Pázmány Péter Catholic University
Administrative Law
What are the foundations of public service ethics? What is a good ethics code look like? What makes “the Code”? And what will make it applicable? Is the public service globalizing or strengthening in its own nation? Is there... more
In 2010 Hungary was in the fortunate position as the traditions of the Hungarian public law have precedents for the new aims. However, to achieve satisfactory reforms, the administration shall serve the citizens as the legendary inter-war... more
In the following I would like to present the public prosecutors' role at the Supreme Courts through five cases of case law. The Benelux states legal system has long been familiar with the concept of amicus curiae, which goes back to the... more
Education in Hungary: The Article deals with the Right to Education according to the new Hungarian Basic law as well as the levels and meaning of safetiness in education.
The article examines central and local location of indigenous communities, the ways and means of legal proteciton on linguistic communities in Europe and, in the end, asks is there any relevance in decentralisation or subsidiarity today?
(This is a book that is based on a comparative research on the use of minority language in various Central European Countries. The exhasutive research focuses on the official use of languages referring the most current literature, the... more
This paper was published in The Yearbook of Education Law 2017. After a Brief Historical Background, it summarizes the Constitutional Provisions of the Right to Education and the main provisions of Cardinal Acts on Public and Higher... more
Az Amerikai Egyesült Államok egynyelvű ország? Az angol hivatalos nyelve az USA-nak? Ha ezekre a kérdésekre egyelőre nem tudunk még egyértelmű válaszokat adni, ne essünk kétségbe. Az amerikaiak jó része sem tudja a... more
This study examines the citizen-to-citizen and citizen-to state relationship focusing on the use of different languages in society. According to the basic assumption, there is necessarily a kind of competition between the different... more
Ebben a könyvben egyfelől bemutatom az amerikai jogrendszer és jogi kultúra több sajátosságát, amely segíthet megérteni az európai kontinensről nézve sajátos amerikai gondolkodást. Mindenkinek ajánlom a könyvet, aki a latínók nagy... more
Milyen alapokra támaszkodik ma a közszolgálati etika? Milyen a jó etikai szabályozás? Mitől lesz kódex? És mitől lesz alkalmazható? Globalizálódik-e vagy nemzetiesedik a közszolgálat? Van-e értéksemlegesség a közszolgálatban? És még... more
This study examines the citizen-to-citizen and citizen-tostate relationship focusing on the use of different languages in society. According to the basic assumption, there is necessarily a kind of competition between the different... more
Education in Hungary: the centralized regulation of public education began with Maria Theresa (Ratio Educationis, 1777). Subsequently, an intensive change was made during the World War II era and the communism that followed. From 1948... more
Administrative regimes are no longer isolated phenomena: they are constantly confronted with international influences, which shape the internal structure and system of the states. The cooperation between the European Union and the Member... more
Within the Common Core of European Administrative Law Project (CoCEAL), and within the vast field of adjudication, this volume develops one of the most traditional sets of procedures, namely procedures that interfere with the right to... more
This paper examines the role of external tools that support the right to education. Such tools are in focus: bilateral agreement (concordat), decisions of the Constitutional Court, lex spcialis rules, and contractual framwork for private... more