mindez idáig nem találtam. A történet hitele, értékelése évszázadokon át attól függött, hogy katolikus vagy protestáns szerző számolt-e be róla. A korábbi katolikus álláspontot a 19. századból jól tükrözi az Új Magyar Sionban megjelent cikk, ahol a szerző így fogalmaz: "Nem is tudunk egyetlen egy példát arra is, hogy Magyarországon valaki 1526 után protestáns hite miatt halállal bűnhődött volna." 3 A 20. század elején úgy tűnt kiegyenlítődtek az álláspontok, s Payr Sándor elégedetten jelentette ki, hogy a vita véglegesen lezárult. 4 A későbbiekben Szekfű Gyula, aztán Hermann Egyed és Heckenast Gusztáv egyaránt hitelt adott a történetnek, bár egyikük sem tért ki a különböző tudósítások ellentmondó adataira, viszont mindhárman úgy vélték, hogy a kemény büntetés oka nem a Luther tanaihoz való ragaszkodás, hanem sokkal inkább a bányászmozgalomban való részvétel volt. 5 Ismereteim szerint az első olyan tanulmány, amely alaposan utánajárt a libetbányai lelkész és tanító vértanúságának, és <42> kísérletet tett a kora újkori, újkori vonatkozó tudósítások között az eligazodásra, a szlovákiai Peter Ratkoš tollából 1
Papers by Barnabas Guitman
In the 16th century, after the Turkish conquest and the Battle of Mohács, the Hungarian Kingdom sank into a political and economic crisis due to civil war conditions.
However, these did not lead to instant ideological, cultural, and religious decay. The strengthened cultural networks of the late mediaeval period, which connected the Hungarian Kingdom to the rest of Europe, continued to operate and were expanded with new elements after the Reformation. The most important elements in this network were doubtless the German-speaking urban citizens, who had especially tight economic and family relations with Southern Polish, Moravian, Silesian, Austrian towns. Through them the most modem intellectual movements not only got to Hungary but found a fertile ground to prosper.
My research focuses on the history of the once Upper Hungarian free royal town of Bártfa (Bardejov), which is now in Slovakia. One of the most important people born here was Leonhard Stöckel, who - after his studies in Wittenberg - returned to his hometown and headed the school in Bártfa following the Melanchtonian model. In addition to teaching, Leonhard Stöckel wrote several works, mainly for educational purposes, most of which were published posthumously, while a smaller part remained in manuscript form.
Although Stöckel did not write a separate book about the system of government, unlike his former teacher and friend Valentin Eck, from some chapters of his work it can be reconstructed what he thought about governance and about the tasks and responsibilities of the magistrate. The teachings of the schoolmaster from Bártfa about governance and state follow the track of thought of Melanchthon. Although these principles could not be fully implemented in the governance of the city, they served as a kind of benchmark for the city leaders.
The article focuses on the sources as well as on some characteristic cases of the role played by Chritianty in the life of the Liptoy county, especially in the 16th century. Based on the local sources, since we are talking about a very diverse confessional space, it is possible to examine the documents that were created during the activities of both Catholic and Evangelical church reprecentatives. Both Catholic and Evangelical church visitations from the 16th and 17th centuries have been preserved. The documents of the Liptov county proved to be a surprisingly well-usable source base from the point of view of church and historical interest. It documents, with several characteristic examples, the contradiction ofthe time period, the evangelical church congregations, firs prosperous and later declining under the pressure of external violence, or general moral decay as a peculiarity of turbulent times.
Le but de cette contribution est de replacer la ville de Bartfeld en Haute-Hongrie – aujourd'hui en Slovaquie – dans le contexte général européen du xvie siècle et d’étudier la question des réseaux auxquels la ville se trouvait intégrée. L'étude se fonde principalement sur la correspondance du conseil municipal conservée dans les archives de la ville. Après avoir expliqué le concept de « ville royale libre » afin d'identifier le groupe dans lequel le commerce de cette ville s'inscrit, on présentera les réseaux dans lesquels Bartfeld était active: d’un côté elle était membre de l’union des villes royales libres de Haute-Hongrie, appelée Pentapolis, pour défendre ses intérêts économiques, politiques et confessionnels, de l'autre elle appartenait au groupe des villes luthériennes, qui s’allièrent du point de vue religieux et culturel à d'autres villes luthériennes en Europe. Finalement, la ville appartenait d’un point de vue économique à l’espace économique d'Europe centrale à travers lequel Bartfeld entretenait des échanges intenses avec le sud de la Pologne, ce qui permet de retracer un instant de son histoire comme exemple de petite ville de la monarchie habsbourgeoise.
Despite the fact that the reformation of Upper Hungary is a very important chapter in the history of religion not only in but even outside the Carpathian Basin, our knowledge about the reformation of this region, and Bardejov in it, is rather incomplete. In many cases, the story constituted by historical and academic writings turns out to be a constructed narrative mixing real and false elements. The first part of this paper outlines new results based on the examination of contemporary sources: on one hand in connection with pastors ministering in Bardejov, and on the other hand about the formation of texts of confession and regulations.
The second part of the paper deals with the theoretical frames (Confessionalisation paradigma, long reformation) that can be applied in interpreting the processes under discussion in the reformation history of the Hungarian Kingdom.
Keywords: Bardejov, Confessionalisation, long reformation, reformation history, town history, Upper Hungary
ISBN: 9789632778358
This study was born from the common thinking of several professionals. As experts specialized in certain areas, authors have long been concerned with the challenge, that the studies about the so-called “Castle Sieges Period” (1550–1552) — as part of the national pantheon — are focusing just on the Hungarian heroic legends. Our historiography already explored in a detailed way the Hungarian military events in the years under discussion, but remained debtor with a cardinal question: what is the international context of the happenings in Hungary in the middle of the 16th century? Is it possible to study that independently from the History of Europe? The failure of the Hungarian unification of 1550–56 can be treated as a local matter? Our writing attempts to shed light on the fact that in the middle of the 16th century not only the Habsburg–Valois dynastic conflict was in strong correlation with the Ottoman military expansion in Hungary, but also a number of significant or less significant European powers were involved in the fightings as part of dynastic alliances systems. Thus, for various reasons, but in a coherent manner, there were many fronts from Germany through the Mediterranean and Italy to the Persian Gulf, which had direct or indirect influences on each other. The Hungarian Kingdom was just one of these, and everything that happened in the Carpathian Basin can only be understood from this broader European and Mediterranean perspective.
Zunächst werden jene Quellen dargestellt, die zur Zeit oder um die Zeit der beschriebenen Ereignisse entstanden. Diese Überlieferungen kann man nicht nur oftmals als Selbstreflexion betrachten, sondern diese Arbeiten stellten auch der späteren Tradition zahlreiche Annäherungsweisen bereit. Überblicksartig stelle ich auch die im letzten Drittel und um die Wende des 16 Jahrhunderts entstandenen Schriften dar, die einerseits auf die internen konfessionellen Kämpfe, anderseits auf die zunehmenden gegenreformatorischen Maßnahmen der Wiener Regierung reflektierten. In der Analyse wurden des Weiteren die historischen Werke von jenen evangelischen Autoren wie Joannes Ribini oder Johann Samuel Klein berücksichtigt, die im 18. Jahrhundert tätig waren. Abschließend untersuche ich, welche Elemente des historischen Kanons in der Beschreibung der im Komitat Scharosch anlässlich des Jubiläumsjahres 1817 veranstalteten Festlichkeiten hervorgehoben wurden.
Als Ergebnis dieses kurzen Überblicks ist festzustellen, dass der seit Jahrhunderten überlieferte, bis zum heutigen Tag aufrechterhaltene historische Kanon vorwiegend als ein Konstrukt zu betrachten ist, das im späten 16. Jahrhundert entstand und das jegliche Ansprüche auf Zuverlässigkeit und historische Authentizität außer Acht lässt.
Jacob Heraclid (Despot Voda, †1563) died 450 years ago. In this paper I recall the stations of the adventurous life of this ruler of Moldova, judged contradictorily in history. In my opinion, the significance of Heraclid, who was of Greek origin, and who went about a great part of Europe (France, the Low Countries, North-Germany, Denmark, Prussia, Poland, Hungarian Kingdom, Transylvania), is in the fact that he was the first and only in the early modern period who, as the ruler of a basically orthodox country, tried to carry out a protestant confessionalization from above. He thought, but wrongly, that he would be able to stabilize the uncertain position of the Moldavian voivodes by reformation, which he got to know in Wittenberg, Denmark and in the court of the Lithuanian lord, Mikołaj Radziwiłł. In this ambition of his he could rely on Polish protestant elite – Moldova’s only protestant bishop was a Pole –, and also Saxon and Hungarian, partly protestant burgesses of Moldavian towns could have been mediators of this cultural transfer promoted from above in case of Heraclid’s successful reign. Finally the despot’s failure was caused by trying to find money by all means for the higher taxes for the Turks, by enemy neighbours and by losing the support of the orthodox Rumanian majority.
In appendix I disclose two letters, so far unpublished, by Heraclid from the Archives of Bardejov, which he wrote to the town’s magistrate at the beginning of his first, unsuccessful venture to get hold of Moldova.
In the 16th century, after the Turkish conquest and the Battle of Mohács, the Hungarian Kingdom sank into a political and economic crisis due to civil war conditions.
However, these did not lead to instant ideological, cultural, and religious decay. The strengthened cultural networks of the late mediaeval period, which connected the Hungarian Kingdom to the rest of Europe, continued to operate and were expanded with new elements after the Reformation. The most important elements in this network were doubtless the German-speaking urban citizens, who had especially tight economic and family relations with Southern Polish, Moravian, Silesian, Austrian towns. Through them the most modem intellectual movements not only got to Hungary but found a fertile ground to prosper.
My research focuses on the history of the once Upper Hungarian free royal town of Bártfa (Bardejov), which is now in Slovakia. One of the most important people born here was Leonhard Stöckel, who - after his studies in Wittenberg - returned to his hometown and headed the school in Bártfa following the Melanchtonian model. In addition to teaching, Leonhard Stöckel wrote several works, mainly for educational purposes, most of which were published posthumously, while a smaller part remained in manuscript form.
Although Stöckel did not write a separate book about the system of government, unlike his former teacher and friend Valentin Eck, from some chapters of his work it can be reconstructed what he thought about governance and about the tasks and responsibilities of the magistrate. The teachings of the schoolmaster from Bártfa about governance and state follow the track of thought of Melanchthon. Although these principles could not be fully implemented in the governance of the city, they served as a kind of benchmark for the city leaders.
The article focuses on the sources as well as on some characteristic cases of the role played by Chritianty in the life of the Liptoy county, especially in the 16th century. Based on the local sources, since we are talking about a very diverse confessional space, it is possible to examine the documents that were created during the activities of both Catholic and Evangelical church reprecentatives. Both Catholic and Evangelical church visitations from the 16th and 17th centuries have been preserved. The documents of the Liptov county proved to be a surprisingly well-usable source base from the point of view of church and historical interest. It documents, with several characteristic examples, the contradiction ofthe time period, the evangelical church congregations, firs prosperous and later declining under the pressure of external violence, or general moral decay as a peculiarity of turbulent times.
Le but de cette contribution est de replacer la ville de Bartfeld en Haute-Hongrie – aujourd'hui en Slovaquie – dans le contexte général européen du xvie siècle et d’étudier la question des réseaux auxquels la ville se trouvait intégrée. L'étude se fonde principalement sur la correspondance du conseil municipal conservée dans les archives de la ville. Après avoir expliqué le concept de « ville royale libre » afin d'identifier le groupe dans lequel le commerce de cette ville s'inscrit, on présentera les réseaux dans lesquels Bartfeld était active: d’un côté elle était membre de l’union des villes royales libres de Haute-Hongrie, appelée Pentapolis, pour défendre ses intérêts économiques, politiques et confessionnels, de l'autre elle appartenait au groupe des villes luthériennes, qui s’allièrent du point de vue religieux et culturel à d'autres villes luthériennes en Europe. Finalement, la ville appartenait d’un point de vue économique à l’espace économique d'Europe centrale à travers lequel Bartfeld entretenait des échanges intenses avec le sud de la Pologne, ce qui permet de retracer un instant de son histoire comme exemple de petite ville de la monarchie habsbourgeoise.
Despite the fact that the reformation of Upper Hungary is a very important chapter in the history of religion not only in but even outside the Carpathian Basin, our knowledge about the reformation of this region, and Bardejov in it, is rather incomplete. In many cases, the story constituted by historical and academic writings turns out to be a constructed narrative mixing real and false elements. The first part of this paper outlines new results based on the examination of contemporary sources: on one hand in connection with pastors ministering in Bardejov, and on the other hand about the formation of texts of confession and regulations.
The second part of the paper deals with the theoretical frames (Confessionalisation paradigma, long reformation) that can be applied in interpreting the processes under discussion in the reformation history of the Hungarian Kingdom.
Keywords: Bardejov, Confessionalisation, long reformation, reformation history, town history, Upper Hungary
ISBN: 9789632778358
This study was born from the common thinking of several professionals. As experts specialized in certain areas, authors have long been concerned with the challenge, that the studies about the so-called “Castle Sieges Period” (1550–1552) — as part of the national pantheon — are focusing just on the Hungarian heroic legends. Our historiography already explored in a detailed way the Hungarian military events in the years under discussion, but remained debtor with a cardinal question: what is the international context of the happenings in Hungary in the middle of the 16th century? Is it possible to study that independently from the History of Europe? The failure of the Hungarian unification of 1550–56 can be treated as a local matter? Our writing attempts to shed light on the fact that in the middle of the 16th century not only the Habsburg–Valois dynastic conflict was in strong correlation with the Ottoman military expansion in Hungary, but also a number of significant or less significant European powers were involved in the fightings as part of dynastic alliances systems. Thus, for various reasons, but in a coherent manner, there were many fronts from Germany through the Mediterranean and Italy to the Persian Gulf, which had direct or indirect influences on each other. The Hungarian Kingdom was just one of these, and everything that happened in the Carpathian Basin can only be understood from this broader European and Mediterranean perspective.
Zunächst werden jene Quellen dargestellt, die zur Zeit oder um die Zeit der beschriebenen Ereignisse entstanden. Diese Überlieferungen kann man nicht nur oftmals als Selbstreflexion betrachten, sondern diese Arbeiten stellten auch der späteren Tradition zahlreiche Annäherungsweisen bereit. Überblicksartig stelle ich auch die im letzten Drittel und um die Wende des 16 Jahrhunderts entstandenen Schriften dar, die einerseits auf die internen konfessionellen Kämpfe, anderseits auf die zunehmenden gegenreformatorischen Maßnahmen der Wiener Regierung reflektierten. In der Analyse wurden des Weiteren die historischen Werke von jenen evangelischen Autoren wie Joannes Ribini oder Johann Samuel Klein berücksichtigt, die im 18. Jahrhundert tätig waren. Abschließend untersuche ich, welche Elemente des historischen Kanons in der Beschreibung der im Komitat Scharosch anlässlich des Jubiläumsjahres 1817 veranstalteten Festlichkeiten hervorgehoben wurden.
Als Ergebnis dieses kurzen Überblicks ist festzustellen, dass der seit Jahrhunderten überlieferte, bis zum heutigen Tag aufrechterhaltene historische Kanon vorwiegend als ein Konstrukt zu betrachten ist, das im späten 16. Jahrhundert entstand und das jegliche Ansprüche auf Zuverlässigkeit und historische Authentizität außer Acht lässt.
Jacob Heraclid (Despot Voda, †1563) died 450 years ago. In this paper I recall the stations of the adventurous life of this ruler of Moldova, judged contradictorily in history. In my opinion, the significance of Heraclid, who was of Greek origin, and who went about a great part of Europe (France, the Low Countries, North-Germany, Denmark, Prussia, Poland, Hungarian Kingdom, Transylvania), is in the fact that he was the first and only in the early modern period who, as the ruler of a basically orthodox country, tried to carry out a protestant confessionalization from above. He thought, but wrongly, that he would be able to stabilize the uncertain position of the Moldavian voivodes by reformation, which he got to know in Wittenberg, Denmark and in the court of the Lithuanian lord, Mikołaj Radziwiłł. In this ambition of his he could rely on Polish protestant elite – Moldova’s only protestant bishop was a Pole –, and also Saxon and Hungarian, partly protestant burgesses of Moldavian towns could have been mediators of this cultural transfer promoted from above in case of Heraclid’s successful reign. Finally the despot’s failure was caused by trying to find money by all means for the higher taxes for the Turks, by enemy neighbours and by losing the support of the orthodox Rumanian majority.
In appendix I disclose two letters, so far unpublished, by Heraclid from the Archives of Bardejov, which he wrote to the town’s magistrate at the beginning of his first, unsuccessful venture to get hold of Moldova.
Kötetünk néhány rövidebb, kapcsolódó forrás kíséretében először közli magyar nyelven a háború történetét a császári oldal szemszögéből megörökítő Luis de Ávila művét. A könyv elején lévő történeti tanulmányokban a schmalkaldeni háború előzményeinek, lefolyásának és az utána következő évek történéseinek rövid összefoglalása kapott helyet egészen az augsburgi vallásbéke 1555-ös aláírásáig. Külön fejezetek szólnak a hadviselés különböző korabeli módozatairól, Ávila életéről, művének keletkezési körülményeiről. A tanulmányokat és a közölt forrásokat korabeli nyomtatványokból vett metszetek, rajzok, valamint a kötet összeállítója által készített térképvázlatok egészítik ki.